Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Yeah, i have around 40 to 50 strains going now in all. With new strains started just day before yesterday bumping me back up to 60. :mrgreen: Lets just say, they keep me on my toes.. lol PIC_0821.jpgPIC_0826.jpgPIC_0825.jpgPIC_0824.jpgPIC_0823.jpgPIC_0820.jpgPIC_0819.jpgPIC_0818.jpgPIC_0817.jpgPIC_0797.jpgPIC_0771.jpgPIC_0766.jpgMazar x White Rhino.jpgnewspaper dry.jpgLight penatration.jpgJack The Ripper #3.jpgPIC_0779.jpgPIC_0828.jpgPIC_0829.jpgPIC_0830.jpgPIC_0822.jpgPIC_0850.jpgPIC_0849.jpgPIC_0848.jpgPIC_0846.jpgPIC_0845.jpgPIC_0844.jpgPIC_0842.jpgPIC_0841.jpgPIC_0840.jpgPIC_0839.jpgPIC_0838.jpgPIC_0837.jpgPIC_0834.jpgPIC_0833.jpgPIC_0831.jpgPIC_0782.jpg (Bak) Speaking of BHO & Hash and all, I had posted the Hash I made a few posts back. Most of the time I just trim and stick into seal proof baggies and freeze them. Sometimes I just smoke them when there nice and dry. Hell, beats not having any waiting on your buds to dry.. ;)

However I do plan on making some BHO in the near future. :mrgreen: just waiting on warm temps outside.. ;)


Well-Known Member

Now thats a Dab I dont want NO part of there!
Hand it here! Hell, I will give it a toke.. ;) haha

Hey Dank have you started that side by side grow thread ? I know your busy so I will post my latest pic as of December 28th....Her leaves are just stating to come in....:mrgreen:View attachment 2943639View attachment 2943640
Looking good. I will go ahead and do that now..

Man ... All these different strains sound so yummy. I am a bag weed guy myself. NOT by choice mind you. Just available.
In fact I just had my 1st sample of what they are calling MMJ, and WOW ... was awesome !
Wish I was not so afraid to order good strains. Paranoid as hell is more like it. lol

Anyhoo ... here is my recent addition to the family. This lil one sprouted 12-14-13

View attachment 2943645View attachment 2943646View attachment 2943647

Wish I knew what sex it is ... hehe @ 2 weeks I'm guessing no one can tell ? This is my very 1st btw (bag seed). Just gave it some nutes for the 1st time today. This is exciting, yeah ! Ha
Only if I knew yrs ago how therapeutic this is ... well, you know !

Couple of questions if I may ...
I read that one could take a cutting, put it in cup of water (changing every day) and after some time (10 days maybe) it will show sex. Anyone do something like this ? Every other technique I have read about is putting it on 12/12. The problem is, I only have room/security to grow one at a time. So, til I have a fem to clone for awhile, I have nothing really. (Male = Trash) Getting experience I guess. Need that fo sho

From most of the pix I have seen on toping/fim ... this one looks like I could top it with no issues, but before I do ... Is there any reason to wait ? (2 weeks old)

And 3rd-lee - Glass
After I clean my glass (ISO 91%, salt works well for me) ... all good and clean, but ... has that smell to it ! Ya know
Does anyone know how to get rid of the smell/taste maybe ?

PS. Been reading about Tinctures and Green Dragon ... Looks interesting. I would try it. I like smoking, but would rather be heathier ... duh

You guys are awesome !

They look good. ;) That's the bad thing when it comes to running bag seed. Other then that I've found some nice genetics in a few bag seeds in the past. But that was back in the day. I will however run 1 every once in awhile..

you got that shit right bro.
Oh, come on bro..


Well-Known Member
Well fucking A guys, its kinda slow, either that or NO one is awake enough to shoot the shit.. lol.. So I am going to hop my ass over to the bed and gulp down 2 fresh HOT doughnuts and watch some Breaking Bad again.. ;)


Well-Known Member
My internet went down again. I'm about pissed as fuck!!!! fucking bullshit, high dollar service and can't get service! ugh!!!
and sorry for being snappy, I'm in a bad mood now. Calling those assholes tomorrow and getting a free reset. I've had enough of their bullshit service!
hundred fucking dollars a month!!!!! for what???:cuss::cuss::cuss:


Well-Known Member
that mazar, is something i have seen for years and never tried, looking good bro

Here's more.. View attachment 2944093<--- Bluedream #1. Northern Light Blue -->View attachment 2944100 NLB -->View attachment 2944099 Purple Voodoo(Purple pheno) -->View attachment 2944098 Grapefruit --> View attachment 2944097 Grapefruit --> View attachment 2944096 Blackberry kush #1 --> View attachment 2944095 BBK --> View attachment 2944094 Sx1 ---> View attachment 2944090 Mazar x White Rhino --> --> View attachment 2944091 Mazar --> View attachment 2944092 Green Love Potion --> View attachment 2944101 More coming..


Well-Known Member
damn bro, your on a roll, great update, sweet.

Good to see everyone's doing good.. :) Here's a few shots of my ladies tonight. Also a few I LST'D. I added 2 new strains into flowering room 1 & 2. Lost Cost OG & Night Shade. Night Shade is under the LED system, as well as the Crazy Quake. Both should respond good to the LST I'm thinking, considering they both look like small bushes already. lol I also took a picture of the Green Crack I have going for the side by side grow we have going.. :mrgreen: I added 4 new strains to the mix over the last few days. (1). Blueberry yum Yum x's Bluedream. x 3. (2).Blue Thai x Bluedream x 3. (3.) Bluedream x GDP x 1. <--- had started 2 more, but they didn't make it.. :( Other then that they all have been trucking along.. ;)

As always, if anyone has any :??: 4 me, you knows what to do.. haha ;)

Ladies ---->View attachment 2943999 View attachment 2944025 View attachment 2944028 View attachment 2944029 View attachment 2944030 View attachment 2944031 <---- Nugs off Purple Voodoo 7 Grapefruit drying in newspaper. Side shot of ladies --->View attachment 2944041 Tops of ladies ( flowering room 1.-->View attachment 2944042 Lost Coast OG Lft. Crazy Quake Rgt. -->View attachment 2944043 More Grapefruit drying -->View attachment 2944044 Sx1 -->View attachment 2944047 Sx1 ---> View attachment 2944048 Sx1 View attachment 2944049 Purple Voodoo drying --> View attachment 2944024 Grapefruit -->View attachment 2944023 Jack the Ripper#1 -->View attachment 2944000 Tops -->View attachment 2944001 Flowering room 2 --> Lost Coast OG -->View attachment 2944002 View attachment 2944017 View attachment 2944011 running low.. ;) thats why I cropped a few tester buds.. lol View attachment 2944012 Seeded Purple Voodoo --> View attachment 2944013 Tops --> View attachment 2944014View attachment 2944016 View attachment 2944018 Buds drying... :mrgreen:

More pictures following..


Well-Known Member
i wish i had the room to do this, but for now i'll stick to the 6 i got.



Well-Known Member
Ok dank, i just saw the picture update and im wondering if youve got any new favorites, like three good ones that have stood out as far as weight and thc content go. I remember last time i was around belladona was your fave. Whats your top three these days?


Well-Known Member
morning alien, top of the day to you.
I cant sleep again. I want to push the qtip in sometimes and just not stop pushing. I hate insomnia. The only good thing is that when you get one days worth of sleep over five days you end up saying some pretty funny shit. Ive tried so many different types of weed and none of them make me tired. The only thing that works is drinking to the point where i pass out. Sad but true. Sleeping pills dont work on me either. I fall asleep for two or three hours and then i wake up groggy and cant sleep, or i take too many and cant wake up for like 16 hrs and when i do im still half asleep. Ah well, fuck it, now wheres my qtip? :):):)


Well-Known Member
You certainly have a busy garden :) Looking good!


Well-Known Member
Good to see everyone's doing good.. :) Here's a few shots of my ladies tonight. Also a few I LST'D. I added 2 new strains into flowering room 1 & 2. Lost Cost OG & Night Shade. Night Shade is under the LED system, as well as the Crazy Quake. Both should respond good to the LST I'm thinking, considering they both look like small bushes already. lol I also took a picture of the Green Crack I have going for the side by side grow we have going.. :mrgreen: I added 4 new strains to the mix over the last few days. (1). Blueberry yum Yum x's Bluedream. x 3. (2).Blue Thai x Bluedream x 3. (3.) Bluedream x GDP x 1. <--- had started 2 more, but they didn't make it.. :( Other then that they all have been trucking along.. ;)

As always, if anyone has any :??: 4 me, you knows what to do.. haha ;)

Ladies ---->View attachment 2943999 View attachment 2944025 View attachment 2944028 View attachment 2944029 View attachment 2944030 View attachment 2944031 <---- Nugs off Purple Voodoo 7 Grapefruit drying in newspaper. Side shot of ladies --->View attachment 2944041 Tops of ladies ( flowering room 1.-->View attachment 2944042 Lost Coast OG Lft. Crazy Quake Rgt. -->View attachment 2944043 More Grapefruit drying -->View attachment 2944044 Sx1 -->View attachment 2944047 Sx1 ---> View attachment 2944048 Sx1 View attachment 2944049 Purple Voodoo drying --> View attachment 2944024 Grapefruit -->View attachment 2944023 Jack the Ripper#1 -->View attachment 2944000 Tops -->View attachment 2944001 Flowering room 2 --> Lost Coast OG -->View attachment 2944002 View attachment 2944017 View attachment 2944011 running low.. ;) thats why I cropped a few tester buds.. lol View attachment 2944012 Seeded Purple Voodoo --> View attachment 2944013 Tops --> View attachment 2944014View attachment 2944016 View attachment 2944018 Buds drying... :mrgreen:

More pictures following..
Looking awesome but where's the Green Crack pic for the side by side....:-?
I also took a picture of the Green Crack I have going for the side by side grow we have going
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