The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

How well do you think Gilfman's grow season will turn out?

  • Awesome! BIG yields with grade-A buds!

    Votes: 42 16.0%
  • Good season .. Great for a begginner

    Votes: 102 38.9%
  • Ehh.. Average

    Votes: 54 20.6%

    Votes: 21 8.0%
  • Gets busted and has no harvest time to enjoy.. Poor Gilfman... :(

    Votes: 43 16.4%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Hey...I am doing an outdoor grow in the woods just like you...Maybe not as technical...I'm doing it all natural with just potting soil thrown into the mix.

The grow looks great though ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey...I am doing an outdoor grow in the woods just like you...Maybe not as technical...I'm doing it all natural with just potting soil thrown into the mix.

The grow looks great though ;)
thank you .. it's not really too technical .. i just hope that this thread will give ya some ideas you can use for your grow


Active Member
sounds like a good plan. I have done a lot of research on growing and started growth for a friend of mine. we transplanted them into the woods and had about twenty in... but dude forgot about deer and didnt do anything to stop it, so you can guess the out come. he said they got about a foot tall untill they got eaten. but looking good, im interested to see the how this goes.
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Well-Known Member
sounds like a good plan. I have done a lot of research on growing and started growth for a friend of mine. we transplanted them into the woods and had about twenty in... but dude forgot about deer and didnt do anything to stop it, so you can guess the out come. he said they got about a foot tall untill they got eaten. but looking good, im interested to see the how this goes.
hey man are u sure the plants were eaten? or is your bro just wanting all the pot? .. cause i used to have a partner til i told him they all got dug up .. then i felt bad about a week later and told him .. but he didnt care .. he's loaded and i'm not .. i gave him a chance to regroup with me but he understood were i was coming from


Active Member
To be honest, I never checked. I mean I know where they were, so if at anypoint I felt like wandering over there I could check. I mean where it was it is flooded with deer and we didn't treat it for anything, we were kind of in a hurry. But, its okay either way, cuz I have 5 of my own that are fine ;)


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I never checked. I mean I know where they were, so if at anypoint I felt like wandering over there I could check. I mean where it was it is flooded with deer and we didn't treat it for anything, we were kind of in a hurry. But, its okay either way, cuz I have 5 of my own that are fine ;)
well then it's good you have your own .. and maybe your friend isnt a cheapass dick like me haha ..


Well-Known Member
How old were your plants when you fimed it? As they look bout the same as mine are now?
yeah you can FIM yours .. mine were about a month old .. also i took ALL my plants out of LST i am just gonna let them grow UP! .. it's just not right for an outdoor in ground grow to be LST'd .. just looks .. dumb? ... anyway i finally could tell the FIM'd ones have been growing .. #4 is all jacked up because of that huge 11 blade leaf hasn't grow in like a week ... but i added more blood meal yesterday but didnt water because it was gonna rain .. and i believe they all benefited from that.. anywhooo like a said more pics coming monday (most likely) and i'm not gonna check over this weekend so i can better judge the growth of each plant .. well that's what's new in the great outdoors grow


Well-Known Member
Lol, Sativa LST does look kinda dumb. Indica LST looks good because of all the branches
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Active Member
Quick question for you about my grow.

I have tried and failed to get any money for potting soil. Looks like this grow is au naturale. Nothing but sunshine, dirt, and water.

Anyways, Instead of planting my germinated seeds directly in the ground, will it be fine if I use some leftover potting soil I found and start the sprouts out in small cups for a week or two? Then when the seedlings are ready, I will go to my spot and dig a hole the same size as the cup, and then just take the seedling (still in the potting soil from the cup) and place the whole mass into the hole and fill everything in.

Will this work fine? Any chance of shocking the plant?
