Doc's laboratory

I cant wait to get a chance to pop these new strains that came in the mail today.
I figure since both tents are used I need to wait, but when to pop is the question??
I dont know what I am going to reveg, but from the looks of things now...gonna be lots!!
I forgot BlackWater Kush, and still not flowered from before is the TutankHamon (King Tut).... I think I will Flower atleast 1 of EVERYTHING this round and Play "Eliminate some Strains" after Harvest, bout that time I will probably find a few more... WooHoo! I TOLD YA it was FUN!

you have been gifted most of the strains i want. you have some cool people. i have heard the snowcap has mold issues
but i want GSC.
I cant wait to get a chance to pop these new strains that came in the mail today.
I figure since both tents are used I need to wait, but when to pop is the question??
I dont know what I am going to reveg, but from the looks of things now...gonna be lots!!
i dont reveg much but i take a lot of clones. i kept 7 of 13 from last run 2 more will go soon i think and i have my male i have to clone all the time.
i dont reveg much but i take a lot of clones. i kept 7 of 13 from last run 2 more will go soon i think and i have my male i have to clone all the time.
The more clones I take the less luck I have.
I think its my fault for not changing water in the areo often enough though.
Im lazy and forgetful
you have been gifted most of the strains i want. you have some cool people. i have heard the snowcap has mold issues
but i want GSC.

I do have some AWESOME PEEPS! Most of them were Patients I took on and taught to be Self-Sufficient, otherwise they would not be able to afford their Medz. Many have become CareGivers themselves in a very Compassionate way! WOW! Thanks for that Realization! (Proud Grin)!

I dont worry too much about Mold, my environment is near Perfect and I dont Grow HUGE Budz, hehehe. With all the LST, SuperCropping, Pinching, Frying, Bending, Rolling, Breaking (Duct Tape), and ...., DANG! I know I left a few things out, but anywho... I get ALOT of branching and Middle sized Budz, and Tons of PopCorn because of my limited space and Big Lights crammed between them!

Well, that WAS THEN, and THIS in NOW! Almost done with my Re-Construction of my Entire Grow area! Each area has been modified (removed walls and such) to allow access to ALL Plants in my Garden! WooHoo! If you saw my past Grows, you would know why this REALLY Excites ME! WooHoo! I have had limited access, like only as far as I could Reach with plants poking me in the face from the doorway in 4 x 8 and a 4 x 6 room! I usually could not see the Trees in the back from 3rd week of 12/12 till Harvest, and a few grows ago, the Borg hid pretty good and took part of my Harvest, again THEN, not NOW! WooHoo! The MedScientist's Super Potent Dry Ice HashCaps are taking over, so catch ya later, gonna have to proofread and edit later.... hehehehe! Yeah, <<<<<< BAKED!

View attachment 2926701check this out it is why i went vert it sounds just right for your size space. I got rid of my 2x4 dog wire i got S.M.. i keep up with my sprays now and can get to my girls.


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Hey doc, its looking sweet. When you build your tote can you post some of your blueprints, I have a request for 300 clones in the spring and my setup is going to be a pain in the ass for that many. Ooh, I had to unsub a thread but I've got to see this now that I have 6 free weeks. Now that I'm set up better I want to get some better idea's and who better to learn from than you, jig, who, d, and the rest of the 600.Peace!
yea i will put it on youtube for everyone. tomorrow i have to cut some willow and do my cuttings it is week 5 no more putting it off. you will see why i want one, and it works with the willow water.
i mixed a batch of pepper spray to going to get some pics before i spray. back in a bit[video=youtube;5ty_WlmIKvY][/video]
spraying is done and no bugs this round, and last it was week five the f'in mites blew up, so we won the war:fire:[video=youtube;96MPfcXh86U];v=96MPfcXh86U[/video]WP_20131213_002.jpg