knocout game news... Jews and asians drafted to play the game.

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desert dude

Well-Known Member
you're the one complaining of a media blackout and joining white supremacy sites, that's all established fact.

i am simply trying to shepherd you off this site to some other place that more closely suits your stated desires.

i am not alone in not trusting a person like you, who doesn't even smoke and constantly threatens federal prison on people. many people hold suspicions of you.

i really think it would be best for all parties if you took your white supremacy spam off of our little website and discussed it in a more appropriate forum.

best of luck in finding a website that more closely suits your needs and wants!
I have made the offer to RIU moderators. Ban me and ban Unclebuck. I stand by that offer. RIU would be slightly diminished by banning me and greatly improved by banning you. On net, an improvement.


Well-Known Member
I have made the offer to RIU moderators. Ban me and ban Unclebuck. I stand by that offer. RIU would be slightly diminished by banning me and greatly improved by banning you. On net, an improvement.
why would they ban me? because i hate white supremacists like you with a passion?

did you also get mad at aldo raines in inglorious basterds? did you cry a little at the end?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
why would they ban me? because i hate white supremacists like you with a passion?

did you also get mad at aldo raines in inglorious basterds? did you cry a little at the end?
Because you're a liar, a troll, and a sociopath, and you have buck teeth. Many people on RIU distrust you. Multiple people have accused you of being a rat and sending RIU member info to the police. Others have accused you of being a pedophile. Are you a kiddy diddling, narc?

According to some people in this thread, the simple fact that some people have accused you is enough to carry out a sentence.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Hmmm.... no. you see there's a lot of evidence to show you are one of the most blatantly racist people on this board from the dumb shit that spews out of your mouth on a daily basis.
More stupid shit. Go back to Heaven, where you are relevant.


Well-Known Member
Many people on RIU distrust you.
a trip down memory lane.

Another douchbag drug warrior heard from. If the drug war ends, how will you make a living?
I hope you manage to stay out of jail so the next 5 to 15 are enjoyable as well.
Manufacturing Marijuana, of course.
Your grows are a federal crime, punishable by prison time.
[SIZE=-1]Marijuana (Schedule I)*
[SIZE=-1]1 to 49 plants; less than*
50 kg[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Not more than 5 years*
[SIZE=-1]Not more than 10 years*
[SIZE=-1]Fine not more than*
$250,000, $1 million other than individual[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Fine $500,000 if an*
individual, $2 million if other than individual[/SIZE]
Feel free to stop posting at any time.
Just doing my part to keep idiots with "personal grows" out of prison.
the person desert dud was threatening went to federal prison the next day.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm.... no. you see there's a lot of evidence to show you are one of the most blatantly racist people on this board from the dumb shit that spews out of your mouth on a daily basis.
RIU would be diminished without desert dud joining white supremacy groups, threatening federal prison time on multiple growers, and spamming white supremacy topics endlessly.

whereas it would be vastly improved if i was not allowed to share my grows with everyone.

do you think desert dud even realizes he is not on stormfront?


Well-Known Member
This is the old black guy who wrote the article in the op.

Vilifying Desert Dude is much easier than dealing with the points raised in the black dudes article.
Good show.


Well-Known Member
Vilifying Desert Dude is much easier than dealing with the points raised in the black dudes article.
Good show.
just last night, nodrama was arguing how the practice of rescinding health insurance from people once they get sick is no big deal because it happens to about 4,000 people out of 150 million.

this has happened to what, maybe 400 people out of 315 million? and yet it is worthy of multiple threads, as well as automatic mention iin any and all zimmy threads, even though it is apropos to nothing?

you guys need to get your shit together and coordinate on talking points, all this falling over yourselves to defend the white supremacists on this board is no good for you guys.


Well-Known Member
He cited an article written by a black guy. That is actually less of a defense than having a black friend. Is he friends with the writer at least?


Well-Known Member

desert dude

Well-Known Member
a trip down memory lane.

the person desert dud was threatening went to federal prison the next day.

FDD's response directly to you, Unclebuck.

FDD: "i find it rather funny that UB bases a huge attack campaign based on nothing but a coincidence. "

FDD: "i guess he could have just as easily have made something up. he's does that often enough. "

FDD: "so not only do you make a mockery of my situation, but now you want to drag me into your trolling nonsense. you're a real class act, my friend.

FDD: "by using it to your own advantage.

the irony of you telling me to chill out makes this all that much funnier.

maybe you can dig up some more personal info on some of our other memebers and blast it all over the forum. just for shits and giggles. the way you've exposed others here i wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't YOU who ratted me out.

All these quotes are by FDD talking to you, Unclebuck. In the last quote he says you have exposed others and wonders if it wasn't you that ratted him out to federal authorities. Did you really expose personal info of multiple RIU members? Are you really just a rat? You are an admitted stalker, and you exposed one member's first name: Greg

"All My Babies' Mamas"

desert dude

Well-Known Member
just last night, nodrama was arguing how the practice of rescinding health insurance from people once they get sick is no big deal because it happens to about 4,000 people out of 150 million.

this has happened to what, maybe 400 people out of 315 million? and yet it is worthy of multiple threads, as well as automatic mention iin any and all zimmy threads, even though it is apropos to nothing?

you guys need to get your shit together and coordinate on talking points, all this falling over yourselves to defend the white supremacists on this board is no good for you guys.
Oh, well when you say it like that I suppose it is not a problem that only 400 people have been viciously assaulted and at least three of them murdered.


Well-Known Member
Oh, well when you say it like that I suppose it is not a problem that only 400 people have been viciously assaulted and at least three of them murdered.
more than three people have died on slip and falls getting out of the bathtub in the last week.

where's your bath floor mat awareness thread?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
more than three people have died on slip and falls getting out of the bathtub in the last week.

where's your bath floor mat awareness thread?
Did you really expose personal info of multiple RIU members? Are you really just a rat? We know you are a stalker, you admitted that, and you exposed one member's first name: Greg

desert dude

Well-Known Member
desert dude starts threads bemoaning "baby mamas", but he's not racist folks.
Buck compares the murders of at least three innocent people, and the violent assaults of hundreds to slipping on a bath mat, but he's not a racist sociopath folks.


Well-Known Member
I do have one question for you DD. Why do most of your threads/post tend to speak negative of black people? Do you have any thing negative to say about white people or do they not do negative things as well


Well-Known Member
About zero substantive engagement regarding the issues highlighted in the ops piece.

I wonder why evasion and denial are so willingly embraced by those who refuse to acknowledge that debate should be about ideas, and not personalities
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