How can Anarchocapitalism break monopolies?

Tldr version of kkkynes newest manifesto:

"If you use words that Marx used, your a marxist. Words don't mean what they mean so you can just redefine them to suit your argument."

so, i have once again laid out MY personal ideology for all to see, and yours remains hidden under a stack of Chompskyite slogans.

detailing what you actually believe and what you mean when you use a word is So Very Difficult you cannot manage it.

it really is sad that you are so incapable of communication.
those collectives are not "socialist" in nature, but rather Communal. (see Communism)

if you wish these terms to be used in Ye Olde Tyme meaning of the Pre-Marx era then you need to specify who's definition of "Socialism" and "Communism" you are using or the discussion can go nowhere.

Fine, so that makes me a Communist-Libertarian?
Why do I empathize with social-democracy then?
Is it because those who existed when it was named as such, before you or I were sperm, "didn't understand Marx" either?
Is it not conceivable they didn't give a shit about Marx?

it's not that peculiar a bias.
Actually, it is most peculiar, verging on deviant.

money and economic reality drives many of my personal and political decisions, but not all.
Very good, at least you accept its predominate influence.

Social But Not Socialist: society is essential, and thus we must all give up a little of our personal fortunes, labour and effort that society as a whole may improve.
Capitalist: but what's mine is mine, and whats yours is yours, and if we wish to trade some of my shit for some of your shit, why the hell not.
i would place myself in the position on your chart marked "Internet Democracy".

THAT's what I was waiting for in the first place, thanks.
Now I can ponder your perspective more efficiently.

not too much capitalism, nor too much collectivism, but erring on the side of capitalism.
absolute political freedom. freedom of thought and political expression is essential for any free society to function
personal liberty should be as unrestricted as possible, without devolving into anarchy, but Not Everyone Is Nice.
capitalism and free markets as much as is practical while still funding and preserving the society which allows markets to exist, and protecting The Commons from despoilers or over-exploitation
That sure sounds a lot like Social-Democracy to me. The only thing you are neglecting is how to handle Natural Monopolies.

i have cited Das Kapital and its faulty assumptions based on a "materialist" (again not the standard definition, rather, the curious one used by Marx and Engles) view of social interactions several times.
I must have missed those fleeting moments of lucidity in between your Anti-Marx rants.
I encourage you to use them more in the future just to keep some of the more emotionally-charged verbiage of "manifestos" out of the conversation, while giving me something I can easily reference.

all social interaction is NOT economic, in fact the best ones are entirely NON-Economic.

No kidding? I enjoy playing guitar, fucking, painting, smoking weed, cooking, playing video games, figuring out why the Corona of the Sun is hotter than the surface or how I can get my rockets to fly straighter etc. but at some point money is involved. Either through electricity, dinner and libations, publications, fertilizers and smoking implements, or other sundry elements.
Just because one can envisage an activity without commerce does not preclude it from being represented in a commercial (or economic) form.

marx and engles wrote the book, their definitions are well... definitive, yet those who wish to use alternate definitions rarely provide any explanation of HOW they are using these words so fraught with baggage.

And there we have it. Your vision is still constrained immensely by Marx and Engles. For you it all revolves around those two.
I can easily incorporate your definitions into my analysis, but you can't (or refuse to) escape the 2nd quadrant in yours.
That's somewhat of an appeal to authority fallacy, though.
You know, a lot has changed since those two wrote that particular manuscript. There has been a great deal of synthesizing and differentiation amongst socialist theoreticians over the decades. The "manifesto" is not exactly the Bible or Dictionary of Socialism.
And yet you continue to insist it must be that way?
You can destroy Marx all you want, but that doesn't change the broader application of socialism in the socio-politico-economic sphere (cylinder? cube? Tetrahedron?)

your discourse is also quite agreeable. but macro-economics is still just tarot card reading with charts and graphs.

That's okay, I think Macro is full of shit, too. That's why I explore and try to implement heterodox theories into my attempts at modeling, to break the mold of orthodox failure. That's why people like Minsky demanded macro-economic models have an allowance for the possibility of "Great Depressions" or else they are half-baked.
But Tarot reading? Come on...Physics is full of "tarot reading", too, yet somehow those nerds manage to get satellites in orbit so we can carry-on these types of conversations from the comfort of our respective abodes. The difference comes down to refinement within error analysis, where economics has a lot of work to do (especially with its fallacies of composition) before it (re)approaches the king of sciences, at least as far as our present state of existence is concerned.

Anyway, I need to get back to my Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics studies, while finding some time to squeeze in a little Ferdinand Lassalle.
I enjoyed the game...good luck and feel free to get in the last word at your discretion.
I have nothing more to offer at this point, nor do I see any more room for us to reach a consensus.
Fine, so that makes me a Communist-Libertarian?
Why do I empathize with social-democracy then?
Is it because those who existed when it was named as such, before you or I were sperm, "didn't understand Marx" either?
Is it not conceivable they didn't give a shit about Marx?

however it is abundantly clear that ALL leftist thought is heavily influenced by Marx's ideas, so much so that Marx dominate the left's ideology even when they reject portions of his message like Violent proletarian revolution, the dictatorship of the proletariat, and the domination of a vanguard.

Actually, it is most peculiar, verging on deviant.
not really. marx doesnt dominate my ideology, he scratches at the door whimpering because i forgot to let him in when it started to rain.

Very good, at least you accept its predominate influence.
monetary and financial concerns do not dominate my decision making process. it is peripheral at best.

THAT's what I was waiting for in the first place, thanks.
Now I can ponder your perspective more efficiently.
my perspective is already well established, and my views are extensively pondered. this is no innovation.

That sure sounds a lot like Social-Democracy to me. The only thing you are neglecting is how to handle Natural Monopolies.
and yet i do not adhere to the ideal of Democracy, but rather The republic.
most "Democratic Socialism" is predicated on slow creeping erosion of capital and markets to make way for the collectivist utopian ideal, but i LOVE capital and markets, and summarily reject utopianism as a fallacy.

I must have missed those fleeting moments of lucidity in between your Anti-Marx rants.
I encourage you to use them more in the future just to keep some of the more emotionally-charged verbiage of "manifestos" out of the conversation, while giving me something I can easily reference.
Das Kapital was the start of the Marxian ideological waterslide. yet the splash pool at the bottom remains utopian communism. it was there in Das Kapital, and fully fleshed out in the Manifesto and the communist internationals.

No kidding? I enjoy playing guitar, fucking, painting, smoking weed, cooking, playing video games, figuring out why the Corona of the Sun is hotter than the surface or how I can get my rockets to fly straighter etc. but at some point money is involved. Either through electricity, dinner and libations, publications, fertilizers and smoking implements, or other sundry elements.
Just because one can envisage an activity without commerce does not preclude it from being represented in a commercial (or economic) form.
financial reality is a limiter on the extent of your indulgence in the things you love, not the motivator. Marx asserted money/economics was the sole motivation for all human endeavours, which makes him even more jaded and cynical than even ayn rand. thats one of the key assumptions in Das Kapital, and one of the reasons he objects so strenuously to capital and markets. his desire to "liberate" humanity from the "chains" of economics and usher in a utopian Candyland without money/economics as the motivator was based on this faulty assumption.

And there we have it. Your vision is still constrained immensely by Marx and Engles. For you it all revolves around those two.
I can easily incorporate your definitions into my analysis, but you can't (or refuse to) escape the 2nd quadrant in yours.
That's somewhat of an appeal to authority fallacy, though.
You know, a lot has changed since those two wrote that particular manuscript. There has been a great deal of synthesizing and differentiation amongst socialist theoreticians over the decades. The "manifesto" is not exactly the Bible or Dictionary of Socialism.
And yet you continue to insist it must be that way?
You can destroy Marx all you want, but that doesn't change the broader application of socialism in the socio-politico-economic sphere (cylinder? cube? Tetrahedron?)
your chart curiously separates personal liberty from political liberty, but the two remain eternally bound up. if you cannot choose your leader, then your leader does the choosing for you, and if he decides that you have too much personal liberty, well, you are fucked.
political liberty begets personal liberty, and personal liberty begets political liberty, since what is more essential to personal liberty than ideas, and ideas are the core of politics.
your chart simply over-complicates and already complex and misunderstood system which remains, as it always has been, a battle between liberty and authoritarianism, and capitalism versus collectivism.

That's okay, I think Macro is full of shit, too. That's why I explore and try to implement heterodox theories into my attempts at modeling, to break the mold of orthodox failure. That's why people like Minsky demanded macro-economic models have an allowance for the possibility of "Great Depressions" or else they are half-baked.
But Tarot reading? Come on...Physics is full of "tarot reading", too, yet somehow those nerds manage to get satellites in orbit so we can carry-on these types of conversations from the comfort of our respective abodes. The difference comes down to refinement within error analysis, where economics has a lot of work to do (especially with its fallacies of composition) before it (re)approaches the king of sciences, at least as far as our present state of existence is concerned.
any time the eggheads assert that debt is anything but a liability until it is expunged through repayment, you are running on a hamster wheel of sophistry. the actual repaymenbt of debts is the point where every economist fails to recognize reality in their arcane theories.

Anyway, I need to get back to my Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics studies, while finding some time to squeeze in a little Ferdinand Lassalle.
I enjoyed the game...good luck and feel free to get in the last word at your discretion.
I have nothing more to offer at this point, nor do I see any more room for us to reach a consensus.
meh. the last word is not my goal. the disassembly of dissembling is my only objective.
Because pawlbots repeat the same crap so many times that I just get sick of responding to it. Stamina is not logic.

this from the guy who spends his days repeating attempts to force memes.

read trotsky and discover where your personal ideology comes from and where it leads.
this from the guy who spends his days repeating attempts to force memes.

read trotsky and discover where your personal ideology comes from and where it leads.

I have. You read Orwell, Chomsky and get off of Marx's nuts if you really want to understand libertarian socialism.

I have laid it out repeatedly. Conversely, I have spent countless hours reading about philosophies I do not ascribe to before criticizing them and falsely attributing them to Karl Marx. You're a Republican. That is all I need to know about your views. Even if I were not fully capable of understanding that philosophy I would still not follow you around and call you something you weren't for months.

Your tactics prevailed. Good for you. I'm sick of correcting your blatant dishonesty and you have more stamina than I do.
I have. You read Orwell, Chomsky and get off of Marx's nuts if you really want to understand libertarian socialism.

I have laid it out repeatedly. Conversely, I have spent countless hours reading about philosophies I do not ascribe to before criticizing them and falsely attributing them to Karl Marx. You're a Republican. That is all I need to know about your views. Even if I were not fully capable of understanding that philosophy I would still not follow you around and call you something you weren't for months.

Your tactics prevailed. Good for you. I'm sick of correcting your blatant dishonesty and you have more stamina than I do.

And he wonders why I meme him to death.
I have. You read Orwell, Chomsky and get off of Marx's nuts if you really want to understand libertarian socialism.

I have laid it out repeatedly. Conversely, I have spent countless hours reading about philosophies I do not ascribe to before criticizing them and falsely attributing them to Karl Marx. You're a Republican. That is all I need to know about your views. Even if I were not fully capable of understanding that philosophy I would still not follow you around and call you something you weren't for months.

Your tactics prevailed. Good for you. I'm sick of correcting your blatant dishonesty and you have more stamina than I do.

you again are a LIAR you have refused to spell out what you personal, entirely internal secret political ideology of one is.

the closest you ever came was citing the wikipedia entry which is NOT a description of a political ideology, but rather a pointless mix of "some say", "some might argue", "many agree", "the common understanding" and then a motherfucking shitload of contradictory assertions and linkbacks to other forms of socialism and "anarcho-_______ism"

i have been forced to use deductive and inductive reasoning to determine what political form you adhere to, and that has led me to the firm understanding that you are in fact a Trotskyite.

believes in and uses the phrase "Permanent Revolution"? YES
anti-capitalist? YES
utopian communism as a the stated goal? YES
does not support the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" ? YES
supports "revolution" without violence? YES
more interested in real working communism than complex hypothetical schemes? Not Sure
Out and Proud supporter of communism without the authoritarian socialist state stage? NO to the first, Yes to the second
Beard neat and well groomed instead of the usual marxian shrubbery Not Sure
Opposed to the domination of the revolution by a Vanguard Not Sure
exiled to Mexico? Yes
Quotes Orwell who joined a Trotskyite militia? YES
Quotes Bertie Russel who was a Trotsky Booster himself? Yes
Icepick through left ear courtesy of Stalin? Not Yet

seems fairly conclusive.

if you were Out and Proud, more clear on the mechanisms by which you propose your utopian communism should be implemented, and posted a picture of your beard, we could all be sure.
It was 30 seconds of his usual outright lying that I'm never going to get back.

embrace your ideology and present it without slogans dogwhistles, catch phrases and cryptic allusions to uninformative wikipedia pages and maybe somebody will grace you with a TLDR too.
Nope. Even in complex issues brevity is possible. It's the lies that make your bullshit convoluted.

so, then you subscribe to the EXACT FORM of "Libertarian Socialism" described in the wikipedia page you cited?

cuz that was a jumbled mess of contradictory assertions and "some argue" type weasel words.
if you actually write out what you believe PERSONALLY of link to a page that you feel accurately details your position i will read it.