Well-Known Member
18 year old kid is spray painting a private building when he's approached by two cops, he runs, they give chase, they taze him, he dies.
No weapons. No violent criminal background. 18 years old.
This is the story of how two fat fuck pigs who aren't physically capable of performing their duties as a cop murdered a fucking kid to make an arrest for a nonviolent crime.
And I guarantee there will be sadistic pieces of shit who will defend the pigs actions because the kid was breaking a law. "Well, he shouldn't have been tagging a building, it's his own fault" type of horseshit.
Police say officers were "forced to use the taser to avoid a physical incident" with the teenager, who had been spray-painting a private building when confronted by law enforcement.
"During the foot pursuit, the subject encountered officers face to face … and ignored officers' commands to stop," Miami Beach police chief Raymond Martinez said in a statement. "In order to affect his arrest, an officer deployed his conducted electrical weapon (Taser)."
Here's the story, FUCK THE POLICE!
Killed for a putting color on a wall, smh. And their report must be bullshit, why would the writer be face to face with the cop? would be running away