Count Down to Nov 4th 2014....

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Well-Known Member
strange! its only 10.30pm Sunday here (in Australia)
1:35 AM
Monday, December 9, 2013 (EST)
Time in Canberra ACT, Australia
2:05 AM Kingston (NFT)
1:35 AM Lord Howe Island (LHST)
1:05 AM Adelaide (CST)
10:35 PM -1 day Perth (WST)
9:35 PM -1 day The Settlement (CXT)


Well-Known Member
1:16 AM MONDAY Morning in Australia

and echelon still has no need to sleep, becuase he has no job
So he chooses to bitch about the politics in another country
where is your "like" button? are you not accepting "likes" anymore?

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ChesusRice again.


Well-Known Member
What do you for work again and why were your children removed from your care?
you know, i'll throw you a bone since it's obviously all you can think ex-husband and i had joint custody..i was residential..i took an assignment out of state and he said he would fight me on taking the children with me..i was just getting re-established after divorce and had no more money to fight him..i was a stay at home mom/mini van/yada yada..he said he would keep the kids and not ask for support..then he reneged..end of story.


Well-Known Member
you know, i'll throw you a bone since it's obviously all you can think ex-husband and i had joint custody..i was residential..i took an assignment out of state and he said he would fight me on taking the children with me..i was just getting re-established after divorce and had no more money to fight him..i was a stay at home mom/mini van/yada yada..he said he would keep the kids and not ask for support..then he reneged..end of story.

The city did demand I paint my house. Which didnt make sense since I was going to side it. So I painted the house, built a garage instead.
They pay a guy 60k a year to go around and look for chipped paint with binoculars
and he spotted some on a eave , Rather than paint the 3 foot section of chipped paint we painted the whole house and put off siding it for a few years. OPSEC says I dont put up a pic of my house otherwise I would


New Member
you know, i'll throw you a bone since it's obviously all you can think ex-husband and i had joint custody..i was residential..i took an assignment out of state and he said he would fight me on taking the children with me..i was just getting re-established after divorce and had no more money to fight him..i was a stay at home mom/mini van/yada yada..he said he would keep the kids and not ask for support..then he reneged..end of story.
Now I understand why your expectations don't mesh with reality. There's something about this story you're holding back, it's plainly obvious.


Well-Known Member
I would say Clintons appeal was universal, even after screwing the pooch* :lol: he left office with some decent approval ratings - and could hold a conversation, without the flanking of teleprompters.

As far as the modern era, Kennedy, and probably his bro had the King/Kennedy ticket come to fruition
Well, she had a pooch, that women, the little Ruben's girl. I guess if there was enough pooch, a way to screw it could be figured.


Well-Known Member
Interesting, as well as begging the question: Who has been the most polarizing POTUS over the last thirty years?
George W. Bush. He almost lost his re-elect. I can't think of more polar than that.


Well-Known Member
you know, i'll throw you a bone since it's obviously all you can think ex-husband and i had joint custody..i was residential..i took an assignment out of state and he said he would fight me on taking the children with me..i was just getting re-established after divorce and had no more money to fight him..i was a stay at home mom/mini van/yada yada..he said he would keep the kids and not ask for support..then he reneged..end of story.
Let me get this not a virgin? Good.


Well-Known Member

The city did demand I paint my house. Which didnt make sense since I was going to side it. So I painted the house, built a garage instead.
They pay a guy 60k a year to go around and look for chipped paint with binoculars
and he spotted some on a eave , Rather than paint the 3 foot section of chipped paint we painted the whole house and put off siding it for a few years. OPSEC says I dont put up a pic of my house otherwise I would
no shit! they do the same thing here..they drive by and take pics..pain in the asses..the last thing i got was having to pressure clean the roof..
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