Is There A Law To Pay Taxes?


New Member
He knew what he was getting into. His two previous convictions and jail sentences show that much.

I would respect the man for his convictions had he martyred only himself, but he has drug countless others into a legal nightmare under false pretenses in order to make a tax free buck on book sales and consultations. He would have garnered much more support had he followed a more noble route. Ironically, the royalties to his tax protester books are now owned by the IRS.

Ultimately, the only thing that will bring about an end to income taxes will be a protest by more people than there are jail cells. Not manipulation of the system supported by income tax.
Very well said ... and I agree with most of it.

The government set a good example with Schiff and sent this message as well: "Hey you little people out there ... look what we did with the most famous tax protester on the planet. We gave him a life sentence for publishing books, speaking his mind, and trying to bring down the Marxist tax system that allows us to manipulate the masses by forcing them to conform to the way we tweak the tax code. You little worm ... don't you even try to change the system or we will place our jackboot of power on your neck as well. Don't think we can do it? Schiff was a piker compared to Leona Helmsley and Willy Nelson!"



New Member
Very well said ... and I agree with most of it.

The government set a good example with Schiff and sent this message as well: "Hey you little people out there ... look what we did with the most famous tax protester on the planet. We gave him a life sentence for publishing books, speaking his mind, and trying to bring down the Marxist tax system that allows us to manipulate the masses by forcing them to conform to the way we tweak the tax code. You little worm ... don't you even try to change the system or we will place our jackboot of power on your neck as well. Don't think we can do it? Schiff was a piker compared to Leona Helmsley and Willy Nelson!"

Rant rant rant. Why don't you go back to school and become a tax attourney. That way you could help your fellow man sleaze out of paying taxes. Why, if you are so fevered by this "problem", don't you take on the tax code and refuse to pay. All you do is bitch. Action speaks louder.................


Well-Known Member
Med ... it's not about sleezing out of paying ... it's determining whether we are getting screwed ... if we are not ... why did those so called tax experts react the way they did in the videos provided ... if there is a law ... why didn't the guy collect the 50 grand from
Schiff? Why was Schiff not allow to submit important evidence to his case? Too many questions ... not enough answers ... as usual when it comes to the government :roll:


Well-Known Member
Haven't you heard, the most vigorous construction projects in the country are the building of new prisons. This, the most incarcerated country in the world, is having a rush to completion of numerous new prisons, private ones. That ought to tell us something about this government. The price the government pays per day for each prisoner is approx 60-100 bucks a day. If they created jobs, like rebuilding the infrastructure, they could put all the inmates and prison guards to work for decent wages and save a bundle., But as one can see, housing humans in pens and feeding them slop while gathering 700.00 a week per head, seems like a no brainer for the prison owners Some prisons actually rent out the prisoners to local farmers/merchants for labor.
The prison industrial complex is alive and well in U.S., the profit margins are apparently phenomenal for private prisons; very little overhead (being mostly/entirely subsidized by the government), high demand for cheap labor, and an endless supply of non-violent drug offenders to fill that demand. The role that cheap labor plays in private prisons is much bigger than local farmers and merchants, private prisons are increasingly using their "unique position" to undercut competition in many private industries, when you only have to pay your slave labor .30-.40 cents an hour it's not hard to "win" contracts.

Very well said ... and I agree with most of it.

The government set a good example with Schiff and sent this message as well: "Hey you little people out there ... look what we did with the most famous tax protester on the planet. We gave him a life sentence for publishing books, speaking his mind, and trying to bring down the Marxist tax system that allows us to manipulate the masses by forcing them to conform to the way we tweak the tax code. You little worm ... don't you even try to change the system or we will place our jackboot of power on your neck as well. Don't think we can do it? Schiff was a piker compared to Leona Helmsley and Willy Nelson!"

Thus is the curse of governance Vi, I'd like to be an optimist about the future of the Republic, and the ideals set forth by the constitution, but the deeply cynical part of me laughs and points out the fragility of our rights, the division created by an orchestrated two party system, and the tragic existence of those, on both sides, who wish to erode those rights even further. All we can hope for is that the jackbooted thugs do what those of their caliber are known to do; push people too far.


New Member
Thus is the curse of governance Vi, I'd like to be an optimist about the future of the Republic, and the ideals set forth by the constitution, but the deeply cynical part of me laughs and points out the fragility of our rights, the division created by an orchestrated two party system, and the tragic existence of those, on both sides, who wish to erode those rights even further. All we can hope for is that the jackbooted thugs do what those of their caliber are known to do; push people too far.
I'm with you, man. But if these multi-trillion dollar bailouts won't push the citizens too far, I'm afraid the Republic is lost. Have you been watching the ridiculous hearings with the auto CEOs? Did you watch Face The Nation this morning and listen to Chris Dodd being interviewed? I'm tellin' you .. the guy is a freakin' fascist.

Here's what I'm anticipating: This financial crisis is nothing more than the result of generations of monetary mismanagement by our federal government and their Department of Paper Money, the Federal Reserve. So ... with that in mind, they are using the current "crisis" to ratchet up controls on private industry and on We The People.

One of the suggestions to expect is a revamping of our currency. In fact, I wouldn't be surprized to hear one of our liege lords, probably Dodd, suggest abolishing cash and going completely over to electronic transactions via credit cards. The excuse they'll use will be the tax losses given up to the underground economy, which by the way, is the only true free market we have left. This may sound radical, but this would be the culmination of the Bankers wet dream.



Well-Known Member
They dont have a law "yet" but they will if we dont do something about it...these mother fuckers own each and everyone of us and were letting them own us nobody sees it because they cover it up so good? Or at least were dumb enough to belive the bullshit they put in our doi you actually think them assholes are going to tell us that they have been using our tax money just to use it against us in the long run? Wake up people someone has a plan for us weather your ready to face it or not you need to look into it this isnt bullshit read up david rockefeller and his colleagues are going to own us in a few years we will have no freedom the plan of world government is upon us heave my warning


Well-Known Member
Something you people should look into is the federal reserve and the irs the government does not own or operate them they are a private corporation owned by investment bankers


Well-Known Member
I'm with you, man. But if these multi-trillion dollar bailouts won't push the citizens too far, I'm afraid the Republic is lost. Have you been watching the ridiculous hearings with the auto CEOs? Did you watch Face The Nation this morning and listen to Chris Dodd being interviewed? I'm tellin' you .. the guy is a freakin' fascist.

Here's what I'm anticipating: This financial crisis is nothing more than the result of generations of monetary mismanagement by our federal government and their Department of Paper Money, the Federal Reserve. So ... with that in mind, they are using the current "crisis" to ratchet up controls on private industry and on We The People.

One of the suggestions to expect is a revamping of our currency. In fact, I wouldn't be surprized to hear one of our liege lords, probably Dodd, suggest abolishing cash and going completely over to electronic transactions via credit cards. The excuse they'll use will be the tax losses given up to the underground economy, which by the way, is the only true free market we have left. This may sound radical, but this would be the culmination of the Bankers wet dream.

Those that care wait with bated breath for the fallout from the bailouts, those that don't care or don't know are carrying on, business as usual. I would consider the latter a majority, it hasn't effected them to a great degree, some have tightened their belts, but only those that were on the brink are starving, people that are relying on food banks and charities are going to get hit hard this coming year. It will be some time before the full impact of these actions are evident. Before they are I doubt we'll see too many people expressing outrage at those responsible. People have been comfortable and complacent for some time, it will take more than talking heads on TV to remove them from their comfort zones. Perhaps when the dollar starts to implode and we're out trying to buy bread with stacks of worthless cash, enough people will realize the sham.. Or maybe, like you said, they'll simply go "All this paper money is too heavy, I'll just use my plastic." As bad as it sounds, blood on the streets, is probably the only thing that will capture the attention of enough people to actually make a stand...

But hey, the bright side is that our knowledge of cultivation will pay dividends when we go back to the barter system ;)


Well-Known Member
im all for the barter system and doing away with the federal reserve whats wrong with "quid pro qua" or "this for that" as you would call it... yes we are letting them control us it shouldnt be that way and it dont have to be, we do have the power to end the curuption but none us actually want to actually take a stand instead our lazy asses will sit here and talk about until after its all said and done and theres no longer anything to be done about it... if the world does end anytime soon it will be because every dumb fuck that thought about doing something didnt do shit at the time needed, so now theres the alternative shy away from government and go live in the sticks till one day theres enough of us to go to war with them to declare our independence once again... then in turn we all die trying to fight for something that could of been ended by petition before it even begins...theres a master plan for us in the u.s. or should i say north american union and 3 other unions when combined will form "the new world order"