Please state your Obama Lies here

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The church doesn't use force, only charity. Tithing isn't mandatory anywhere. If you had ever been in a church you would know that, you heathen.

also, in a Temple or Synagogue you actually "buy" your seat..have you never had a theology class?

no offense..but can you at least please look up you statements before you post..they are almost always incorrect.
I would say one of the biggest lies Obama has told over and over would be that health care costs would go down about 2500$ per family under Obamacare.

no, i think it is the kynes and desertduds and winterwomans of the world pulling their hair out over a few bad apples.

i have a simple formula for avoiding crime: stay out of bad neighborhoods, no matter the skin color of the populace.

easier said than done though, all the cheapest gas and food and cigarettes are in those low income areas. that's why i have yet to go to cupertino.

I've been out of touch. Has Poopertino gone up or down?
20 years ago on Stevens creek there was this great fish&chips place called Aussie's. It didn't last. If Donut Family is still there ... it was good once
20 years ago on Stevens creek there was this great fish&chips place called Aussie's. It didn't last. If Donut Family is still there ... it was good once

i haven't really been on steven's creek, just san carlos (same road, different names on either side of the 17).'

there's a good korean food place (kinda pricey though) and an OK falafel joint nearby. the falafel joint has been in business almost 50 years now, and i fail to see the attraction. my wife loves it though.

google comes up with no results for donut family on steven's creek or elsewhere.
i haven't really been on steven's creek, just san carlos (same road, different names on either side of the 17).'

there's a good korean food place (kinda pricey though) and an OK falafel joint nearby. the falafel joint has been in business almost 50 years now, and i fail to see the attraction. my wife loves it though.

google comes up with no results for donut family on steven's creek or elsewhere.
well dang. They made a great
Are you baiting someone to call you a nigger; or something as vile as "a disgusting sack of humanity" ?

FYI 5% of any population is very problematic. 5% of Muslims are radical, that indeed is problematic. The Nazi party took over at 5% (popular vote was higher) .
I guess 5% losing their health care too is an underwhelming minority.

you compared black people to nazis exterminating the jews.

How did I do that? By using those 2 words in the same paragraph Mr. Sharpton?

presented without comment.
You don't have to "buy" a seat. I just walked in and sat down. They ask you to contribute to their charity sometimes, but they don't demand it. Unlike YOU, PERSONALLY, who DEMAND we give to the likes of you PERSONALLY under threat of law. Then you mock and insult those who question your self-serving motives. Stating I am "almost always incorrect' when ever I point out the the idiocy, hypocrisy, and deceit of your leftist friends is about the lamest argument you've put forth yet. Tell us more about how much better you are than us, while you sit on your lazy ass and whine you didn't qualify for food stamps. Say, weren't you the dolt complaining about "parasites on society"?

au contraire mon frere..guess you've never been to one in south florida..
au contraire mon frere..guess you've never been to one in south florida..

synagogues are open to all, but a seat on the steering committee and membership in the collective is purchased.

buying a seat in your synagogue is part of what makes jewish communities so different, and why they are so cohesive, even when they are being persecuted by the goy regime.

it is NOT mandatory, but if you dont have a seat in the synagogue, you are not truely part of the community.
how did a partial, cropped quote work out in the general election last year?

you guys still haven't learned the lesson, have ya?

What lesson is that? Dems cheat?

Longtime Election Day poll worker Melowese Richardson has “pleaded no contest to four counts of illegal voting … in exchange for prosecutors dropping four other illegal voting charges,” the Cincinnati Enquirer reports.
What lesson is that? Dems cheat?

Longtime Election Day poll worker Melowese Richardson has “pleaded no contest to four counts of illegal voting … in exchange for prosecutors dropping four other illegal voting charges,” the Cincinnati Enquirer reports.

Thankfully Republicans are above that sort of thing.
I am not sure how thick Obama is into this one but....

Saying that it is only a small percentage (5%) of people losing their healthcare when the administration knows it will be something like 30% once the employer side kicks in is a lie.

It is amazing how they continue to lie about the program hoping we forget about the last lie before the next one comes up.
synagogues are open to all, but a seat on the steering committee and membership in the collective is purchased.

buying a seat in your synagogue is part of what makes jewish communities so different, and why they are so cohesive, even when they are being persecuted by the goy regime.

it is NOT mandatory, but if you dont have a seat in the synagogue, you are not truely part of the community.

why thank you, red, please take note, you are wrong again with kynes' citation:clap:

and red, the difference between you and i, is that i post cited fact and you post scrambled opinion.
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