Black Supremacist Who Called for Mass Murder of Whites Still Has His Government Job

The DEMOCRATIC PARTY WAS FULL OF RACISTS AT THAT TIME, which is why you want to say that the democrat party was made up of conservatives, which in your convoluted thinking makes them republicans. Which is 100% bullshit. The Democrat party is the party of racism. the party that lynched young blacks was the DEMOCRAT party.

Just because the party saw how immoral and wrong it was and decided to change their ways does not all of a sudden make them a different party by the same name.

why does the south vote republican now instead of democrat?

why do the most racist factions of the south vote for more conservative republicans over more moderate republicans?

and why do you not understand the difference between a southern democrat (dixiecrat) and northern democrat (democrat)?

do you just feel like showcasing your stupidity again?
question: since you were so proud to join holocaust denial and white supremacy groups and did so at least three times, will you memorialize your memberships with a sig?

for example: "three time member of the white supremacy, white nationalism, and holocaust denial groups, spring-summer 2013".

will you keep that as your sig to remind everyone of how you spend your time on rollitup?

You posting threads from stormfront that you were reading removed any tiny little bit of doubt that was left.

You will now be known as "stormfrontBUCK*"
You posting threads from stormfront that you were reading removed any tiny little bit of doubt that was left.

You will now be known as "stormfrontBUCK*"

you didn't answer my question.

will you memorialize your membership in the white supremacy and holocaust denial groups with a sig dedicated to the many times you joined them this year?

why or why not?
tell me more about how black people and gay people get "special rights" and how the president is a mulatto.

If any person, black, white, straight or gay does not want to associate with any other person on THEIR OWN property they should have that right respected. People that fail to observe and respect another persons right to be left alone use the same tactics as prohibitionists, like the head prohibitionist, the President, who has a black father and a white mother.

Your attempt to characterize people as homophobic or racist is funny, but not as funny as a trip to Wendy's. Would you like flies with that?
If any person, black, white, straight or gay does not want to associate with any other person on THEIR OWN property they should have that right respected. People that fail to observe and respect another persons right to be left alone use the same tactics as prohibitionists, like the head prohibitionist, the President, who has a black father and a white mother.

Your attempt to characterize people as homophobic or racist is funny, but not as funny as a trip to Wendy's. Would you like flies with that?

why are you now running away from comments you made calling the president a "mulatto" and saying that black people and gays somehow have "special rights"?

why would you bother to even make those comments previously if you are just gonna shirk away from them now because you realize how racist they make you sound?

if i can be bothered enough to make a comment, i also stand behind it, unlike you.

i guess racism is just more fun when less people are looking at you, eh?
yeah it sucks when people don't answer your question... Around here, that's known as a "Buck" - not to be confused with "the costanza" which is tame and subtle in comparison ;-)

so why don't you want to remind people that you were a three time member of a white supremacy and holocaust denial group?
Buck is foaming at the mouth! Call the dog catcher.

Self confessed internet stalker that created an account in a false name, pretended to be a woman and induced (seduced) an RIU member to propose a romantic liaison. Buck, the revealer of RIU member's personal information for all to see. Buck, the Wendy's bathroom turdster. Please lecture us all about proper behavior and correct thinking.

Thank God we have Buck as the conscience of RIU. Whatever would we do without him.
we had people from stormfront over here wishing for a race war and a "violent revolution" to "wake people up", but you never said a damn thing about it for months and months and motnhs, and you were posting during that time.

why do you give a pass to white supremacists on this very site that you frequent?

hell, echelon, desert dude, sirgreenthumb, tryingtogrow89, zambonic, mindmelted, and many others who joined the white supremacist groups are still on rollitup, but you don't say a damn word about them, do you?

could this have anything to do with your purposeful capitalization of White people?

Long time Uncle Dick. First off I did not join a white supremacist group. It was sold to me as a free speech group, which I know that you are not in favor of (unless it aligns with your agenda of course). Once in the group I started to see the topics that were being discussed and did not participate. I did not try to shut them down as you like to do, see I believe in free speech regardless if I agree or disagree. I stopped posting on this site because people like you and your group of followers on this site make it a joke. I pop in from time to time and read something's and nothing has changed. You and your group of minion's are still trying to stifle the speech of people that disagree with you. (and more locked threads, I see) All I can say to people like beenthere, winter women, desert dude, echelon, and so on, just do not participate in this politics section. Let this group of children have there way. Let them talk amongst themselves, do not waste your time.
Long time Uncle Dick. First off I did not join a white supremacist group. It was sold to me as a free speech group, which I know that you are not in favor of (unless it aligns with your agenda of course). Once in the group I started to see the topics that were being discussed and did not participate. I did not try to shut them down as you like to do, see I believe in free speech regardless if I agree or disagree. I stopped posting on this site because people like you and your group of followers on this site make it a joke. I pop in from time to time and read something's and nothing has changed. You and your group of minion's are still trying to stifle the speech of people that disagree with you. (and more locked threads, I see) All I can say to people like beenthere, winter women, desert dude, echelon, and so on, just do not participate in this politics section. Let this group of children have there way. Let them talk amongst themselves, do not waste your time.

Exactly. I couldn't have said it better myself. My compliments to you, Zambonic.

Buck, let's you and I make the politics forum a better place. Let's have the site owner ban both of us. I am willing to sacrifice myself to rid the politics section of you.
why are you now running away from comments you made calling the president a "mulatto" and saying that black people and gays somehow have "special rights"?

why would you bother to even make those comments previously if you are just gonna shirk away from them now because you realize how racist they make you sound?

if i can be bothered enough to make a comment, i also stand behind it, unlike you.

i guess racism is just more fun when less people are looking at you, eh?

For the record. I don't think anybody should have special rights that allow them to control another person or their justly acquired property. If that makes me a racist in your eyes, I think you are reaching. My youngest son is gay (he's an adult) he'd probably laugh at you trying to make me out to be homophobic.

As far as your President, he has a white mother and a black father. My stating he's a mulatto, is a description of his mixed ethnicity or race, if that term is considered derogatory, I'm happy to amend it. When speaking of his ethnicity what is the proper term you'd like me to use?

As far as your answering questions, I asked you if it is possible for a person to dislike OBAMA and not be called a racist by you or something to that effect. Given his mixed ethnicity
is it possible for a black to dislike him and be called a racist if they despise his white half ? Or does racism only work one way ? Also, for the record, I think assholes come in all colors and so do good people. If you want to play the race card or the gay card, you won't get far with me.
Is "mulatto" a dog whistle now?

no, it's a racist term that should only be used when referring to its usage in historical context.

kinda like how we've moved on from terms like "niggers" and "coons".

well, most of us have anyway. the people who you are politically aligned with bemoan this as sissy, PC, multiculturalist nonsense.
no, it's a racist term that should only be used when referring to its usage in historical context.

kinda like how we've moved on from terms like "niggers" and "coons".

well, most of us have anyway. the people who you are politically aligned with bemoan this as sissy, PC, multiculturalist nonsense.

If it's a racist term, who is it insulting "black people" or "white people" ?
Long time Uncle Dick. First off I did not join a white supremacist group.

yes you did.

you were invited by a known white supremacist (shotgun420) after you had months to review his posts (and you probably 'liked' no small number of them). it was also after i started several threads publicly calling that member out as a white supremacist.

the group was invitation only, and shotgun420 only invited "like minded" racists. if you even got an invitation, that speaks very poorly of you as a white supremacist thinks your posts align with his beliefs.

some people did the right thing and declined the invitation, like kelly4.

other people accepted the invitation, like you.

it does not surprise me that you were invited to join the white supremacists group (and accepted), seeing as how you have falsified lincoln quotes in the past and berated us with manifestos from a white supremacist, for which i ribbed you for weeks.

time goes on but the internet will forever record that you did in fact knowingly join a white supremacist group.
Once in the group I started to see the topics that were being discussed and did not participate.

let it be noted that you have never condemned the hateful speech in that group as racist.

you are more than happy to shriek like a banshee if someone points out mundane facts, like how obama cut the deficit in half or how obama got bin laden or how obama lowered your taxes. those all induce no small amount of crying and protestation from you.

but out and out racism and white supremacy and holocaust denial and gay bashing and muslim bashing? not a peep from you.


i hope you're proud.
yes you did.

you were invited by a known white supremacist (shotgun420) after you had months to review his posts (and you probably 'liked' no small number of them). it was also after i started several threads publicly calling that member out as a white supremacist.

the group was invitation only, and shotgun420 only invited "like minded" racists. if you even got an invitation, that speaks very poorly of you as a white supremacist thinks your posts align with his beliefs.

some people did the right thing and declined the invitation, like kelly4.

other people accepted the invitation, like you.

it does not surprise me that you were invited to join the white supremacists group (and accepted), seeing as how you have falsified lincoln quotes in the past and berated us with manifestos from a white supremacist, for which i ribbed you for weeks.

time goes on but the internet will forever record that you did in fact knowingly join a white supremacist group.

That's two so far;

- Expects to be recognized as superior and special, without superior accomplishments

- Has expectations of special treatment that are unrealistic