Random Jibber Jabber Thread

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
holy shit!.....that was a helluva wind. Thought we had a tornado coming through. It was shaking the entire house. It buckled the neighbors garage door and pushed an entire wall off the foundation.

luckily no damage here.


Staff member
well half the city is flooded again i think this is the 5th time this year. and theyre calling for tornado warnings


Well-Known Member
I think it's about 78F today. Tomorrow will be around 75F and Tuesday should be around 78F.



Well-Known Member
Don't know how I made it home on the bike. My visor has broken and I hit very heavy rain as I drove back. There were rivers running down the streets. I was soaking!


Well-Known Member
was at the dog park today. was walking towards a couple of german shepherds that were playing together and a grey pit that wanted to get involved. the grey pit had already aggressed several pups already.

well, the grey pit tries to get in with the shepherds, the shepherds warn him off, and the pit just attacks. i saw as the pit latched onto the shepherd's face.

the dumb fucking owners sat there trying to pull the dogs apart, which is futile. the pit won't ever release that bite until skin comes off.

i was restraining my dog and yelled at a several people to get the water bowl and throw it in the pit's face. they just looked blankly and did nothing.

luckily my wife heard me. she grabbed the water bowl, and threw it right in the pit's face. pit releases its grip, dogs separate.

you would think that if you're gonna own a pit, you should know the most basic things about it, like what to do if it latches on like that. or better yet, don't bring your aggressive asshole dog to an off leash dog park.

that pit is lucky i was close enough to my dog to hold him back, otherwise he would have went in there and killed the pit to save the shepherd.


Well-Known Member
I dream of being somewhere tropical.And it ain't in my near future either:-(
You must enjoy heat, humidity and sometimes (every year lol) heavy rainfall and mosquitoes.
There's an abundance of fruit all year round, I can't even imagine living in a place where you can't get a decent pineapple or watermelon. I love the tropic, and I am planning on moving to the most Caribbean part of this here land. The jungle/beach calls for me, and I feel the summons.
Keep the faith, and someday you'll be part of the jungle too.