The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
afternoon lads, hows tricks wit u all? my exo mum that i decided to chuck in flower tent has started flowering nicely now got pistils shooting out everywhere, cant wait till she starts to fill out with some nice dense nugs, got my new exo mum vegging away in the clone tent along with a prop with another 3 exo cuts for later,


Well-Known Member
afternoon lads, hows tricks wit u all? my exo mum that i decided to chuck in flower tent has started flowering nicely now got pistils shooting out everywhere, cant wait till she starts to fill out with some nice dense nugs, got my new exo mum vegging away in the clone tent along with a prop with another 3 exo cuts for later,
All my shit is just over two weeks in flower, can't wait to see big buds get an idea of how there goina do. I've some exo here and a couple oz of livers dryin so alls good for now....well apart from havin a problem with my clones and if these don't root everything is in flower so I'm fucked!


Active Member
All my shit is just over two weeks in flower, can't wait to see big buds get an idea of how there goina do. I've some exo here and a couple oz of livers dryin so alls good for now....well apart from havin a problem with my clones and if these don't root everything is in flower so I'm fucked!
Wots up with ya cuts mate? U using aero cloner/jiffys/rockwool?


Well-Known Member
All my shit is just over two weeks in flower, can't wait to see big buds get an idea of how there goina do. I've some exo here and a couple oz of livers dryin so alls good for now....well apart from havin a problem with my clones and if these don't root everything is in flower so I'm fucked!
we must be around the same stage then mate im about 2 weeks or so into flower as well, its that time where the buds are just starting and u wanna see them swell real fast but u know its gnna take a while lol, i picked up an eighth of nice cheese last night but thats all i got till after xmas now money is tight and ive fuck all left from last harvest co i stupidly sold most of it to buy xmas prezzies for the kids. if ur clones fuck up hg and u need another exo let me know m8 kl ive got 3 in the prop now that shud be rooted within a week at the most and i only really need 2 of them and i still got my mum to take more from if needed.


Well-Known Member
we must be around the same stage then mate im about 2 weeks or so into flower as well, its that time where the buds are just starting and u wanna see them swell real fast but u know its gnna take a while lol, i picked up an eighth of nice cheese last night but thats all i got till after xmas now money is tight and ive fuck all left from last harvest co i stupidly sold most of it to buy xmas prezzies for the kids. if ur clones fuck up hg and u need another exo let me know m8 kl ive got 3 in the prop now that shud be rooted within a week at the most and i only really need 2 of them and i still got my mum to take more from if needed.
cheers gaz, I think I'm goina get rid of exo and livers anyway and just keep the psychosis so as long as some of them root I'm good, but they should all root. I ain't got them my m8s doin them cos I've no clone/veg area, aye so after this it might be all psychosis and try a few seeds I got lying round. Got 5 thc bomb that I wanna give a go and a few others

aye ur right about the buds m8, just starting to from wee balls of white hairs, a while to go yet ffs


Well-Known Member
kl, will be good to watch the 2 grows and see how they compare in speed of bud growth, im in soil, u grow hydro right? mine all had 5 weeks veg time and been topped once. currently about 2 and a half feet tall each, apart from the exo which is about 1 and a half foot.


Well-Known Member
around 8 or 9 days till my first ones come down, Might have to take a sample bud at weekend though to have something sick christmas morning


Well-Known Member
cheers gaz, I think I'm goina get rid of exo and livers anyway and just keep the psychosis so as long as some of them root I'm good, but they should all root. I ain't got them my m8s doin them cos I've no clone/veg area, aye so after this it might be all psychosis and try a few seeds I got lying round. Got 5 thc bomb that I wanna give a go and a few others

aye ur right about the buds m8, just starting to from wee balls of white hairs, a while to go yet ffs
u binning exo for some seed weed...u fukin mad or what...each to their own lol


Well-Known Member
u binning exo for some seed weed...u fukin mad or what...each to their own lol
Lol. Usually zeddd I've been doin half psycho and half exo. Can't be assed tryin to hold onto the two of them. I was always keepin the psychosis anyway but now I'll grow all psychosis in the main room and the tent that has the two mothers usually I'll have a psycho mum and a seed, maybe try that and see if I can get something that's ok that yeilds like fuck. I grow big fuckin plants which the clone onlys arnt really benifiting from, all about the yeild z but until I find something I want it could be all psycho in the main room

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
New battert don?? Get a old charger and cut the end off... strip the wire so u got pos and neg..m take thw battery and u will see the + and - tape the pos and neg wires to the battery and leave for a few hours

If it aint charging its eithet the socket or battery wont be software... if the battery charges externally then its the handset socket.if not its the battery
it's the socket on the blower man. cheers tho


Well-Known Member
kl, will be good to watch the 2 grows and see how they compare in speed of bud growth, im in soil, u grow hydro right? mine all had 5 weeks veg time and been topped once. currently about 2 and a half feet tall each, apart from the exo which is about 1 and a half foot.
Yeah gaz all hydro here, exo and livers in wilmas and a psycho that was a mum in the DWC pot, all I'd say 3 1/2 to 4 foot at the min


Well-Known Member
Yeah gaz all hydro here, exo and livers in wilmas and a psycho that was a mum in the DWC pot, all I'd say 3 1/2 to 4 foot at the min
interesting mate must be the dwc to get big yields from the psycho, did u not find the exo out yielded a lot compared to psycho?


Well-Known Member
photo 1.JPGphoto 2.JPGphoto 3.JPGphoto 4.JPG inside the clone tent pic 1 is exo, pic 2 is purple paralysis, 3 is both 2gether, and last pic is my pp and exo cuts in prop, i have 4 of each not 3 like i thought
photo 1 (1).JPGphoto 2 (1).JPGphoto 5.JPGphoto 4 (1).JPGphoto 3 (1).JPG inside flower tent, pics 1-3 are my big bang and purple paralysis, pics 4 & 5 are the exo in flower.


Well-Known Member
kl, will be good to watch the 2 grows and see how they compare in speed of bud growth, im in soil, u grow hydro right? mine all had 5 weeks veg time and been topped once. currently about 2 and a half feet tall each, apart from the exo which is about 1 and a half foot.
interesting mate must be the dwc to get big yields from the psycho, did u not find the exo out yielded a lot compared to psycho?
The other way round m8, the psychosis always yielded more than exo, don't get me wrong the exo still does alright. It's always been the psychos for me anyway in smell and taste.


Well-Known Member
nice jungle hg. no seeing the floor in your room lol.
Aye I let them go a week too long in veg I also bent them like fuck to keep them shorter, there's 8 ther, 4 exo 4 livers. It's a fuckin ball ache to work in when cleaning up the bottoms and shit, once ur below the tops it's a bit clearer lol