Javadog's Next Adventure


Well-Known Member
Thanks Pap.

My PK #1 is still not showing must be two months old.

#2 is behind it and we will see.

I have popped a second Smelly Cherry. Note that I will still be
calling this SC #1, as I only really number females.

Of the new beans in the BST, Soma's NYC Diesel and Smelly Cherry
have popped, but my Jack The Ripper (bean #2 of 3!) and Soma's
Lavender have not popped. Both of these are most desired and
I am on bean-watch for another week before I begin to give up hope.

My Chargers gave us a typically heart-attack that, so
very typically, is getting zero national coverage.

Ah well, as Phillip Rivers put it, we can now forget the terrible losses
of this year....the Titans and the Dolphin losses were terrible.

Looks like the formation at the end with the field goal was 7 man per side, and against the new rules.
Nobody noticed till its over though.
A penalty would have put them 5 yds closer and then who knows....maybe my Steelers woulda got the spot.

Oh well, hopefully the Steelers will get there next yr.

Hope the Chargers get it done for ya bro!


Well-Known Member

I just read that this morning.

Well, fuck...shit happens. It was a new I suppose
that the refs will just have to pass around a memo.

Remember bro that the Chargers are where all the weird shit
happens, and it never helps us.

There are two specific rules in the book designed to protect teams
from being fucked....just like the Chargers were fucked, so please
forgive me if I just carry on.

The first was the famous "Holy Roller" play....I watched it live,
cheering for my team and screaming in disbelief as they obviously
turned the game into a carnival and laughed to a win.

The other was the dead ball fiasco against the Broncos:
Controversial calls

On September 14, 2008, Hochuli officiated a now-infamous game between the San Diego Chargers and the Denver Broncos, which became notable for a highly controversial call near the end of regulation play.[SUP][40][/SUP] The call came with 1:17 left in the game, while Denver was in possession of the ball at the San Diego one-yard line, trailing the Chargers by seven points. On a second-down play, Denver quarterback Jay Cutler fumbled the ball, and it was recovered by San Diego linebacker Tim Dobbins. Ed Hochuli blew his whistle during the play, signaling that the play was dead and ruling an incomplete pass. Hochuli admitted his mistake and spotted the ball at the point of the fumble, but could not award possession to San Diego, and the play was not reviewable under then-current instant replay rules.[SUP][40][/SUP] Chargers head coach Norv Turner later said after the game, "Ed came over to me and said he blew it. And that to me is not acceptable."[SUP][41][/SUP] Hochuli responded to the situation, writing, "Affecting the outcome of a game is a devastating feeling. Officials strive for perfection – I failed miserably." [SUP][42][/SUP] Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones was even fined $25,000 for publicly criticizing Hochuli.[SUP][43][/SUP] The NFL passed a rule the following offseason allowing such plays to be reviewable under the instant replay rule for the 2009 NFL season.[SUP][44][/SUP] Speaking to Referee in November 2009, Hochuli told the magazine, "It was really an easy play. I’ve thought many times why I did what I did. The best explanation is it was almost like dyslexia. I realized it was a fumble and did the wrong thing. I realized I was wrong but there was nothing I could do about it."[SUP][45][/SUP]
As to how things will go...we are the lowest seed, but I do
not think that anyone should want to play us....if the right
team shows up, then we are hard to beat....and we usually
do well in games where we should not!

Thanks bro!



Well-Known Member
Anyway the illegal formation should in no way affect the outcome of the kick imo.

I think they make rules every yr so they feel important or something.

I understand things like replays were an important add-on to keep the refs honest etc...but they are just over doing the new rules now IMO


Well-Known Member
Chargers did what they needed and deserve their chance in the playoffs. I am a firm believer in one blown call does not necessarily decide a game. Each team
has 30+ other plays in a game to decide their own fate.

You guys should count your blessings with your Steelers and Chargers. Never thought I would miss Wayne Fontes. Oh well
here's to another failed coaching hire from the short list of candidates who would even consider interviewing for this job.

May the Schwartz be with you.


Well-Known Member
Chargers did what they needed and deserve their chance in the playoffs. I am a firm believer in one blown call does not necessarily decide a game. Each team
has 30+ other plays in a game to decide their own fate.

You guys should count your blessings with your Steelers and Chargers. Never thought I would miss Wayne Fontes. Oh well
here's to another failed coaching hire from the short list of candidates who would even consider interviewing for this job.

May the Schwartz be with you.
View attachment 2945746
Yeah sounds like lots of coaches are hitting the chopping block this yr.

Not sure if you can blame it all on coaches, but they get the blame never the less.

While I type this I am thinking of the Sacramento Kings, and what the Maloofs did to the team.
They decided Rick Addleman was to blame for the trading of great players for a washing machine.

Anyway I am not sore about the play and the non-call.
Thats the way the game goes, and I am glad the Steelers have had a good run in the past.

The Raiders had a real bad day yesterday.
The Steelers is my team, but with Raiders right behind them.

I cant watch many Steelers games here without paying lots of money, so the Raiders are what I watch most, and just follow Steelers on my Phone free.


Well-Known Member
I have been watching The Lions, feeling that they were on the
verge of busting out, but they have not.

Non-recovery recoveries are harsh. The Nation is going through one,
it seems like the Chargers did with Norv, and I suppose that Detroit
has been recently.

I appreciate your thoughts Bass. We like different teams, but I hate
your favs like old friends. LOL...really, add The Pats and my hate squad
is pretty much complete. Ha ha ha! You are cool though.

BTW: I re-checked my notes, and it was not Jack The Ripper that was
still is healthy in a beer cup. :0)

It is my second Jack's Cleaner 2. I got a male already. I just spotted
it busting out, so it is only Lavender still under.



Well-Known Member

Just snapped some pics, after lights off.

Recall that the CVMMs are three: two purple slow-growers that
passed the green-fast plant up once flowering started.

Well, the green plant is setting up some nice buds too:
1 CVMM.jpg

Then there is the purpling one:
2 CVMM.jpg

And the biggest one:
3 CVMM.jpg
4 CVMM.jpg

Blue Dream:
5 BD.jpg
6 BD.jpg

7 Chemdog.jpg

8 Somango.jpg
9 Somango.jpg
10 Somango.jpg

Sour Kosher:
11 Sour Kosher.jpg

Lemon Thai Kush:
12 Lemon Thai Kush.jpg
13 LTK.jpg

Girl Scout Cookies:
14 GSC.jpg
15 GSC.jpg
16 GSC.jpg

Have a great day all!



Well-Known Member
Thanks BW. I switched day for night during the heat of the summer,
and I never switched back. I run from 8 PM to 8 AM. If I were to reverse
that, then I would be seeing much more color.



Well-Known Member
A very good point!

I am in tier 4 and getting killed.

I may take a break and just train some mums for
a month or two, just to see what it does.



Well-Known Member
599bucks just for elec.consumption.Gzzz highest ever!! I think with the harvest of a lb is in range,let ya know in about 10-15days.


Well-Known Member
599bucks just for elec.consumption.Gzzz highest ever!! I think with the harvest of a lb is in range,let ya know in about 10-15days.
That is a crazy bill!!
I have saving from an energy assistance program for low income, that saved me like $40 I think

If I was paying that much I would expect a few lbs...
I am guessing a perpetual grow, or mother/ veg area as well...?


Well-Known Member
I near that area and I am powering a smaller grow
but a big/wasteful lot of activity. (fountains, water effect,
lights on for no one....etc etc)

When I can get it past the old lady, then I will start working outside.

I took some new shots of the Veg area.....just a moment.


P.S. TBH, I would love to unload some weight, to help people near
me, but this is not likely to become an option. I am too insular,
without really trying to be (read "old and boring" ;0)


Well-Known Member
OK, here we go...

I gave all the plants in the next Crop hempys their last trim:
9 Next Crop.jpg

The Dog is a stretcher, and so it will go into the tent first,
along with Cheese Surprise which is the oldest of these plants:
View attachment 2946929

Here you can see the new Doggy Tops:
View attachment 2946928

Cheese Surprise:
1 Cheese Surprise.jpg

I also took a shot of the Clone Table:

The new young ladies, Deep Psychosis, Blue Pit, and ED X BP:
4 The New Girls.jpg

Dinachem, Jack The Ripper, and Engineer's Dream:
5 The New Baby Girls.jpg

The infants:
6 The New Infant Girls.jpg

Lastly, as you know, I have been working to understand better the needs
of my Purple Wreck. It has been more and more green in the stems, so
things seem to be improving. I took two strong clones from it, as I intend
to get this one right....though I need to flower it to confirm my suspicion. :0)

8 Purple Wreck.jpg

Take care,



Well-Known Member
BTW: I sent the family off to the In-Laws for New Years.

So, I will use the time to finally make some bubble hash.

Now, where are my bags....



Well-Known Member
enjoy the alone time, and be sure to post up some pics of some sexy hash! have a fun and safe new years!


Well-Known Member
I kinda go back and forth about ...personally though I think I like it better when calls are done by humans and not from watching the cameras for 10 minutes on instant replay and slow mo. While yea, the computer gives the best honest calls, I think I prefer it when its a team of refs and the game is faster paced. Just my 2 cents