Am I the only one that doesn't want weed to become legal?

God forbid you'd actually have to become a competitive business.

You talk as if there are no shops other than walmart etc. You do know how many independant delicatessans, art shops, all kinds of shops that exist, selling for much higher prices than huge corporations. And you know what? they make profit, put food on their table. There are always people willing to pay that bit more for a better customer service, a more traceable product, a better product, a local product, supporting a local business. Need i go on?

Look at the size of some of the alcohol companies out there, yet somehow, counter to your argument, there are hundreds if not thousands of local micro-breweries who make do just fine financially.

In short growers who don't want it legal due to profit margins, they are the growers who can't be arsed to actually put there back into their job, who don't want to have to actually compete and work hard to make people buy their product. That's not how the business world generally works. The current market is fantastic for growers, it means any Tom Dick or Harry can earn money without having to know anything about running a real business. I guess the idea of actually having to know how to run a business scares a lot of growers.

I plainly stated the small guys can abd will profit. Just said the big guys will hold most of the market. Please reread the posts
Tip Top can sound like he is being confrontational... I've learned over time that this is not his goal. He's good shit... for the most part... haha.
Cultural difference, I believe..
God forbid you'd actually have to become a competitive business.

You talk as if there are no shops other than walmart etc. You do know how many independant delicatessans, art shops, all kinds of shops that exist, selling for much higher prices than huge corporations. And you know what? they make profit, put food on their table. There are always people willing to pay that bit more for a better customer service, a more traceable product, a better product, a local product, supporting a local business. Need i go on?

Look at the size of some of the alcohol companies out there, yet somehow, counter to your argument, there are hundreds if not thousands of local micro-breweries who make do just fine financially.

In short growers who don't want it legal due to profit margins, they are the growers who can't be arsed to actually put there back into their job, who don't want to have to actually compete and work hard to make people buy their product. That's not how the business world generally works. The current market is fantastic for growers, it means any Tom Dick or Harry can earn money without having to know anything about running a real business. I guess the idea of actually having to know how to run a business scares a lot of growers.

I actually stated that some would even be the sam adams of pot. You're debating me with the same point of view.... wtf?
Last post was before what you just said hank. I probably read into his post wrong. Sorry.

And dude Hank,with your attitude and the way you cover the bases from every I've seen from you, I think business will never pose a problem for you. No matter the industry you decide to tackle
God forbid you'd actually have to become a competitive business.

You talk as if there are no shops other than walmart etc. You do know how many independant delicatessans, art shops, all kinds of shops that exist, selling for much higher prices than huge corporations. And you know what? they make profit, put food on their table. There are always people willing to pay that bit more for a better customer service, a more traceable product, a better product, a local product, supporting a local business. Need i go on?

Look at the size of some of the alcohol companies out there, yet somehow, counter to your argument, there are hundreds if not thousands of local micro-breweries who make do just fine financially.

In short growers who don't want it legal due to profit margins, they are the growers who can't be arsed to actually put there back into their job, who don't want to have to actually compete and work hard to make people buy their product. That's not how the business world generally works. The current market is fantastic for growers, it means any Tom Dick or Harry can earn money without having to know anything about running a real business. I guess the idea of actually having to know how to run a business scares a lot of growers.

Sounds like you know the Barca story! Yes, you are right on many counts here. Mainly that shit growers have had to step up their acts to compete with better growers. Open competition between the clubs and supply and demand curbed the price wars of recent. It's about survival of the fittest, sink or swim. It's not been easy but it's been worth it. Reputation counts for a lot here.
This is VERY true.. Look at the craft Brew industry... EXPLODING!!!
I think he is correct though when he says the MASSES..
This idea is very regional too. In my city... mexicans, hondurans, ecuadorians, etc (a good % illegals) shop at Wal Mart... Most others won't even drive through the damn parking lot..
***tinites shop local.. buy quality, pay more. Even my girls restaurant... they buy local produce, local eggs, local poulty. And consumers LOVE that.
Call up the chain version of her restaurant.. you get the same product for $10... at her shop $30... but, try to find a table after 7pm on a Friday... the line wraps around the building.

The masses though... I agree, Wal Mart. PLENTY of room for botique shops though..

With my business.. I charge about 30% more than if you call up the company that is #1 on google search.. but, people like ME and my touch. When it comes to quality, I KILL competition. $$ though, they win, for sure...(Talking legit biz, not MJ here).

All that said... im with Dboi in that the MASSES will be Marlboro Joints.. BUT, us small guys can grab a portion of that market too.
Hell, our trim willprbly smoke better than a Marlboro joint. NO JOKE! And when competition gets heavy.. You will have to pull shit like that to survive..

Check out the e-cigTHC juice ... profits are fucking retarded... im getting about $120 from a single gram of hash....made almost entirely from trim!

I never fucked with hash sales before because it just wasn't worth it... PropJoe Juice stretches so far though that you can really do well..

Yea I hate Walmart. Not because I dont like big business, but cause you gotta deal with the shittiest people at that place.

It definitely is regional. Over around this area, no one would go to those delicatessens or boutiques, to the point where there isnt even the option. Now drive 20 min up to Lake Forrest and it's completely the opposite. You'll have a hard time even finding a wallgreens... McDonalds is still around though lol.

like i said, the smaller and specialty places will make it. But Yosemite Sam comes to mind "THIS TOWN AIN'T BIG ENOUGH FOR THE BOTH OF US!!!"

Survival of the fittest folks. It's a beautiful thing.

Most businesses can compete in one or more of the three main categories. These are Price, Quality/reputation, and Service.

I'm sure you can demolish most the the latter two.
Sounds like you know the Barca story! Yes, you are right on many counts here. Mainly that shit growers have had to step up their acts to compete with better growers. Open competition between the clubs and supply and demand curbed the price wars of recent. It's about survival of the fittest, sink or swim. It's not been easy but it's been worth it. Reputation counts for a lot here.

Thank You!

I wish you could see posts as they were go up while still typing a reply. Would have save me a post.
Weeds not gonna be cheap,THE MAN is gonna tax the shit out of it like here in washington and in they want to cap the thc at like 12-15%

Weeds not gonna be cheap,THE MAN is gonna tax the shit out of it like here in washington and in they want to cap the thc at like 12-15%


oh, you mean like prohibition to 80 to 100 to 150 to moon shine percent on alcohol?:lol:
Yea I hate Walmart. Not because I dont like big business, but cause you gotta deal with the shittiest people at that place.


Itfucking kills me to see people hold up a line of cars to get a close parking space just so they can walk their fatass around a store the size of a small town...

I said before that mostly illegals shopped there...I'm not referring to them.. I'm referring to that walking bag of bacon that rides a cart through the snacks aisle, grabbing 10 bags of doritos..

Sometimes... you need an item at 3am (especially as a grower)... i buck it up and go to wal mart.
It's hillarious, you see parents with kids at wal mart at 3 am... like, wtf? Maybe its a must with their job, can't afford sitter, etc... but, damn.
I cant be the only one reading this thinking they can charge whatever they want my price moslty stays the same. $50 an oz is what will get me to drop money again. Other than that its barter all the way for someone elses

Itfucking kills me to see people hold up a line of cars to get a close parking space just so they can walk their fatass around a store the size of a small town...

i fail to see wal-mart being that much of a savings for me to shop there..printer ink and that one item you need for the turkey, that you forgot worthy only..imo:smile:
I think pot should be legal and taxable. End the fucking war on drugs and divert some of the money to education, addict support and stop the idea of making prisons a for-profit business.
I cant be the only one reading this thinking they can charge whatever they want my price moslty stays the same. $50 an oz is what will get me to drop money again. Other than that its barter all the way for someone elses

Well you see that's where the problem lies. The clubs are paying ME $150/oz all day long and they have to put on a profit. What kind of weed do you get for $50? :)
Well you see that's where the problem lies. The clubs are paying ME $150/oz all day long and they have to put on a profit. What kind of weed do you get for $50? :)
I see no problem at all. 50$ is what I figure to be my bottom line. Why would I pay anyone any more than what I can produce for?:weed: