Massive DEA raids planned for Humboldt


Well-Known Member
I think we already have the money to buy the state. CA would be the 3rd richest country in the world if it were its own country.


Well-Known Member
If you guys break away from the Feds/USA than someone please help me get a job there! I got skills in growing pot and many other things too:mrgreen: Maybe Fdd would be kind enough to hook me up:-|...............:mrgreen:

The only thing that sketches me out is the chemtrails that you guys (Cali) get. :? I have yet to see any chemtrails or contrails where I reside(the planes leave no sign of their passage).........

California dreaming!




Well-Known Member
We do not get any fucking chemtrails. Jesus Christ.
Geeze, take it easy SM. I just learned about it the other day(the day I started this thread). It just seems peculiar to me because the planes leave no sign of passage where I live(they don't even leave a 5 second contrail).

Check it out if you want. I'm still open minded and I don't have a steadfast opinion on the subject.




Well-Known Member
Has no one considered the fact that if the "government" was spraying us with chemicals that they'd also be spraying themselves? It makes no sense that they're spraying chemicals to "control the masses" when the masses are so easily controlled via the media, not to mention the fact that, unless they've got some kind of special filters shoved down their tracheas, they'd be spraying themselves as well.

Stop watching YouTube and start watching Frontline or Nova or something that's at least supported by scientific evidence. Contrails are not automatically left by all planes, either.


Well-Known Member
It appears that they're not targeting med growers, but those who are purely 'for profit'. Honestly, I do NOT FUCKING BUY IT. The federal government has so overstepped its bounds it sickens me.


Well-Known Member
it was a 2 year "investigation". the feds want the "BIG BOYS". they aren't just busting "crops", they are busting up "operations".
This is after they assured people that they weren't there to do ANY busts. Do you believe what they're saying? I sure don't. I don't trust people with that kind of power, not even as far as I can throw them. :evil:


Well-Known Member
you can grow yourself a little weed. maybe even grow a little extra to cover your costs. it's when you start to set it up as a business, that the feds get pissed. "joe needs 10 pounds every 2 weeks." "we need to set-up another house." "i only have 100 grand cash on me." stuff like that. :)


Well-Known Member
This is after they assured people that they weren't there to do ANY busts. Do you believe what they're saying? I sure don't. I don't trust people with that kind of power, not even as far as I can throw them. :evil:

it's their job to lie. they will admit that. notice it said "NO arrests were made"? everyone left town for the week.


New Member
Left town and took their weed with them,~LOL~. I can see it now, a caravan of box vans stuffed high to the ceiling with 15 ft MJ plants, heading out of town,~LOL~.
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