Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
I used to work for an inventory company and traveled all over new england. I smoked in every hotel you can think of in this part of the country. lol

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
1 gallon is too small for auto's.. even 2 is not enough growth room... I have pulled over 2oz off a single auto in a 3.9 gallon pot. they are good if you do not stress them at all. germ and plant into whatever container they will live in for the full 60-100 days.
I know that already lol. Thats was when I first tried em. I was naive thinking the root zone would need so much more. I will only give autos 3 gallons minimum. I prefer to grow em in the ground though.

It took me a while to jump on the band wagon with autos. Some I've run have shown hemp like characteristics. So they do turn me off a bit with the yield factor also. I like the fact that I can fill empty spots with them in between cycles. Both indoor and out. They flower bout a month less than the photo type. That's sweet too.

Just I find it hard to give em space indoor. Ive noticed that that the sativa crossed autos yield nice buds of frostyness. So these I don't mind much indoors on rare occasions.


Well-Known Member
I used to work for an inventory company and traveled all over new england. I smoked in every hotel you can think of in this part of the country. lol
Haha I bet you did buddy! lmao you know..I am smokin in here right now actually..I want to make hash oil in my room, my only resource is a large crockpot. I have to stop smoking for surgery in 10 weeks ;)

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
btw...speakin of tokin more....I have to stop all smoking for 8 weeks by Dec 1 or before. Whats the easiest way to make "hash" oil in a hotel room for my ecig? I gotta have somethin or I'll kill somebody for real:evil: lol j/k ;)
Really Rosey.... asking about manufacturing in a hotel... ;-):dunce:;-) Don't do it. Also I don't think you can smoke oil out a ecig.


Well-Known Member
Really Rosey.... asking about manufacturing in a hotel... ;-):dunce:;-) Don't do it. Also I don't think you can smoke oil out a ecig.
really Chronic...I have no choice, I'm not in a good enough place in my mind to go cold turkey. Trust me. You can smoke oil in one with the proper ingredients ;) I'm no :dunce: for sure...;)

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Just don't get in trouble. I found it hard not to smoke after surgery myself. Failed miserably less then 2 days later. Fuckin stiches felt weird when I had to cough. That shit was crazy they had me pretty doped up.

Ah highschool days......


Hey fella's. I don't know if you'd had a chance to see this or not. But this here is my thread to my 3 girls 1 cup grow.. 3 girls 1 cup) :spew: bawhahaha... j/k.. Its to my 3 plants 1 seed Jack The Ripper thread. https://www.rollitup.org/subcools-old-school-organics/752835-hey-guys-got-3-jack.html

I will be posting updates of "ONLY" Jack The Rippers being they are the only TGA gear I'm running as of now.

Again, thanks 4 checking it out..
lmao you got lucky with that one :p. I'm down to participate in the fun grow thing you are setting up btw, just let me know when we are all starting.


Well-Known Member
Just don't get in trouble. I found it hard not to smoke after surgery myself. Failed miserably less then 2 days later. Fuckin stiches felt weird when I had to cough. That shit was crazy they had me pretty doped up.

Ah highschool days......
I won't man...'preciate your concern though, means a lot bro. That's partly why I'm stoppin smokin shit...vape or eat for me after Dec 1...can't afford to lose anymore lung function...That and I don't want no fuckin blood clot during surgery if ya know what I mean...;) NOT cool...lol


Well-Known Member
:joint: Who's going to have a smoke session with Dank :??: How bout after this update is posted we all pack up and toke up. :??: Sound good to you guys. :??: ;)

Thought I would post a update of a few of the ladies. As you know if you've been following the grow, each lady is now on day 48 flowering. A few of the others are on day 24. ( Grape God & Pure Kush). The other ladies are now day 10. And the 2 Jack The Rippers are let's say day 3 now. JTR#1 has showed pistols yesterday. That's the one that re-vegged for another week. #3 I went ahead and stuck into flowering room #1 just to free up some space in the veg tent. :mrgreen: I plan on taking clones each from #1,2 & 3. (JTR'S). And a few others here soon. All the seedlings are doing super good! Aswell as the youngings. ;)

I went ahead and replanted the Green Love Potion & also the Mazar x White Rhino today. Replanted Bluedream#1 yesterday. Been working my ass off here recently!! Shewww...

Each picture has the flowering day, (how long) and also the strain as always. If anyone has any questions 4 me just hollar.. Thanks 4 following guys..

Lookin' good as usual bro!:clap:


Well-Known Member
good morning everybody!!! happy farming 2 out of the beans i planted were duds... i got faith in the one i got left... my WW and Crystal both popped a taproot so later tonight they will be planted heres something nice to see though!!!
015.jpg closest thing i got to a kid!!!!! and he is a lil fart i swear he chewed his tire to shreds!!!!!!
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