Wakin Bacon Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
Things are so sticky it's ridiculous! I actually don't like touching the buds without gloves anymore because it's annoying. Guess that's a pretty good problem to have though. Most of the buds are about a foot long and are getting pretty top heavy so I went ahead and ordered some yo yos. Even the buds on the edge of scrog net are bout a foot long if not longer. And they are laying down for the most part! When the yo yos go on its gonna open things up and really get the lower buds involved in the party. The NL is putting on a good bit of weight and doing great. It's definitely gonna be done before the WW. Really don't know what else to say about the WW and WW clone other than :spew: I have a little mag def in the big girl, so I will be giving her a little extra next feeding. You can see it in the fan leave stems. Not a single worry though.

Still haven't started the Trainwreck. Pushing that back until after Thanksgiving.

Day 37 I believe: :weed:

View attachment 2900243
Wow very frosty and white like snow. Very nice.


Active Member
Looks really great!

I only have one grow under my belt thus far and the ONLY piece of advice I can say is patience is a virtue. You're obviously crushing for your first grow, so just really let it mature all the way and don't get anxious.

It gets nearly unbearable the closer harvest time gets, but man, it is so worth it to wait til it's really done.

Awesome Job!

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Looks really great!

I only have one grow under my belt thus far and the ONLY piece of advice I can say is patience is a virtue. You're obviously crushing for your first grow, so just really let it mature all the way and don't get anxious.

It gets nearly unbearable the closer harvest time gets, but man, it is so worth it to wait til it's really done.

Awesome Job!

Thanks for the love and the rep! I've been giving the rep out like candy, but I rarely get any. lol, yeah, I got me a little 60x-100x magnifying glass so I can make certain she's ready to come down. And you're right! Every morning when I get up and check my PH and PPMs I have to wipe the drool from my mouth. The smell smacks me in the face when I open the closet! Like really strong pine smell combined with an unmistakable dankness. It's so strong I almost expect to see it some how. This may sound crazy, but this morning I touched a bud and whipped the stickiness off on my shirt just so I could smell it all day. lol
Will ask when needed, but im gonna move in 3 months so this will be my last grow followed by a small break while i move and get settled in my new appartment. And thats when im gonne switch to DWC i think.
Do u know hygrohybrid(channel) on youtube? if not check him out. he's runnin simmilar setup as u, and he is pullin massiv weights. :)

The big one's u see where about 25cm and dryed weight was about 19grams pr top of the big ones.(with stalk)

And dont u worry. I think urs will be even bigger. ;)

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Will ask when needed, but im gonna move in 3 months so this will be my last grow followed by a small break while i move and get settled in my new appartment. And thats when im gonne switch to DWC i think.
Do u know hygrohybrid(channel) on youtube? if not check him out. he's runnin simmilar setup as u, and he is pullin massiv weights. :)

The big one's u see where about 25cm and dryed weight was about 19grams pr top of the big ones.(with stalk)

And dont u worry. I think urs will be even bigger. ;)

Yeah, I watch Hygro's videos. I referenced his channel when I built the scrog net and DWC buckets. We also have similar veg set up. I like mine better though. :bigjoint: He's just talks to damn much. lol, but I love that he's putting the info out there for everyone.

Man I hope I get something at least similar to those monsters. lol

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Checked on the ladies a few minutes ago and took the opportunity to snap a few pics.

Day 39:

WW clone- snapped this one in the hallway where it was dark so it's a little more dramatic looking.


WW- this is why I needed the yoyos! Look at that fucking bud!! You can also see the mag. deficiency here really well. I have addressed it already, so all should be well. Gotta give her a few days to show some improvement. If no improvement I will drain the res and start fresh with about 600 ppms. The yoyos need to hurry the hell up!




Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Topped the ladies off and snapped some pics of the NL for a change. I actually thought about getting rid of her before I switched to 12/12. She hasn't been giving me any problems or anything. Just never been really impressed with her growth. None-the less, it looks like I should get some decent hang grenades? I think that's what people call em?

What ya'll think? How's she growing for day 41? Any chance for the nodes to connect?

NL Day 41:






Well-Known Member
Thanks! I always look at the NL like it's black sheep of the grow room for some reason. lol
My first grow Industrial plant bye dinafem seeds .....
They say thats there version of NL, was easy to grow and a nice smoke :)

Even if you don't like her you probably get a nice smoke of her .....

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
My first grow Industrial plant bye dinafem seeds .....
They say thats there version of NL, was easy to grow and a nice smoke :)

Even if you don't like her you probably get a nice smoke of her .....
I think it's just gonna be a late finisher. It's still pretty frosty and sticky as a mofo. I definitely wanna get another NL from a different place. Wanna try and keep the nodes just a little closer together. You got me wanting to start my Trainwreck now man. What day are you on?


Well-Known Member
I think it's just gonna be a late finisher. It's still pretty frosty and sticky as a mofo. I definitely wanna get another NL from a different place. Wanna try and keep the nodes just a little closer together. You got me wanting to start my Trainwreck now man. What day are you on?
20 of veg, mate.......
yea it sounds a good strain the proof is in the pudding but ... So we shall see in 9 weeks :)

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Bored this morning so I took some bud porn shots after topping the ladies off. Let me know what ya think.

Day 43: :hump:

WW clone






