knocout game news... Jews and asians drafted to play the game.

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desert dude

Well-Known Member
Written by Thomas Sowell!

New York City police authorities are investigating a series of unprovoked physical attacks in public places on people who are Jewish, in the form of what is called “the knockout game.”

The main reason for many people’s surprise is that the mainstream media have usually suppressed news about the knockout game or about other and larger forms of similar orchestrated racial violence in dozens of cities in every region of the country. Sometimes, the attacks are reported, but only as isolated attacks by unspecified “teens” or “young people” against unspecified victims, without any reference to the racial makeup of the attackers or the victims — and with no mention of racial epithets by the young hoodlums exulting in their own “achievement.”




What bothers me, is these punks will do this in front of A LOT of people, and amazingly no one does a thing. Usually only a couple people rush over to help the victim and everyone else just goes about there day.

Be a mass ass beating or shooting if that happened around here.
I wonder what it will take to get any lefties to give the first fuck about this wave of violence?

Now that is unfair and just rude. I'm about the leftest leftist and I expressed quite clearly in your first thread about this how I give a fuck.

I think you were just unsatisfied because I didn't want to lead a lynch mob.
i wonder what it will take to get desert dud to give the first fuck about positive achievements within the black community without decrying it as a product of "affirmative action".
Now that is unfair and just rude. I'm about the leftest leftist and I expressed quite clearly in your first thread about this how I give a fuck.

I think you were just unsatisfied because I didn't want to lead a lynch mob.

dude, why aren't you joining white supremacy groups like OP?
About the poor thugs punching people out? Yeah, I'm sure they will have them on government assistance right away.

all you're doing right now is clarifying what your dog whistles mean when you decry government assistance, the welfare state, etc.

you're clearly not talking about the MAJORITY of welfare recipients, poor white trash in rural appalachia, the deep south, and elsewhere. just those "thugs", those "urban welfare rats", the "inner city filth" as others like you have so disgustingly labeled.
Now that is unfair and just rude. I'm about the leftest leftist and I expressed quite clearly in your first thread about this how I give a fuck.

I think you were just unsatisfied because I didn't want to lead a lynch mob.

I concede that you responded. Nobody is trying to form a lynch mob (not a loaded term at all). I am simply astounded that this "game" has been going on for years all across the US, and the media reports it as, "teens assault pedestrian" on page 9.

Let me ask you this. Suppose gangs of young white boys and men all across the US were assaulting and killing innocent, unsuspecting African-Americans. Do you think the media might report on it? They seem to find plenty of time to report on George Zimmerman, white Hispanic, getting a warning to slow down while driving.
Suppose gangs of young white boys and men all across the US were assaulting and killing innocent, unsuspecting African-Americans. Do you think the media might report on it?

i believe that was called the first 200 years of america.

They seem to find plenty of time to report on George Zimmerman, white Hispanic, getting a warning to slow down while driving.

i have just the thread for your worries and concerns.

that should satisfy you greatly.
I concede that you responded. Nobody is trying to form a lynch mob (not a loaded term at all). I am simply astounded that this "game" has been going on for years all across the US, and the media reports it as, "teens assault pedestrian".

Let me ask you this. Suppose gangs of young white boys and men all across the US were assaulting and killing innocent, unsuspecting African-Americans. Do you think the media might report on it? They seem to find plenty of time to report on George Zimmerman, white Hispanic, getting a warning to slow down while driving.

I can't really comment on the reactions of the for-profit media because I don't really consume it. I notice when headlines jump out at me but I look into stuff for myself.
Read the Thomas Sowell article. I know you can't help yourself but you really ought to avoid the racist web sites, they have damaged your brain.

you're the one complaining of a media blackout and joining white supremacy sites, that's all established fact.

i am simply trying to shepherd you off this site to some other place that more closely suits your stated desires.

i am not alone in not trusting a person like you, who doesn't even smoke and constantly threatens federal prison on people. many people hold suspicions of you.

i really think it would be best for all parties if you took your white supremacy spam off of our little website and discussed it in a more appropriate forum.

best of luck in finding a website that more closely suits your needs and wants!
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