Black Supremacist Who Called for Mass Murder of Whites Still Has His Government Job

Bro, you're letting this shit get to you too much.
Consider the source, Buckie and Cheezy can only act out like this because they are safely tucked away behind their computer screens.

Think about it, who do you know that acts this way in front of people?

That is very true, I don't know anybody that talks or acts like those two in public..I guess I will head to the shop and plug in my vaporizer...later...
I say that blacks like to have laws and constitutional wrights work for them but damn if a white say that a black man is a shit bag they tack it that all blacks where targeted.
Anybody who calls for the extermination of ANY RACE AT ALL, is most definitely " a worthless piece of shit." Whether it be some black guy or a skinhead. The issue here is that the man is a government official. A public servant. He has no business still being employed by our tax dollars. It's insane. That guy should be fired :fire:
a white supremacist invited you to his invitation only white supremacy group and you accepted.

it might have to do with comments you made along the lines of "most black males are worthless pieces of shit".

why did you join then and are angry about me remembering it now?

For real, how do you know all this stuff?
For real, how do you know all this stuff?

unlike right wingers, i have a memory capable of storing more than just blind benghazi derangement, the name and number of a gay for pay rentboy, and the latest fake poll numbers that dean chambers pumps out.
unlike right wingers, i have a memory capable of storing more than just blind benghazi derangement, the name and number of a gay for pay rentboy, and the latest fake poll numbers that dean chambers pumps out.

So now you think you're the Great Gatsby just because you change your avatar from Charlie Brown flying a kite to Leonardo DiFagrio?
So now you think you're the Great Gatsby just because you change your avatar from Charlie Brown flying a kite to Leonardo DiFagrio?

4TH sentence down

Kimathi was suspended with pay pending review; earned more than $115,000 last year

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So it looks like he doesnt still have his job. And they are seeing if they can legally get rid of him

What are you talking about? He still has his job, just that now it consists of sitting around watching TV. You and I are still paying for him and he still is getting all the benefits, he just doesn't have to actually do anything now.
What are you talking about? He still has his job, just that now it consists of sitting around watching TV. You and I are still paying for him and he still is getting all the benefits, he just doesn't have to actually do anything now.

So does a lot of bad cops. They have to find a way to fire him without getting a court case for violating his first amendment rights. 1st amendment protects even shit heads like this.
So does a lot of bad cops. They have to find a way to fire him without getting a court case for violating his first amendment rights. 1st amendment protects even shit heads like this.

Did you know his online name pseudonym is "Irritated Genie"... There's an El Tiberon in every group
So does a lot of bad cops. They have to find a way to fire him without getting a court case for violating his first amendment rights. 1st amendment protects even shit heads like this.

We drone bombed Alawaki for his abuse of the 1st, we can fire people too. Anyone I work with is fired for saying something this incendiary. You can get fired for your socks not matching in this country, not sure why you think a JOB is protected by the 1st.
Bullshit. You only think that because you're a queer. Leo is a Fagrio.

Although i think de craprio is over rated as an actor, that fagrio as you like to so homophobicly (and with envy) call him, had more pussy by 15 than you'll ever have. How's that strike your straight male pride?

BTW, that's brad pitt
Whatever. I'm not going to sit here and defend Tom, Brad, or Leo. All 3 of them could get hit by a bus today, and I would care less. Besides, I don't have time for your bullshit. Some of us have jobs and need to get to work to pay for your welfare
Whatever. I'm not going to sit here and defend Tom, Brad, or Leo. All 3 of them could get hit by a bus today, and I would care less. Besides, I don't have time for your bullshit. Some of us have jobs and need to get to work to pay for your welfare
hahahahahahahahahaha whatever. You want to call people names be ready for the reprisal. I'm not DEFENDING any of them. You are just spewing BS. I just pointed out an out right lie that seems to stem from ignorance and is fueled by hate.

I'm not on welfare, I'm back in college for another degree.... and paying the fees up front, out of my pocket. You?

Have a nice day.