Cops were just at my door!!


Well-Known Member
About a couple hours ago at 5:30 in the morning here I heard some loud knocks at my front door. My dog starts freaking out and I get up and go to the door and look out the window and Its the sheriffs department. !!Fuck!! I crack the door open and the Sherriff asks me is your name _________ , who is my brother and I answered NO. He said may we step in, I said I do mind gimme a second to put some clothes and shoes on and Ill step out. So I step out in 5 fucking below weather ,and there is a sheriff and 3 town police behind him and then I see two more coming from the sides of the house from the backyard. He asked to see my ID and I showed him my ID and he said ok then, do you know where he is. I told them somewhere in Rhode Island even though I know exactly where he is in Rhode Island. I honestly do not like my brother, hes a shitbag cause he stole money from me and my mom and my moms meds when I gave him a roof over his head and fed and clothed him for 3 months So I don't give a shit whether he gets caught or not. I asked what he did and they said it was a failure to appear on drug charges and they had an arrest warrant for him. So they left and went down the street and sat there talking to each other through the cars for about 5 minutes and then took off. My problem is, is that I have a 5x5 tent with a few marijuana plants that I am growing for my sick mom cause its the only thing that helps with her pain and suffering and the shit we get on the streets here is just nasty and It makes her cough so bad. Are they gonna go now and get a search warrant for my house cause I didn't let them in and come back to see if hes here. Cause if they do Im fucked cause they are gonna find the tent. I don't know what to do guys im freaking out right now, should I chop and burn everything right now, they are 5 weeks into flower. Or will I be fine? Answers are needed ASAP. Thank you all


Virtually Unknown Member
You should be fine. He prob listed your address at some time and the cops are covering the bases looking for him.


Well-Known Member
Relax, take a deep breath and wait for some knowledgeable advice. Personally I don't believe they can get a warrant without cause to believe he is or has been there at your residence. Having said that I don't know what the standard of evidence is for that or how corrupt your LEO and local Judge are. Good Luck and keep us posted, Larry


Active Member
why not give them the correct address your bro is at in Rhode Island….. least they know you aint covering for him….

If your worried about them coming back, fuck it chop, coz once caught it fucks you to not grow again…

but man, i don't know the laws over your side of the pond…. good luck though….

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Are they in pots? If your bro is outside the warrants extradition zone then it will not hurt to tell them where he is but at the same time take the steps to ensure that your bro is clean so he doesn't get into more trouble.


Well-Known Member
Relax, take a deep breath and wait for some knowledgeable advice. Personally I don't believe they can get a warrant without cause to believe he is or has been there at your residence. Having said that I don't know what the standard of evidence is for that or how corrupt your LEO and local Judge are. Good Luck and keep us posted, Larry
he did live here for 3 months and the charges really aren't anything crazy. He got caught with heroin and paraphanelia posted bail and didn't go to court. So IDK im really nervous cause Im in a super strict state when It comes to MJ

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
So if they come with a warrant looking for your brother are they gonna look where your plants are? If anything they'll stake the place for a while. Crime seriously doesn't pay. It can get in the way of your weed:)


Well-Known Member
So if they come with a warrant looking for your brother are they gonna look where your plants are? If anything they'll stake the place for a while. Crime seriously doesn't pay. It can get in the way of your weed:)
yeah they will see it my house isn't very big and my tent is in my bedroom and they will see it right away.


I do not know the laws of your state but I do know a thing or two about federal laws and even if, and I stress the if - unless your brother is listed as the tenant, they somehow get a search warrant for your house, the search warrant has to be specific to what (or who) they are searching for according to the fourth amendment. Doesn't mean they can't fuck with you, take your plants, etc.. but once it goes to court it will never stick so unless you go out of your way to piss them off they will not likely mess with your little grow.


Well-Known Member
Im just a little uneasy right now, hoping they don't come back. I got my wood stove crankin incase I gotta cut and burn in a hurry.


Well-Known Member
IMO at some point they're going to catch up with your brother.

Just make it sooner rather than later and give them his address.

Otherwise you'll have spent approx 10weeks for your moms meds with 4 weeks to go and then you'll be burning them.

Make the call. Explain who you are and why they came to your door then tell them you made a few calls to get the address for them.



....and then one day someone will give someone else the same advice about you and so on. You're not in any danger legally, this is US - not UK. You turn in your brother, then what? Does he know about your grow? If so, what's to stop him from turning you in? Not very smart to rat on someone when you yourself are living outside regulations..


IMO at some point they're going to catch up with your brother.

Just make it sooner rather than later and give them his address.

Otherwise you'll have spent approx 10weeks for your moms meds with 4 weeks to go and then you'll be burning them.

Make the call. Explain who you are and why they came to your door then tell them you made a few calls to get the address for them.

I highly disagree with you. Never turn in your family, at the end of the day it's all you have. The brother has a disease that one day can be dealt with and controlled so he can live a healthy life.

Betrayal is permanent and can never be repaired.

Even if he did call the cops there are high chances they will want to come take a report, gather info etc and take a look to make sure the brother is not there.
The cops trust nobody outside their own group, in their eyes, that call will be a 50/50. 50 percent chance the OP is telling the truth, 50 percent chance he is trying to throw them off the trail of his brother.
The more contact the OP has with the cops the higher the chances he will get busted.

OP, buy an cheap intercom and hook it up to your door. Don't answer for anyone you're not expecting.