Feds Charge White Man With Hate Crime In First ‘Knockout Game’ Prosecution

So because you don't agree with the site means its false information? Got ya. :lol:

i think he was pointing out that you are getting your news from white supremacy groups.

that's not surprising, since you were a member of RIU's white supremacy group after all.
i think he was pointing out that you are getting your news from white supremacy groups.

that's not surprising, since you were a member of RIU's white supremacy group after all.
I could easily get news about the same exact thing just about on every other news site. The one I chose had the most and is easier to post 2 links as apposed to many.

Which news site that is posted shouldn't matter.

Never joined a white supremacy group on RIU and you cannot prove that I did, not to mention the group you are referring to happened to be a free speech group. Not sure how freedom of speech is a white supremacy thing, but to each their own I guess.
Totally agree.

But I have to say, when the blacks are knocking out innocent whites, I think it's more of a young thug thing than a black thing in general.
I'm willing to bet that if any of the thugs had a father at home and he found out about it, the young punk would get a knockout of his own.

I suspect you'll find most of these thugs have no father at home.
the group you are referring to happened to be a free speech group. Not sure how freedom of speech is a white supremacy thing, but to each their own I guess.

i have a freer speech group that you never joined.

i guess you're not so much into free speech, but rather accepting invitations from well known white supremacists to join what was the third well known incarnation of the white supremacy group.

but yeah, it was just free speech was all. that must have been why it was invitation only to like minded people.
That's what the OP was about and that's what I got out of your comment, others can decide on their own.

I've already decided.
Some idiot attacks an old man and you turn it into a 'death of white equality' post.
Then you start to try and worm your way out of it and change the focus a little....

Very sad.
I've already decided.
Some idiot attacks an old man and you turn it into a 'death of white equality' post.
Then you start to try and worm your way out of it and change the focus a little....

Very sad.

The focus is and always was about the Obama administration's selective justice department.
I didn't try to do anything, I just posted the OP.
Then only worms here are the ones trying to deflect conversation otherwise.
i have a freer speech group that you never joined.

i guess you're not so much into free speech, but rather accepting invitations from well known white supremacists to join what was the third well known incarnation of the white supremacy group.

but yeah, it was just free speech was all. that must have been why it was invitation only to like minded people.

I would like to see where I joined a white supremacy group. You have yet to provide where I did such a thing, but you claim you have where I "didn't" join said group. So post where I'm a member of a white supremacy group. I've looked and I'm not a member of any group.

But anywhooo, I think your time would be better spent with more of your own people: http://www.democraticunderground.com/index.php << Not to mention you get talking points. You're Welcome. :grin:
To break a 79 yr old's jaw just to prove a point, deserves more than 10 years in prison, IMO.
He could have killed the poor old guy.

Imo to treat anyone like that no matter the age is wrong.... The fact that he is 79 does make it way worse though. I say give him 15 years minimum maybe he will learn to use his damn brain.
To break a 79 yr old's jaw just to prove a point, deserves more than 10 years in prison, IMO.
He could have killed the poor old guy.

"Wonder if it would be worldwide news if I punch a random black person" < is what that dumbass said. He deserves to be made an example of, but not at the expense of making it look like its a common thing to go pick out random people and see if you can knock them out, and not to try and justify what the majority are doing because people are afraid to call out a hate crime on black people.

This isn't happening where I live, but if I was to ever become a target I feel for the fucker that tried it cause I always have my px4 with me and I don't have a glass jaw. I'm hoping more of the people playing this "game" get shot in the ass like that one kid who tried to use a stun gun on a dad waiting for his kid at the bus stop. Two 40cal JHP to the ass taught that kid a lesson he will never forget.
"Wonder if it would be worldwide news if I punch a random black person" < is what that dumbass said. He deserves to be made an example of, but not at the expense of making it look like its a common thing to go pick out random people and see if you can knock them out, and not to try and justify what the majority are doing because people are afraid to call out a hate crime on black people.

This isn't happening where I live, but if I was to ever become a target I feel for the fucker that tried it cause I always have my px4 with me and I don't have a glass jaw. I'm hoping more of the people playing this "game" get shot in the ass like that one kid who tried to use a stun gun on a dad waiting for his kid at the bus stop. Two 40cal JHP to the ass taught that kid a lesson he will never forget.

The chicken shits won't target guys like us, just about every video I've seen involves either a woman, a nerdy white businessman or the elderly.
Just like the punk that broke the old mans jaw, seventy nine fucking years old, it's like clubbing a baby seal.
I would like to see where I joined a white supremacy group.

like you said, the group you joined "happened to be a free speech group".

oddly, even though it was for "free speech", its white supremacist founder only invited "like minded" people to come and have free speech.

predictably, the free speech centered around topics of white supremacy, anti-gay bigotry, holocaust denial, and other favorite neo-nazi topics.

be proud of that!
like you said, the group you joined "happened to be a free speech group".

oddly, even though it was for "free speech", its white supremacist founder only invited "like minded" people to come and have free speech.

predictably, the free speech centered around topics of white supremacy, anti-gay bigotry, holocaust denial, and other favorite neo-nazi topics.

be proud of that!
Seems to me like you spend too much time in these groups that you despise. Maybe you should go back and re-read what you wrote, because free speech is used for controversial topics, that is its purpose, to be able to freely speak about whatever you want. You seem to be confused as to why we have that freedom.

Why is it that all you leftwing extremists have a problem with free speech? It's either listen to what I say and be a gullible empty headed follower or sit down and shut up.
Seems to me like you spend too much time in these groups that you despise.

no, i wasn't even invited.

the white supremacist creator of those groups only invited "like minded" people to join, so naturally he invited people like you rather than me.

Maybe you should go back and re-read what you wrote, because free speech is used for controversial topics, that is its purpose, to be able to freely speak about whatever you want. You seem to be confused as to why we have that freedom.

Why is it that all you leftwing extremists have a problem with free speech? It's either listen to what I say and be a gullible empty headed follower or sit down and shut up.

i have a "freer speech" group that is open to all, don't need an invitation to join.

i haven't seen you there though, so i figure that the whole free speech argument you're working on is just a lousy canard.

i have no problem with free speech, it sounds like you do. especially when your free speech comes back to bite you in the ass and expose you for who you are, as is happening right now.