Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
I hear you bro.. Well, you know that if you ever need to talk about anything, you have my #. Give me a ring, or text! Don't mind 1 bit. That's what friends are for bro. ;) Just don't want to hear about you swinging in the closet!!! Have had that shit happen to me in the past! Don't want to go through it again. Had a good friend od. Liked to had killed me man. We was tight as hell. Anyways, hope you get to feeling happy.. haha ;) Hell, I don't feel all that good either. This damn earache!!
Yeah, just not really feeling like myself this last week or so. Depressed about home life and shit.
I'll snap out of it soon enough and be back to my regular self again.

See what I mean about the SxI? Fat ass veg leaves but thin ass flowering leaves.



Well-Known Member
Who said I was hating on it :??: You didn't hear that fly out my mouth. Hahahaha...
sorry just got back from the gym...don't go hatin on the 6 pack I didn't ask for it. Boss demanded I take it, since I told him he didn't need to do that....lol...so haha! ;)
its am lovin it here...I feel awesome since I worked out! prob be up half the night now :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, just not really feeling like myself this last week or so. Depressed about home life and shit.
I'll snap out of it soon enough and be back to my regular self again.

See what I mean about the SxI? Fat ass veg leaves but thin ass flowering leaves.

Damn bro, hate to hear it...you know I'm here for ya if you need an ear...hopefully it'll work out like my last "moment"...a few days and it will pass...;)



Well-Known Member
I never done it. I said that "I" myself don't like drinking. Lol. That and said it want good for you if a person goes overboard. Like with anything I guess. Just not a big drinker. Never was my "golden ticket" so to speak.. :mrgreen:
uh huh...lol ;)
mr innocent....NOT! you said "already"....goober
don't do it! I know what your thinkin! haha


Well-Known Member
I hear you bro.. Well, you know that if you ever need to talk about anything, you have my #. Give me a ring, or text! Don't mind 1 bit. That's what friends are for bro. ;) Just don't want to hear about you swinging in the closet!!! Have had that shit happen to me in the past! Don't want to go through it again. Had a good friend od. Liked to had killed me man. We was tight as hell. Anyways, hope you get to feeling happy.. haha ;) Hell, I don't feel all that good either. This damn earache!!
sorry to hear that Dank...that sucks man..
hey aspirin and a heat pad works wonders. Probably got some sweat in your canal and its festering on ya, you might "boil" it out with a tiny bit of peroxide then clean it with a q-tip before using the sweet oil.


Well-Known Member
After looking, I have to say myself that my fav picture has to be one I took tonight (of my purple LED pictures). It just looks wicked to me.. Kinda like a jellyfish, or one of those globes that shock your fingers type shit.. lol


Well-Known Member
I never done it. I said that "I" myself don't like drinking. Lol. That and said it want good for you if a person goes overboard. Like with anything I guess. Just not a big drinker. Never was my "golden ticket" so to speak.. :mrgreen:
uh huh...keep it up bud...keep it up:mrgreen:take another toke sugar...

it ain't mine neither. Its been sittin in the minifridge all day. Hadn't opened one yet. Just didn't feel like drinkin tonight. He had asked me if I drank and I said occasionally. Next thing I know we're at the convenience store and he's tellin me to get a 6 pack :mrgreen: you know I ain't no big drinker. Except when I'm drowning my sorrows or celebrating ;)

btw, this one reminds me of a honeysuckle!!!!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
uh huh...keep it up bud...keep it up:mrgreen:take another toke sugar...

it ain't mine neither. Its been sittin in the minifridge all day. Hadn't opened one yet. Just didn't feel like drinkin tonight. He had asked me if I drank and I said occasionally. Next thing I know we're at the convenience store and he's tellin me to get a 6 pack :mrgreen: you know I ain't no big drinker. Except when I'm drowning my sorrows or celebrating ;)

btw, this one reminds me of a honeysuckle!!!!:mrgreen:
Yeah, yeah.. Trust me, I plan on toking a lot more.. ahaha.. ;)

Here is a pic from my latest grow some of the smaller popcorn budsView attachment 2899977 This is going to be a fun contest let me know when every thing is a go
4 sure will bro..

You guys take er easy.. Danks out..

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
I ran the vertigo auto. Sad to say I paid for the 6 pack too:-(. Only running autos if they're free from now on. 2 out of the six yielded nice about a zip a piece. The other four yielded between half a zip or less. Oh well it was on my patio in one gallon pots. They all germinated and where ladies so can't complain much.


Well-Known Member
1 gallon is too small for auto's.. even 2 is not enough growth room... I have pulled over 2oz off a single auto in a 3.9 gallon pot. they are good if you do not stress them at all. germ and plant into whatever container they will live in for the full 60-100 days.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, yeah.. Trust me, I plan on toking a lot more.. ahaha.. ;)

4 sure will bro..

You guys take er easy.. Danks out..
btw...speakin of tokin more....I have to stop all smoking for 8 weeks by Dec 1 or before. Whats the easiest way to make "hash" oil in a hotel room for my ecig? I gotta have somethin or I'll kill somebody for real:evil: lol j/k ;)
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