Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)

18 year old kid is spray painting a private building when he's approached by two cops, he runs, they give chase, they taze him, he dies.

No weapons. No violent criminal background. 18 years old.

This is the story of how two fat fuck pigs who aren't physically capable of performing their duties as a cop murdered a fucking kid to make an arrest for a nonviolent crime.

And I guarantee there will be sadistic pieces of shit who will defend the pigs actions because the kid was breaking a law. "Well, he shouldn't have been tagging a building, it's his own fault" type of horseshit.

Police say officers were "forced to use the taser to avoid a physical incident" with the teenager, who had been spray-painting a private building when confronted by law enforcement.

"During the foot pursuit, the subject encountered officers face to face … and ignored officers' commands to stop," Miami Beach police chief Raymond Martinez said in a statement. "In order to affect his arrest, an officer deployed his conducted electrical weapon (Taser)."

Here's the story, FUCK THE POLICE!

Killed for a putting color on a wall, smh. And their report must be bullshit, why would the writer be face to face with the cop? would be running away
It's interesting, I am a white male with short hair, virtually every interaction I've had with the police involving me as a suspected suspect has been met with unnecessary hostility, these are things like simple traffic stops

You hear from most cops mouths to comply and be honest and it'll be met with lenience. Bullshit lie. They tell you this to ease your mind, anything you tell them will be used against you, which is why they tell you before they question you (Miranda rights). Absolutely never ever ever speak to a cop unless an attorney is present, you will not gain anything from speaking to police.

I don't blame cops for the bullshit laws they're supposed to enforce, that blame lies with our government, but in my experience, the way they have handled situations with me has more than proven to me that a lot of these guys are mainly on a power trip, do you really have to write me a ticket for having a personal amount of weed on me? Do you really have to write me a ticket for entering a turn lane too early when traffic is backed up 300 yards and I'm late for finals? Really? You do? Well fuck you then, you can eat a dick because you are a piece of shit with no humanity.

Fuck. The. Police.
The problem I have with l. e. officers/cops. Any PERSON that puts on their uniform and knowingly does a job that violates my constitutional rights , and continuously does that job day in and day out is a piece of shit
The problem I have with l. e. officers/cops. Any PERSON that puts on their uniform and knowingly does a job that violates my constitutional rights , and continuously does that job day in and day out is a piece of shit

If you have a problem with the laws your beef is with legislators
Dude yesterday I was walking down the street in a pretty bad area in town when I get stopped by a cop. He starts asking if I have any drugs on me. I tell him no. He says come on man where are they. I say " I don't do drugs sir". He tells me I look like a tweaker ( long night before followed by a shitty day at work). He proceeds to start checking my arms for tracks tells me to open my mouth checks my gums and shit. Runs me to see if I have warrents. I don't. I've never done meth or heroin. I was extremely offended and angry. Fuck that asshole.
right after being told i look like a tweaker i'd have told the cop to go fuck himself. that's kinda ridiculous dude i'm surprised you let him check your arms and mouth...
The guy who stands between me and social chaos, trooping the colors (uniform! sidearm!) is not a shitbag. Not in my book. +1 bombur

The reality of it is cops don't stop social chaos, the population as a whole does. If the general public decided to just stop mulling along and following any order no group could stop it. I will say law enforcement over the past decade has drawn from the wrong pool of people to put in the position.

The behavior and actions of the vast majority of cops these days makes me sick.
I grew up in a small town and the police were cool. treat them with respect and they would do the same, fair guys and believe me when I was young I dealt with them

I have two friends, both retired cops. both two of the coolest guys you could ever meet, no chip on their shoulders. Both retired after being shot, ironically they don't know each other.

Personally, I think cops should have degrees. part of that degree should require them to know both the state and federal laws not to mention they should be able to recite the constitution in their sleep.

If they had to have degrees I think it would weed out the ignorant pricks with chips on their shoulders

SIDE NOTE - The first time my one cop buddy ever got high was with me. We were in the woods enjoying some G13...
The guy who stands between me and social chaos, trooping the colors (uniform! sidearm!) is not a shitbag. Not in my book. +1 bombur
Even if he Knowingly violates your rights as an American citizen? the only one that isn't a duechbag is the one that stands up against the unjust laws. If he turns a blind eye he is just as bad as the others
Even if he Knowingly violates your rights as an American citizen? the only one that isn't a duechbag is the one that stands up against the unjust laws. If he turns a blind eye he is just as bad as the others

My rights, or the law? As has been already said, the adjudication of either is the province of the legislators. Imo cops are not barred from violating my rights if the law is on their side. Don't kill the messenger.

The reality of it is cops don't stop social chaos, the population as a whole does. If the general public decided to just stop mulling along and following any order no group could stop it. I will say law enforcement over the past decade has drawn from the wrong pool of people to put in the position.

The behavior and actions of the vast majority of cops these days makes me sick.

Police are like the bouncers at the bar. Their simple, visible presence has a calming effect. I agree that both the training and mindset of police has undergone a shift. But i am curious as to what you think impels or organizes a headless collective such as a population. Power without control equals chaos imo.
My rights, or the law? As has been already said, the adjudication of either is the province of the legislators. Imo cops are not barred from violating my rights if the law is on their side. Don't kill the messenger.

Who says the laws which give you your so-called rights are just?

Police are like the bouncers at the bar. Their simple, visible presence has a calming effect. I agree that both the training and mindset of police has undergone a shift. But i am curious as to what you think impels or organizes a headless collective such as a population. Power without control equals chaos imo.

What I learned being a alaska state trooper for many years is that the majority of our laws do nothing to prevent crime, or even to deter it. The vast majority of the population just uses common sense. I also noticed bad behavior by cops increase when they have large numbers in concentrated areas. You can see the increased aggression most clearly by the amount of shots fired by police in reports. We don't need a bunch of trigger happy thugs in law enforcement, they help no one.

I was always pretty diplomatic about enforcement, many times I was forced to be for the sole reason I was alone and covered a large area. You were forced to pick and choose your battles so to speak. This was also a era when kids could be kids, no one freaked out over drinking, smoking pot, and doing some of the dumb stuff youths do. Like that story that was posted about cops tazering a kid for spray painting a wall. I can't even understand how a cop can justify those actions for such a petty thing.

Society has changed as well. Here a person gets 50$ to turn in a drunk driver, plain silly if you ask me. Or the so called reality tv shows, they are nothing but unprofessional. You shouldn't bother people for the sake on TV ratings. Ask any Alaskan how that show pretty much ruined Arctic Man, because of overzelous cops. Time is better spent on real crime, like sexual assault, child abuse, ect. Not some kids smoking pot or drinking beer at a party.
My rights, or the law? As has been already said, the adjudication of either is the province of the legislators. Imo cops are not barred from violating my rights if the law is on their side. Don't kill the messenger.

Police are like the bouncers at the bar. Their simple, visible presence has a calming effect. I agree that both the training and mindset of police has undergone a shift. But i am curious as to what you think impels or organizes a headless collective such as a population. Power without control equals chaos imo.
Imo cops are not barred from violating my rights if the law is on their side. Don't kill the messenger.
So you think that the police and natonal guard was within their rights and everything was kosher when they went door to door and confiscated weapons from homeowners during hurricane Katrina? You believe that its ok to handcuff 50 people and detain them for 1 hour just to find one person?
Imo cops are not barred from violating my rights if the law is on their side. Don't kill the messenger.
So you think that the police and natonal guard was within their rights and everything was kosher when they went door to door and confiscated weapons from homeowners during hurricane Katrina? You believe that its ok to handcuff 50 people and detain them for 1 hour just to find one person?

I think you have trouble distinguishing between "lawful" and "right". The two are not simply correlated.
Yea this is what i like to see riu.
fuck the 5-0 they get no respect from G's like me. You see on the streets where i'm from if we see popo we run up on them and hit them in the face and scream "SUWOOP" then 2 things will happen.
1) my homies will beat the pig down and we'll kick him
2) I'll take him on my self and just beat him down with basic street knowledge. Nothing too hard after all I've been in over 500 fist fights and only lost 4.
Yea this is what i like to see riu.
fuck the 5-0 they get no respect from G's like me. You see on the streets where i'm from if we see popo we run up on them and hit them in the face and scream "SUWOOP" then 2 things will happen.
1) my homies will beat the pig down and we'll kick him
2) I'll take him on my self and just beat him down with basic street knowledge. Nothing too hard after all I've been in over 500 fist fights and only lost 4.

I hope this is a reference to something that I'm just not getting..

Otherwise, you're a goddamn idiot. You're one of the reasons law abiding citizens get hassled for bullshit excuses.
I think you have trouble distinguishing between "lawful" and "right". The two are not simply correlated.
I do understand the difference between laws and rights. IT is a persons right to travel freely within this country without being stopped and detained for no reason. it is also a right to bear arms. and like I said before, if you are a cop and you think its ok to violate those rights ( I don't give a hoot who told you to do it ) and you continue to do it then you are a shit bag.