Recent content by akgrown

  1. akgrown

    AK's Cannabis Cookbook

    any red meat roast will work...also great with pulled pork...where i live milk is 12 bux a gallon and we dont have any publix...certaintly cant afford meat from the grocery store. Some days I swear Im gonna grow Antlers and Fins if I have to eat any more moose and fact Im having...
  2. akgrown

    AK's Cannabis Cookbook

    I still puff a little but Im not much of a cannabis chef anymore, I spend my life as a slave to my fishing lodge not much time for being knee shaking high anymore. GreatWhiteNorth, cant believe your still around haha. Here is a quick one for ya'll to salivate over that Ill prepare for the odd...
  3. akgrown

    AK's Cannabis Cookbook

    Just randomly decided to pop in to rollitup....cannot believe my ol cookbook sub is still online hahahah...awesome.
  4. akgrown

    AK's Cannabis Cookbook

    Hehehe, i cant believe this sticky is still here. been so long since ive been on this site let alone post recipes. Those butter molds look great I always just used a measuring cup and poured 1/4 and 1/2 cup portions into a non stick muffin pan
  5. akgrown

    Good Cock is getting so expensive

    what really getting hard is to find affordable tube steak!! its getting so expensive
  6. akgrown

    Anchorage cops run sting on mj delivery driver

    all he had to do was wait a little longer and he would still be in business. i knew it was gonna get shot down as soon as he advertised in in a news article
  7. akgrown

    What's For Dinner Tonight?

    i made 15 bean soup with ham hocks, simple yet scrumptious.
  8. akgrown

    Alaska Re-Legalization is HAPPENIN!

    i really think it wont pass only because there are so many growers that are gonna go out of business. Now who here is enjoying our bassakwards winter if it snows in july i give up on life!
  9. akgrown

    Alaska RIU'ers... How did you end up in Alaska?

    The girls here are few and far between and if they have been here long enough its hard to find one thats not been passed around between at least 5 or 6 people you know.
  10. akgrown

    Alaska RIU'ers... How did you end up in Alaska?

    Born and Raised and Ill never live anywhere else, besides the 8 years i spent in San Diego Ive been here my entire life all 28 yrs of it lol. After being in Ca im scared to live anywhere else in the lower 48's. And yes I can attest that the fishing here is second to none. Big halibut, big salmon...
  11. akgrown

    Med prices in AK

    i would say the same since its all really black market here, that being said the fact that the price of a 3.5 bag here is 40 and every where else in the country is 50 to 60 I would say your going to make out ok. Just grow your own its easy and now legal for you to do
  12. akgrown

    Rate the last movie you watched 1-10

    Zero Dark Thirty....I give it an 8 out of ten. Great acting, great american Retribution!
  13. akgrown

    carbon fibre ceramic bike brakes

    if your doing serious downhill these might make a difference but if your just an everyday rider or a trail rider then you wont notice much unless you have the old "C" brakes. Most bikes come with discs nowadays. I cant see a reason to spend all that money on carbon fiber parts unless you are...
  14. akgrown

    Have you ever had surgery?

    all i remember was the horrible smell of the bubblegum scented sleeping gas. Everyonce in awhile i will catch a whiff of something that reminds of that and makes me gag. Wake up your groggy, little sore, probably have to piss like a horse i know I did. I have had two ingerhnial (sp?) hernias
  15. akgrown

    Measurements For Brownies

    I replace butter in brownie mix all the time. they come out more fudge like and very rich. From scratch is much more fun and the results are much better ~damn double post~