I think anybody on the site who actively tries to foment a race war on RIU should be banned.
I agree, but there is no way admin will get rid of UncelBuck.
I think anybody on the site who actively tries to foment a race war on RIU should be banned.
due process , it takes time , i don't see a gov. employee getting away with this type of hate mongering
Oh, you mean the Democratic party, you know, the ones who started the KKK. I'm surprised you're not a member. Or maybe you are. GASP.
And please don't use the word negro, you know you have never called anyone a negro in your life.
Either you know that the Democrats of the early part of the 20th century were conservative blowhards and you are simply trying to mislead your argument or you are dumb as fuck. In either case your shit is moot and useless.
Are you saying all democrats became republicans after the civil rights movement or did they just change their stance because of public opinion?
You understand and agree that the reason the KKK wore hoods was to protect their identity?
Are you saying Trayvon Martin was a member of the KKK? He wore a hood. Until Zimmerman killed him.
lol. Im even laughing at my argument. Admit it.. it was pretty damn funny.
A man has a website calling for killing people and all you can say is: tea party?
Are you saying all democrats became republicans after the civil rights movement...?
An unreconstructed Southern conservative, he began his political career in the*Democratic Party*in the days when many white Southern politicians championed*racial segregation*and most blacks were*disfranchised. He moved to the Republican party in the 1970s. Helms was the most stridently conservative politician of the post-1960s era,[SUP][4][/SUP]*especially in opposition to federal intervention into what he considered state affairs (integration, the*Civil Rights Act*and the*Voting Rights Act). Helms conducted a 16-day*filibuster*to stop the Senate from approving*a federal holiday*to honor*Martin Luther King, Jr.
I think anybody on the site who actively tries to foment a race war on RIU should be banned.
I agree, but there is no way admin will get rid of UncelBuck.
isn't it a shame we have to keep telling them the same thing over and over..i guess this is what is meant by history repeating itself..the reduncelicans know not of what they speak..
we had people from stormfront over here wishing for a race war and a "violent revolution" to "wake people up", but you never said a damn thing about it for months and months and motnhs, and you were posting during that time.
why do you give a pass to white supremacists on this very site that you frequent?
hell, echelon, desert dude, sirgreenthumb, tryingtogrow89, zambonic, mindmelted, and many others who joined the white supremacist groups are still on rollitup, but you don't say a damn word about them, do you?
could this have anything to do with your purposeful capitalization of White people?
White people? Albinos ? I love Johnny Winter, you don't suppose Winter Woman is...OMG !!!
how proud are you of being in such strong political agreement with white supremacists and white supremacist sympathizers and apologists?
Either you know that the Democrats of the early part of the 20th century were conservative blowhards and you are simply trying to mislead your argument or you are dumb as fuck. In either case your shit is moot and useless.
Not as proud as you and your "empirical evidence"...
You don't think everyone knows you about you posting over there pretending to be red1966?
NO ONE, on this site BAR NONE, mentions "stormfront" as much as you do - posting threads from stormfront that you were reading removed any tiny little bit of doubt that was left.