Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Guys/Gals.. Ok, I did it. IDK if you've had a chance to find/see it or not. I went ahead lastnight and started the side by side thread. I know they where more growers that had said they would like to take part in it. :??: If you could please "stand" up and take that first step, its a step in the right direction.. -----> right here, this way.. lol https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/768184-dank-other-growers-side-side.html

Please go to that thread and post pictures of a new strain you started that is around a week or so old. POOF!! Your in the side by side.. ;) that easy.
There is NO rules (other then flower at 5 weeks). No judging. No prizes(end product is your prize). No restrictions on container size. No limit of lumens to use. Etc'. Please feel free to jump right in if you haven't already, and or sub up to the thread. :mrgreen: would love 2 have you, and see your strain you decided to go with.. ;)



Well-Known Member
Guys/Gals.. Ok, I did it. IDK if you've had a chance to find/see it or not. I went ahead lastnight and started the side by side thread. I know they where more growers that had said they would like to take part in it. :??: If you could please "stand" up and take that first step, its a step in the right direction.. -----> right here, this way.. lol https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/768184-dank-other-growers-side-side.html

Please go to that thread and post pictures of a new strain you started that is around a week or so old. POOF!! Your in the side by side.. ;) that easy.
There is NO rules (other then flower at 5 weeks). No judging. No prizes(end product is your prize). No restrictions on container size. No limit of lumens to use. Etc'. Please feel free to jump right in if you haven't already, and or sub up to the thread. :mrgreen: would love 2 have you, and see your strain you decided to go with.. ;)

I've subbed, but don't have anything to show.:-(
Gimme an opinion..........
You think I have a chance of any of these finishing by 5 weeks so I got some room?


Well-Known Member
Ok dank, i just saw the picture update and im wondering if youve got any new favorites, like three good ones that have stood out as far as weight and thc content go. I remember last time i was around belladona was your fave. Whats your top three these days?
Well, the Belladona didn't impress me much at all. Don't get me wrong, she had a good high and all, (if you could stand to smoke it).!! It tasted SO fucking nasty I just couldn't smoke it. Coughed my ass off every hit, and if I remember correctly "had a funny odd buzz to her". Like a weird body buzz. I was exspecting more of a trippy high. Boy was I wrong! Lol..
My list now would have to be : Purple Voodoo,Blueberry Yum Yum,Afghan Kush x Yumbolt top 3. With plenty other strains that are top sheilf in my book.. ;)

You certainly have a busy garden :) Looking good!
Thanks MD.. ;)

that mazar, is something i have seen for years and never tried, looking good bro
Yeah, I've had that strain for a good while. Never thought about running it until I seen it in a magazine not long ago..

2-6, you got 'em trimmed real nice, but I don't recall you mentioning what you do with your trim, and with all the ISO. BHO chat here lately would be a good time for ya to cough up some info.:clap:
Thanks bro. Yeah, when it comes to trimming, I like to leave just a hair more of the trich covered sugars then most. Idk if its just me, but after its dry & cured it gives it a certain taste I like.

Damn dank, I thoughts I had a bunch of different things going.
Looking good bro.
What strains do you have going :??:

The other night, I watched a "SVU" episode, and there was mention of "That would make Jenna Jameson choke".:mrgreen:
Hey. Was you going to take part of this bro https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/768184-dank-other-growers-side-side.html

Just was wondering. Had thought you said you would. Or was that Stew.. :??: lol..


Well-Known Member
I've subbed, but don't have anything to show.:-(
Gimme an opinion..........
You think I have a chance of any of these finishing by 5 weeks so I got some room?
Hmm.. Well, I don't see why they couldnt/wouldn't be finshed. As long as you have enough light (which you do). And feeding them good(which you are). I could see them finishing in a 5 week period.. ;)

Having too many ISSUES,To even think about that DANK!:cuss:

Damn. I was hoping you would join in bro.. :( But I understand buddy.. ;)


Well-Known Member
I think my Berry #2 is going to be the first to finish,
Maybe I'm just imagining things, but just since this morning, she's put on more than usual.
From last night.Dec 28 Berry2 64 days old (1).jpg
Dec 28 Berry2 64 days old (4).jpg
Dec 28 Berry2 64 days old (2).jpg
And from just now.Dec 29 Berry2 65 days old (3).jpg
Dec 29 Berry2 65 days old (2).jpg
Dec 29 Berry2 65 days old.jpg


Well-Known Member
it is a 24/7 veg 5 weeks, then 12/12 flower till done.
yes. Or however you run your light cycle. Just as long as we all flip by end of week 5.

I think my Berry #2 is going to be the first to finish,
Maybe I'm just imagining things, but just since this morning, she's put on more than usual.
From last night.View attachment 2945108
View attachment 2945107
View attachment 2945109
And from just now.View attachment 2945112
View attachment 2945111
View attachment 2945110
Maybe.. :) she sure is looking good..


Well-Known Member
Having too many ISSUES,To even think about that DANK!:cuss:

What :??: did you get some bad seeds bro :??: Well, the way I see it is seeds that have just been cured/picked need to sit awhile and cure good same as the bud they came from. They cant just be stuck in the ground and expect to germ, cause for the most part they don't do good. Hell, I've ran some in the past and thought 4 SURE they had cured long enough, all to germ a tap root and plop, that was it!! A damn tap root no longer then a centimeter that wouldn't continue growing.!! No fault of any breeder or anything. I swear though, I think some of them don't even inspect the beans b4 sending them out! I've got some that where all white/green (meaning they took them early), and paid good $ for them to.!! :fire: talking bout PISSED!!!
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