Riu island


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Staff member

You people confirm every belief about strangers I have with every post..
(1) That was PANDA not Pada, no one commented on you (except me, now), and

(2) The "You people" issue is evidence of your 'ism' for whatever group you are currently projecting your fear and mistrust upon (ie generalization of the roots of prejudice against a group), and

(3) "every belief about strangers" posits a sad dichotomy for the autistic spectrum disorder part of you. Here's the logical dilemma, how can you ever make a friend or lover if you use every interaction to support your fear spawned hatred, of other humans. We all begin as strangers each to the other. It explains the rape fantasies Pad, because if you can't overcome the initial stranger mistrust how can you ever get close enough to risk your emotions.

Pad good luck with this. I hope you can find peace from the mistrust and hatred for others you are constantly working through here. It's a tough place to be in and I would not wish that on my worst enemy this holiday season. So whatever you believe in I hope it can help you, happy holidays.



Well-Known Member
(1) That was PANDA not Pada, no one commented on you (except me, now), and
Pada, Panda, it's been confused before, forgive me if I jumped the gun and thought that post was directed towards me...

(2) The "You people" issue is evidence of your 'ism' for whatever group you are currently projecting your fear and mistrust upon (ie generalization of the roots of prejudice against a group), and

I feel like members here are prejudiced against me for simply stating my own opinion. The majority of the time, I feel like they are arguing against points I don't make, ie. they are misunderstanding what I am actually saying. This is probably my fault, as I'm not equipped with the tools necessary to convey my opinion coherently. I've never gone to college, what I know is all self taught, I accept there are probably a lot of flaws in the formality of what I post, but I have to argue the reasoning is consistent.

(3) "every belief about strangers" posits a sad dichotomy for the autistic spectrum disorder part of you. Here's the logical dilemma, how can you ever make a friend or lover if you use every interaction to support your fear spawned hatred, of other humans.
I would imagine one couldn't..

If you hate human beings automatically, you will likely hold a bias. I hate most human beings automatically, not all. There are a lot of people who pleasantly surprise me

We all begin as strangers each to the other. It explains the rape fantasies Pad, because if you can't overcome the initial stranger mistrust how can you ever get close enough to risk your emotions.
I don't carry rape fantasies. I've asked two or three questions about rape and cultural differences, to which a couple unreasonable members have accused me of said fantasies, which, if true, if you know me at all, I'd have no problem admitting to. I don't care what people think of me because I'm not ashamed of what I believe. I am proud I believe what I believe and I'm proud to defend it. If I truly believed in rape, or thought at all that rape was arousing, I would fully admit it to the board, without hesitation. This is what certain members don't believe and can't accept because it would kill their absurd theories.. I like rough sex, bondage, bdsm, slapping, spitting, choking, etc. But ONLY if it's consentual. Removing that aspect of any sexual act between people makes it criminal. This is shit I learned before I went through puberty. As I said before, certain members here have decided to exploit certain aspect of my sexuality that I've explicitly given away for free in some kindergarten attempt to affect my credibility. I've been here since 06, these idiots mean nothing to me and to anyone else paying attention.

Pad good luck with this. I hope you can find peace from the mistrust and hatred for others you are constantly working through here.
Thank you, I hope I can, too

It's a tough place to be in and I would not wish that on my worst enemy this holiday season. So whatever you believe in I hope it can help you, happy holidays.

Thanks, Annie, Happy holidays to you too

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
Well lifes a bitch and im gatecrashing the island , and ive brought my two buddies with me finshaggy and neaveh420 , i found them clinging onto a plank of wood out in the ocean .


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
.......snip........ I like rough sex, bondage, bdsm, slapping, spitting, choking, etc. But ONLY if it's consentual. Removing that aspect of any sexual act between people makes it criminal. This is shit I learned before I went through puberty. As I said before, certain members here have decided to exploit certain aspect of my sexuality that I've explicitly given away for free in some kindergarten attempt to affect my credibility.
Thank you Pada for opening up. I am sorry for what happened to you and when you are autistic or have an autistic spectrum disorder experiencing powerlessness early in our existence often engenders control issues. Instead of facing it directly we work tangentially, often recreating them in an attempt at mastery, because they are so threatening. You have a lot of deep anger and resentment you are trying to work through. It's slipping through the cracks, just as mine frequently does.

When you see others in synchronous chorus about the same issue then it triangulates you as the source. So while I agree there are trolls to ignore. If many people or a group of people consistently have an issue with something you do and you continue to do it, it's not their issue but yours. So yes you have to balance calling troll with some insight and judgment of your and frankly my own behavior.

You have a lot of anger and a long life ahead of you. If you could find a way to work that out you could have a happier and more inclusive life. I'm still trying to work out mine. Good luck with this Pad and I mean that sincerely. I'm not bashing you here, frankly I'm hoping you do not end up down the same road I took. It's a pretty bitter and lonely road. It's impossible to conceptually care about humanity while hating people at the same time.
Happy Holidays,


Well-Known Member
Well lifes a bitch and im gatecrashing the island , and ive brought my two buddies with me finshaggy and neaveh420 , i found them clinging onto a plank of wood out in the ocean .
Excuse me sirs... I'm resident pest control and you and your rats are not allowed... *snap snap snap*
Move along nothing to see here


Active Member
I'll join the hundreds of riu members left out and arrive in crude waterworld boat replicas firing and cussing, we will take your weed and women, ransack your place, only to leave and terrorize whatever is left of the civilization.

also we will steal your dirt.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I'll join the hundreds of riu members left out and arrive in crude waterworld boat replicas firing and cussing, we will take your weed and women, ransack your place, only to leave and terrorize whatever is left of the civilization.

also we will steal your dirt.



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I'll join the hundreds of riu members left out and arrive in crude waterworld boat replicas firing and cussing, we will take your weed and women, ransack your place, only to leave and terrorize whatever is left of the civilization.

also we will steal your dirt.
See all you had to do was ask nicely and we would have said welcome aboard. But since you started it pardon us if we enjoy finishing it :)

I'd normally just use satellite time to target you with our Battleship's Tomahawk but since JJ brought the UH-1 and you mentioned our dirtsurfr it will have to get ugly for you, sorry, nothing personal you know. I'll come at you without missiles to make it fair, first pass, guns only :) Then as I come off the the top of the chandelle I'm firing :) the hang of the negative G's will have JJ barfing his guts out on you (or I'd simply split s), and either way the kick from the missiles will make me happy :) then I'm heading back home for my well earned steak and eggs.

JJ, don't forget to pack the monkey harness you don't wanna be out there without it :) true it's only water and the battleship will find you, eventually, you know the grey bunting crew, meh, bunch of lazy potheads.



Well-Known Member
I do ask that no one bring this along, with all the psychedelia and hallucinogenic plants around this place, things could get intense ;)



Well-Known Member
A day in a Vietnam Huey..........P.S. might want to skip the 10:00min mark.......[video=youtube;w3wDks0aBmw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3wDks0aBmw&feature=player_embedded[/video]


Well-Known Member
I'll join the hundreds of riu members left out and arrive in crude waterworld boat replicas firing and cussing, we will take your weed and women, ransack your place, only to leave and terrorize whatever is left of the civilization.

also we will steal your dirt.

You see now Curious1garden ?

Foresight and a floating heart attack is all you need circumnavigating !i

You get your ..2... back after you see the short work my BB makes of your Carrier (s)


Well-Known Member
Your T-Hawk has a nose live feed camera, and orbit capabilities, no space junk, fly it right into it.

Too much fire for such a small threat, keelhaul it or just run it down.


Well-Known Member
Well I don't often hang out in here I am sure I could offer some valuable skills to the community. I know a thing or two about science and I learn new things very quickly.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Well I don't often hang out in here I am sure I could offer some valuable skills to the community. I know a thing or two about science and I learn new things very quickly.
We'd love to have you in the community (speaking for myself). Would have liked logges and his ski boat but he had to say dirt and no one offends the dirt and lives :)


Active Member
I don't think you understand gentlemen

My army represents all that is dreaded in the internet.

I have hundreds of internet trolls to swarm your positions like Black Friday shoppers
Firepower? My list of suburb gangsters is longer than your vet numbers
Dozens of underage kids will sneak past your defenses and sabotage your infrastructure all the while calling you noobs and questioning your mother's reputation
Our tech junkies will instagram photos of your sorrow and tweet the coming of your doom.

We will flood you with the force of a tsunami, leaving behind death and despair. All your island belongs to us.
All this while we siege you; interminably broadcasting Finshaggy's teachings day and night. Resistance is futile.



Well-Known Member
I don't think you understand gentlemen

My army represents all that is dreaded in the internet.

I have hundreds of internet trolls to swarm your positions like Black Friday shoppers
Firepower? My list of suburb gangsters is longer than your vet numbers
Dozens of underage kids will sneak past your defenses and sabotage your infrastructure all the while calling you noobs and questioning your mother's reputation
Our tech junkies will instagram photos of your sorrow and tweet the coming of your doom.

We will flood you with the force of a tsunami, leaving behind death and despair. All your island belongs to us.
All this while we siege you; interminably broadcasting Finshaggy's teachings day and night. Resistance is futile.

How long can they tread water ?