Riu island


Ursus marijanus
But there's no sense crying over every mistake
You just keep on trying till you run out of cake
And the science get's done
And you make a neat gun
For the people who are still alive..... still alive.......

Oil lamps! OIL LAMPS! Ok that's it there is an acceptable level of tech, oil lamps is not it. I'm bringing the Stanford Ph.D. EE first we are going wireless and Kinetic goes to upgrade training, but keep him away from the microwaves.

But for the time being the reason we are stealing a carrier is so we can plug into it's nuclear power plant. Oh and cause I can't get a nuclear sub. I'd like a nuclear sub with atomic.. oops wrong island. Ok yeah can someone PLEASE get me the Enterprise. I'm good with a companion battleship or two! DIRTSURFR surely HE can get me the enterprise.

I do so much and ask so little........

Thank you

Oo, a nuclear sub would be an ideal addendum to the island! I do so like to sleep indoors.

And it'll be so nice to have a 3-inch-thick door to pull shut on the unruly s̶u̶b̶j̶e̶ colleagues ...


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure who owned this island prior too, so we should be careful before we occupy. This is how we prepped an island before insertion..................................[video=youtube;vjBSJV0yHA8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjBSJV0yHA8&feature=player_embedded[/video]


Well-Known Member
Am I missing a pun or are you incorrectly under the impression I'm a herbivore?
Was just thinking how amusing this would be had it been based on Gilligan's Island:

Sunni=Mary Ann(Gotta admit she sort of looks like her)
Annie=Mrs. Howell...:mrgreen:

Shit, better log-off now...lol


Well-Known Member
Then we send in the Marines..........[video=youtube;3Q3k9Sg9aS4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q3k9Sg9aS4&feature=player_embedded[/video]


Well-Known Member
If you were not a gay man would just playing with my testicles be ok?:bigjoint:
I am not a gay man
I do not wish to play with your testicles
this is very forward of you .. if i were gay i would also have to be a bit of a slut to agree

out of curiosity have you had any luck with this approach ?
maybe ask the Panda ...


Well-Known Member
Alright! Alright!.....Break it up you 2........no fighting!...........move along......nothing to see here........


Well-Known Member
I am not a gay man
I do not wish to play with your testicles
this is very forward of you .. if i were gay i would also have to be a bit of a slut to agree

out of curiosity have you had any luck with this approach ?
maybe ask the Panda ...


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Was just thinking how amusing this would be had it been based on Gilligan's Island:

Sunni=Mary Ann(Gotta admit she sort of looks like her)
Annie=Mrs. Howell...:mrgreen:

Shit, better log-off now...lol
You know I started to argue then I remembered my hubby's name is Thurston :) just call me Lovey, really :)


Well-Known Member
RIU island will be so popular we will need someplace to in-process all the newbie's......[video=youtube;VhpXrSE0g6Q]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhpXrSE0g6Q&feature=player_embedded[/video]


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I am not a gay man
I do not wish to play with your testicles
this is very forward of you .. if i were gay i would also have to be a bit of a slut to agree

out of curiosity have you had any luck with this approach ?
maybe ask the Panda ...

You people confirm every belief about strangers I have with every post..