AK's Cannabis Cookbook

I posted this a week ago sorry for the repost but in case some one missed it..
Let me know what you think

3- 1 lb boxes powdered sugar
1 cup Cannabutter
1 1/3 cup condenced milk
1 tsp. vanilla
2 cups chopped nuts (or more)
1- 7 oz. pkg. coconut

Mix togeather in mixer till well blended. If mixture gets too heavy for the mixer take it out and knead until smooth and well blended.
Roll into small balls about 1 inch or so. Makes about 150 balls.
Chill then dip in chocolate coating.

Chocolate Coating:
3 cups chocolate chips
1/4 lb parafin (wax)
Melt chips and parafin over hot water (Dbl Boiler)
When melted drop balls in chocolate to coat.
Drain a few moments then place on foil or wax paper until set.

Merry Christmas All

What is the paraffin do?
THCA is non-psychoactive (meaning it does not produce mind and body altering effects). If you want to achieve the full psychoactive effects of your butters, fats, oils, sugars or alcohols, decarboxylating the plant material to convert the THCA to THC prior to infusion is essential.
Control of heating temperatures and times is critical when cooking with cannabis. Heating cannabis also converts THC to CBN. At about 70% decarboxylation, THC is converted to CBN at a faster rate than the THCA is converted to THC. Higher CBN levels will produce more sedative effects.
With all of the Instant Pot & Air Fryer recipes out there now there should be some new things on this forum, especially with concentrates available.

Depending on my upcoming yield I hope I'll be setting aside 4 zips to make concentrates for experimental cooking.

One thought I had is black licorice toffee. I like black licorice but love black licorice toffee. I would have to watch my consumption of that. I read regular consumption of black licorice can cause heart arrhythmia leading to death.

Any suggestions or ideas are appreciated.
I still puff a little but Im not much of a cannabis chef anymore, I spend my life as a slave to my fishing lodge not much time for being knee shaking high anymore. GreatWhiteNorth, cant believe your still around haha. Here is a quick one for ya'll to salivate over that Ill prepare for the odd fishing client

Bullwinkle Poutine'

I make this in my instapot cuz I can start with a frozen moose roast cuz i was to stoned to remember to thaw one the night before.

Moose Roast - neck, rump whatever just a big ol hunk of meat
1 Can of Root Beer (dont need to be the fancy kind but a bottle of Henrey's is the best)
2 tbl Brown Sugar
1tsp Soy Sauce
1 TBLsp of Worstechire
1 stick of cannabis butter -super cleaned and you decide on how potent you want it to be
1 bag of French Fries thin cut
1/4 cup of fresh cheese curds if ya can find em (I order mine from Tillamook and receive them frozen)
Brown Gravy (some people like the powder stuff others like to make their own) I make a Demi Glace' from moose bones

In your insta pot add the first 6 ingredients and set to pressure High for 40-60 mins or 120-140 mins if frozen. After you have reached cool down and can safely pop the lid remove 1 cup of the reserved juices and set aside. Take a fork and shred the shit out of that meat you want it stringy and soaking up all those juices.

Heat your oven to 425 and cook your taters as directed

Take the one cup of reserved juice and add to 1/4 cup of demi glace' and bring to a boil. Thicken with "Wondra" gravy thickening stuff it works great!!
Your fries should be hot and ready by now so its time to assemble.

Start with a small ladleful of your crazy gravy dont drink it (I know its hard not too) then lay down a bed of Fries. top with cheese curds and the shredded moose making sure to get that juice all over the place. Toss the whole mess under a broiler set to med or hi till the curds are bubbling and the meat is getting crispy. Remove and smother in your home made gravy and top with more cheese curds and some fresh parsley....I usually wont serve this till their last day otherwise they just sleep through their fishing trips!!!



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No moose in the deli section at Publix.:(
any red meat roast will work...also great with pulled pork...where i live milk is 12 bux a gallon and we dont have any publix...certaintly cant afford meat from the grocery store. Some days I swear Im gonna grow Antlers and Fins if I have to eat any more moose and salmon...in fact Im having salmon tonight cuz we had moose fried steaks last night....need to get some warmer weather and go get some halibut...pittacio crusted halibut with my canna burre blanc is pretty good
any red meat roast will work...also great with pulled pork...where i live milk is 12 bux a gallon and we dont have any publix...certaintly cant afford meat from the grocery store. Some days I swear Im gonna grow Antlers and Fins if I have to eat any more moose and salmon...in fact Im having salmon tonight cuz we had moose fried steaks last night....need to get some warmer weather and go get some halibut...pittacio crusted halibut with my canna burre blanc is pretty good
You get the freshest. The halibut sounds great.
With all of the Instant Pot & Air Fryer recipes out there now there should be some new things on this forum, especially with concentrates available.

Depending on my upcoming yield I hope I'll be setting aside 4 zips to make concentrates for experimental cooking.

One thought I had is black licorice toffee. I like black licorice but love black licorice toffee. I would have to watch my consumption of that. I read regular consumption of black licorice can cause heart arrhythmia leading to death.

Any suggestions or ideas are appreciated.

I had no idea about this licorice thing.... but my suggestion don't eat so much licorice. Cuz if the licorice don't kill you the sugar will.

I cut way back on sugar and now those treats actually make me ill at times. The even keel of energy is much nicer.