same here, but in 01 or 02the meth is bad it about killed me in 04-05. Bad stuff
I hate the laws!
I think I would move if it were me, but I have no family that I am worried about leaving behind.
I am uploading some pics right now of my Tahoe OG grow if that ok with you DR?
I agree with dr. That's 1 hell of a gro u had
it takes a lot of clones and things don't always turn out how you thought
the meth is bad it about killed me in 04-05. Bad stuff
same here, but in 01 or 02
it has its pros and cons
I ended up constantly cloning and vegging to do it.
I was flowering 1 of each strain, and not even able to get them all flowered still.
Moving caused me to lose all my strains except one, and I guess it was a good thing in the long run as I was way over doing it!
I was getting there again, so I took 0 clones this run, and now I really regret it.