Don't put words into my mouth... I never said that I hated muslims. I said I didn't like them.were back to the same point again should take each individual person as you find them ,just coz a christian murders someone you dont then hate all christians .to say you hate all muslims because whatever percentage of them would kill for there beliefs is wrong.
would you hate a muslim fireman who dragged your ass out of a burning house ?or a muslim doctor who performs a life saving operation on you ,amember of your familly or a close friend ?
incorrect.7xstall, people will say anything without even knowing what they are talking about. In 1996 there was not a billon muslims on the earth.
incorrect.Today the highest estimate is at a level of 1.1 billion, they represent about 22% of the world's population. (1 in 5) They are the second largest religion in the world.
There's no way i can respond that would make you look stupider than you do fromt hat statement.. so go on and believe that, pal.You want to take over the world, my beloved society which allows me to get fat should I so choose. If this is not YOUR aim, then you are not a true muslim.
6 Billion or so on the planet, how many radicals will kill you?by their own stats, 15-40% of muslims are radicals. this is not a few, this is billions.
One could kill you or someone you love just as easily as one million could.6 Billion or so on the planet, how many radicals will kill you?
There's no way i can respond that would make you look stupider than you do fromt hat statement.. so go on and believe that, pal.
and 7x I was just typing it how it's said.. i was pissed too so you'd hear more of a 'CK'.. lol trust me. well noted though.
^^ Fucking Racist Bastard....... lol couldnt resist
Many people wear rags on their heads, these aren't a race of people either.I believe rag head was used........but hey man it's ok to be racist every once in awhile
Maybe... pointing out an obvious truth?well then what exactly would you call it then???