Random Jibber Jabber Thread

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
and now i'm gonna spam the forum full of great fucking music........... because I can 8)


joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
the studio versions may indeed be more vocally and instrumentally in sync but the raw emotion from live songs is undeniable. [video=youtube;8cKS6Fy2M_Q]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cKS6Fy2M_Q[/video]

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Ive bin wanting to make a brick all day . I got almost 4 lbs of some bullshit I should make a concentrate and i probably will. Just seems cool to have a few pounds bricked up.. someone please talk me out of it!!!! O i was planning on pouring coca cola on the bud i want to brick lol as am i trippin or what?



Well-Known Member
when my meme told me she had relatives who told her our elders help invent the hockey stick I was like ut oh me me's brain is going, nope turns out she's just a fountain of neat facts! [h=4]Mic-Mac hockey sticks[edit][/h]
Mi'kmaq making hockey sticks from hornbeam trees (Carpinus caroliniana) in Nova Scotia about 1890.

The Mi'kmaq practice of playing hockey appeared in recorded colonial histories from as early as the 18th century. Since the nineteenth century, the Mi'kmaq were credited with inventing the ice hockey stick.[SUP][30][/SUP] The oldest known hockey stick was made between 1852 and 1856. Recently, it was appraised at $4 million US and sold for $2.2 million US. The stick was carved by Mi’kmaq from Nova Scotia, who made it from Hornbeam, also known as ironwood.[SUP][31][/SUP]
In the mid-nineteenth century, the Starr Manufacturing Company began to sell the Mic-Mac hockey sticks nationally and internationally.[SUP][32][/SUP] Hockey became a popular sport in Canada in the 1890s.[SUP][33][/SUP] Throughout the first decade of the twentieth century, the Mic-Mac Hockey Stick was the best-selling hockey stick in Canada. By 1903, apart from farming, the principal occupation of the Mi'kmaq on reserves throughout Nova Scotia, and particularly on the Shubenacadie, Indian Brook and Millbrook Reserves, was producing the Mic-Mac Hockey Stick.[SUP][32][/SUP] The department of Indian Affairs for Nova Scotia noted in 1927, that the Mi'kmaq remained the "experts" at making hockey sticks.[SUP][34][/SUP] The Mi'kmaq continued to make hockey sticks until the 1930s, when the product was industrialized.[SUP][35:weed:[/SUP]


Well-Known Member
You are Mi'kmaw? That is awesome. You know they are fighting the Canadian authorites as Canada is stealing and destroying their lands. Mowak Nation News has a great artucle about what is going in amd not being covered. More bullshit Canadian attitudes towards their first nations people. Its not all hockey sticks and free healthcare up there.


Well-Known Member
I keep missing this award winning picture.

A bee landing on a male cannabis plant and collecting the pollen, the male has slight trichome formations and will look amazing with a macro shot of the bee up close.