Alaska Re-Legalization is HAPPENIN!


Well-Known Member
Wazzup AK growers?!?!:bigjoint:

We're at a crossroads here in AK, an awesome one! By this time next year we should be able to grow our own without getting a medical card and without fear of bullshit. Without even the goddamn paranoia!

Why? Well just this afternoon The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana in Alaska turned in 45,000 signatures (just 30,000 needed!) to the state dept of Elections. Its been covered by newspapers across the country ("Alaska next state to legalize?"), and you can read today's story about it here at the Alaska Dispatch:

The tide's turnin!

Here's the initiative proper, please note language stating nothing in the initiative diminishes rights granted under Ravin v. State of Alaska or by the state's med program, I've seen confusion and mis-statements about that in some comment sections... :roll:

Thanks to all at Regulate Marijuana, and all who signed the petition! The next step is to get registered to vote, and then get signed up to vote absentee- you can use the link below. Yes its early but not too soon, plus it's absolutely CRITICAL that we vote on this one, so please make sure you're registered. Thanks all for helping bring an end to the reefer madness!
You gotta love the polling numbers.
Things are looking very good !

Alaskans back legalizing marijuana for recreational use, with 55 percent of voters in support and 39 percent opposed. Among voters under age 30, legalization is even more popular, with 72 percent in support and 26 percent opposed. And it looks like they'll get a chance to vote in August.

Read more here:
You gotta love the polling numbers.
Things are looking very good !

Alaskans back legalizing marijuana for recreational use, with 55 percent of voters in support and 39 percent opposed. Among voters under age 30, legalization is even more popular, with 72 percent in support and 26 percent opposed. And it looks like they'll get a chance to vote in August.

Read more here:

The problem is the group that supports it the most never votes. It was the same thing in 04, I was shocked it didn't pass then. I personally don't like the added government in this proposal, but so be it. I will vote for it, just for the sole reason it's a start.

I don't see us having to many retail stores looking at the price of admission, since AK doesn't have the market like CO. It will be interesting to watch though.
The problem is the group that supports it the most never votes. It was the same thing in 04, I was shocked it didn't pass then. I personally don't like the added government in this proposal, but so be it. I will vote for it, just for the sole reason it's a start.

I don't see us having to many retail stores looking at the price of admission, since AK doesn't have the market like CO. It will be interesting to watch though.

Same here - but the lesser of evils thing.
Yes GWN, its the lesser of 2 evils for sure, I completely agree. And we definitely don't need governmental regulation on a personal-use plant!

And yes Rak on Tur', I think you're right to be skeptical about how our fellow voters'll vote on this. But what about this? According to yesterday's ADN,

"A decade ago, a poll among Alaskans conducted by Ivan Moore Research found that only 38 percent of residents across the state favored decriminalization. That number jumped to 43 percent in 2010, the Anchorage Daily News reported this week, and a survey conducted last year by Public Policy Polling in conjunction with the Marijuana Policy Project determined that a majority of Alaskans — 54 percent — would favor a change in state law. "There has been phenomenal change," Ivan Moore, a pollster and political consultant from the forty-ninth state, told the paper this week."


I'm a cheechako, new to Alaska. While most of the people I've met up here either puff tough or don't care that I do, I also don' yet have my finger on the pulse of rest of the state. Do you think attitudes haven't changed enough to finally get some normalization passed?
I think it will pass, I think the anti legalization crowd that has financial backing is going to actually help it pass. While they do raise some points most of it is just total nonsense that if anything will get the pro votes to show up. If the younger crowd shows up it will win by a landslide.

Here we have such a black market that the final rules for this proposal are going to have to be pretty lax.
i really think it wont pass only because there are so many growers that are gonna go out of business. Now who here is enjoying our bassakwards winter if it snows in july i give up on life!
i really think it wont pass only because there are so many growers that are gonna go out of business. Now who here is enjoying our bassakwards winter if it snows in july i give up on life!
ive given this a lot of thought i used to be against it because it is already pretty much legal for twenty plants. Which is actually better than what they will impose once its legal. I hate to say it but there has been to many roberry and murders over selling small amounts and growing. Which made me want to go legal. the market up here is huge dont promote anything other than marijuana growing up i mtv i made poor choices in my youth. So i know the black market. If it were legal though i cant help but think the next generation would be a lot less likely to turn to heroin and meth which is an epidemic here.
Being that its been legal since the eighties its weird to see people still so paranoid over small amounts. I do know some political figures around here and even they smoke lol so well see.. My girlfriend who is a med billing specialist got pulled over in her work clothes and the cop scared her to death over her eyes being red. She is a good girl and didnt know how to handle it lol. But also recently a buddy with a med card had a knock and talk turn into a tour of his garden he was over his numbers but they just say it was co. Who knows.
I know what google does thank you im just getting too comfortable i guess with all the legalization talk thank

I agree with you, that in order for the initiative to be beneficial and forward-moving, Alaskans must not relinquish any rights already established under Ravin. Fortunately, the crafters of the initiative agree, and (as I noted in the OP), included specific language to prevent the erosion of our (privacy) rights:

"provisions of this Act are not intended to diminish the right to privacy as interpreted by the Alaska Supreme Court in Ravin v. State of Alaska."

Or read for yourself here, in Sec. 17.38.010.(c)

And HELLZ YES I would come puff at your coffee shop! Bring it! :bigjoint:
But it states under 3 mature plants which honestly is not enough to make a living on selling to a dispensary. Im more keen to making marijuana de criminalized so that it is treated as exactlly what it is a plant. With no restrictions just like a tomato garden. But i will be happy either way as long as i can be open when speaking and act like a norml person again. If i were to start a coffee shop i would need to have a wharehouse which would still be illegal under this initiative correct. Ive been fighting and contributing to normalacy sine the nineties so its very exciting either way. But we will never stamp out the black market simply because politicians and tax payers will vote for ridiculous taxes like 12 dollar pack of cigs. Im even hesitant to get a license because we allowed twenty plants and if i get a license it would probablly trump my privacy rights and reduce me to the medical limit. i appreciate your contribution to our community elk.
But it states under 3 mature plants which honestly is not enough to make a living on selling to a dispensary. Im more keen to making marijuana de criminalized so that it is treated as exactlly what it is a plant. With no restrictions just like a tomato garden. But i will be happy either way as long as i can be open when speaking and act like a norml person again. If i were to start a coffee shop i would need to have a wharehouse which would still be illegal under this initiative correct. Ive been fighting and contributing to normalacy sine the nineties so its very exciting either way. But we will never stamp out the black market simply because politicians and tax payers will vote for ridiculous taxes like 12 dollar pack of cigs. Im even hesitant to get a license because we allowed twenty plants and if i get a license it would probablly trump my privacy rights and reduce me to the medical limit. i appreciate your contribution to our community elk.

If I read the proposition right you can have commercial grows, if you get a license. You then would also have to get a separate license for retail sales. The cost is capped at 5000$, per license. That strikes me as a money grab and unneeded regulation. We are adopting lower 48 stupidity that benefits only those with the capital to pay the price of admission.

I'm pretty disappointed we didn't just re work the 04 proposal. No control board, no additional taxes minus business tax, and no silly limit of just a few plants. If they would of taken out the restitution portion and re ran it I think they would have much more support, outside of Anchorage.
If I read the proposition right you can have commercial grows, if you get a license. You then would also have to get a separate license for retail sales. The cost is capped at 5000$, per license. That strikes me as a money grab and unneeded regulation. We are adopting lower 48 stupidity that benefits only those with the capital to pay the price of admission.

I'm pretty disappointed we didn't just re work the 04 proposal. No control board, no additional taxes minus business tax, and no silly limit of just a few plants. If they would of taken out the restitution portion and re ran it I think they would have much more support, outside of Anchorage.

Oh guess i should've kept reading, 5000 is not bad at all really. Liqour license can go up to a mill right? Well tobacco is around 500 i think. Hmmmm palms itchin lol. But yeah i think im getti g my license this week that guys back in town.
All good points THZZELJR[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] and Rak, I'm just a personal-use medical guy and haven't thought much about the commercial side of things. I do agree that the limits of 3 flowering and 3 immature are painfully difficult as I try to be efficient in my grows. Its further confusing because AK's mmj law (and now also the initiative) fail to define a few things, like when does a cutting begin counting toward plant totals (Roots? Or???), the legal status of males (only females can be "mature" in the mmj wording), etc.

It would be so much more efficient if we could legally run larger batches of clones to choose from, and if there wasn't a whole new level of state govt bureacracy added to "regulate." But we've got what we've got. Its intimidating sticking your neck out to try and get normlized mj laws passed at the state level. I mean I could've been out there figuring out iintiative language and getting signatures and getting this thing on the ballot, but I didn't, and so I'll have to live with the language written by the folks who did. Yes it could be better indeed- like the 04 initiative- but this is a first step, hopefully one that can be built on and improved... assuming it passes in the first place...

[/FONT]And THZZELJR, you say
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
  • But yeah i think im getti g my license this week that guys back in town.​

LICENSE?! Do you maybe mean "medical marijuana recommendation" via THC in ANC? Or are you referring to a different kind of licnse, like a license to grow? Maybe I'm missing something but I'm definately curious!