Black Supremacist Who Called for Mass Murder of Whites Still Has His Government Job


New Member
[h=1]Homeland Security STILL hasn't fired high-paid worker who runs extremist website calling on black people to 'kill more whites than our Christian hearts can count' [/h]
A Department of Homeland Security employee who was unmasked in August as a radical black nationalist who publicly called for an all-out war against with the white race still has not been let go.
Ayo Kimathi, an acquisitions officer for Immigration and Customs Enforcement who deals with small businesses, was placed on administrative leave three months ago after it was revealed that he has been using his website,, to advocate for the mass murder of Caucasians.

The site includes descriptions of an 'unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race.' Kimathi is black.
the tea party as it looked in the 60s-70s... it's coming back :P

watch out for commies ;) I prefer johnny appleseed too, he was a FREAK!
awww, isn't this cute. a little 9 post teagagger round-up. nothing to say, just ramblin-on... well good luck with all that fellas.

take care!
awww, isn't this cute. a little 9 post teagagger round-up. nothing to say, just ramblin-on... well good luck with all that fellas.

take care!

I'm shocked! Shocked that there are black supremacists in this government! What's next? Communists?!
The TEA party was around back then? Wow, I thought it was relatively new.

the tea party has been around under different names since a long time ago.

same political factions that gave rise to cross burners and negro lynchers gave rise to the tea party.
awww, isn't this cute. a little 9 post teagagger round-up. nothing to say, just ramblin-on... well good luck with all that fellas.

take care!

I'm shocked! Shocked that there are black supremacists in this government! What's next? Communists?!

at least rend pawl has the courtesy to fire the white supremacists on his payroll, after he hired them, and had them ghost write his book, and then publicly defended them first.

he still won't stop coordinating with white supremacists during campaigns, and he doesn't have a thing to say when his people stomp on the heads of innocent, defenseless women who are already pinned, he won't reject donations from white supremacists when brought to his attention, and he is a product of his daddy's cronyism and racist newsletters, and he rejects civil rights, but at least he fired the white supremacists he hired.

the tea party has been around under different names since a long time ago.

same political factions that gave rise to cross burners and negro lynchers gave rise to the tea party.

Oh, you mean the Democratic party, you know, the ones who started the KKK. I'm surprised you're not a member. Or maybe you are. GASP.

And please don't use the word negro, you know you have never called anyone a negro in your life.