Wakin Bacon Closet Grow

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
The next widow I grow will be from Mr. Nice Seeds. Long story short; apparently a couple growers split from Green House Seeds and took their strain (White Widow) with em. I guess it's called Black Widow now. From what I understand, that is the original Widow and I wanna see the differences.

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Starting to think about how I will hold the buds up if they get too heavy later on. Also gotta think about where to dry my buds when harvest time comes. Same thing with curing the buds. It looks like I will have a good bit of bud as long as shit still goes smoothly. Should keep me smoking for a good while.

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
First bud porn ever! :hump:

Couple pics of the WW clone since I had to pull her out for a few.

I think she will start frosting up soon.

Day 16 flower:


Can't wait to get some shots when they are much larger and frosty.

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
How's this for a flowering swell? And it's already frosting up a little bit.

Day 1 of 12/12:

Think this is day 20 or so since I started 12/12.


Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Can't wait to harvest these ladies!! December 13 will be 8 weeks exactly, but I have a magnifying glass to be absolutely sure before I harvest. May need to go 9-10 weeks, but I'll see later on. Got my hash bags yesterday. Can't wait to whip up some hash! Gonna go pick up some of the wide mouth mason jars for curing. Might be good to smoke for Christmas!! New Years for sure. Also, I am gonna try and cure some for at least 6 months. :bigjoint:

I am gonna start some Trainwreck next week and when the time is right I will clone her and flower just 2 plants next go round instead of 3. The extra space will be nice. It's a sativa dominate from what I have read. Let the research begin!

Topped off the ladies this morning so I shut off the HPS and snapped a pic of the WW. Almost everything is stacked like this to some degree. :weed:

Day 25:

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Snapped a quick one. Fucked the focus up on the top part, but ya get the point. FROSTY FUCKIN MONSTER!!

Day 30: :spew:


WWC: Don't be fooled. She's stacked like crazy under that top!



Well-Known Member
Lookin good wakin bacon! Just read through this from the start, i'm impressed at you jumping straight in with the DWC first time and getting such solid looking results!

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Lookin good wakin bacon! Just read through this from the start, i'm impressed at you jumping straight in with the DWC first time and getting such solid looking results!
Thanks!! Me too! I never imagined things would've turned out like this when I first started. But hey, I am glad they did! lol

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Only bout half way done and I am wondering just how much weight these ladies will actually put on. I think a lot of these are gonna need help staying up right for sure. Needless to say, I don't mind if they put on some extra holiday weight! :lol:

Day 32:



Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Here's the deal...... bongsmilie

Bout a week ago I went through and trimmed a little bud site that just wasn't producing due to it's location. In fact, the plant had just about given up on the thing so I plucked it off. Then it hit me. You know where I am going with this. It's been sitting on the side of my desk in a little out of the way area. I've watched this thing dry, shrivel up, and even manage to throw out some orange hairs! Squeezed it and it was pretty fuckin dry. So I did what any good stoner would do. I broke it up with my fingers and threw it in the bubbler sitting next to me and fired that fucker up. Of course I am anxiously waiting for my brain to respond and give me some feedback of what the fuck my first hit of my first grown bud is like. Not bad, but far from done of course. Then it hit me almost instantly. Eyes got heavy, heart rate picked up, and brain kicked into creativity, yet chill mode as I turned around in my chair. That's when I started typing this. I am without a doubt baked! But, not couch locked. The only regret I have is not thinking to snap a pic of the bud when I cut it, and right before I smoked it.

I cannot wait to harvest and cure this bud! Shit is ridiculous! :eyesmoke:

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Things are so sticky it's ridiculous! I actually don't like touching the buds without gloves anymore because it's annoying. Guess that's a pretty good problem to have though. Most of the buds are about a foot long and are getting pretty top heavy so I went ahead and ordered some yo yos. Even the buds on the edge of scrog net are bout a foot long if not longer. And they are laying down for the most part! When the yo yos go on its gonna open things up and really get the lower buds involved in the party. The NL is putting on a good bit of weight and doing great. It's definitely gonna be done before the WW. Really don't know what else to say about the WW and WW clone other than :spew: I have a little mag def in the big girl, so I will be giving her a little extra next feeding. You can see it in the fan leave stems. Not a single worry though.

Still haven't started the Trainwreck. Pushing that back until after Thanksgiving.

Day 37 I believe: :weed:


Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Wow, props to you on a fantastic-looking first grow! You are going to be one HAPPY guy come harvest :eyesmoke:

Thanks for the love! I am already happy as a mofo with how things have gone/going. Not sure what it would be called at harvest. lol, MIND BLOWN? I don't think I have ever had more than an ounce of bud to my name at one time. :o
Shit that looks good mate. :) And looks like u got that DWC nailed. Thinkin of switcing from soil to DWC myself. So will follow ur grow for awile. before i make up my mind. :)

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Shit that looks good mate. :) And looks like u got that DWC nailed. Thinkin of switcing from soil to DWC myself. So will follow ur grow for awile. before i make up my mind. :)
Thanks JayStillan! I hope I got it nailed! lol, only time will tell. Originally I was going to start with soil because that's what everyone pretty much suggests to noobs. But, once I started looking into DWC it really didn't seem any harder than soil. It actually struck me as easier to deal with once it's up and running. Also, the idea of having to deal with dirt inside was a turn off. Then I started looking into SCROGing and thought, I can do that. So far I am blown away with the results. Really don't think I could be happier. Yeah bro, if ya got any questions just hit me up.

Just checked the link in your signature. Man those ladies were monsters! :oHow tall and big around were they? Cause they look massive! I hope mine finish looking like that.

I have a link on one of my pages that shows ya how to customize your link if ya care to check it out.