Am I the only one that doesn't want weed to become legal?

You are putting food on your table at the expense of other people risking being imprisoned, or much worse when people rob or kill during illegal drug deals. I hope your family chokes on that food. It comes from blood money. You want to perpetuate a system that harms others, while enriching yourself. Yeah, I don't call that greed, I would call it plain evil.

I've been laid off from a job. I got a new job.

I was merely expressing my opinion, man. Don't know why you had to get all butthurt. I am growing weed and selling it. Not killing anyone. Not imprisoning anyone. Not robbing anyone. And I'm also not responsible for the time your uncle touched you. You really have NO idea what you're talking about.

Not to mention, you're kind of a whiny little bitch. ;)
The interaction of culture with politics is a fascinating bewildering tapestry woven in a million saturated colors. It defies the neat classifications college professors love to trot out for the bright-eyed students. What works in Hokkaido wouldn't work in the Languedoc or in Araucania. I think that the source of the frustration and the beauty are the same: local culture and history. Imperial societies, like current-day USA, so easily fall into the false assumption that they're onto something generally right or true.
The influence of modern day USA in Latin American states is profound, to the point of people celebrating thanksgiving, or some crazy fucks making a statue of Ayn Rand at a private "libertarian" college (as if they knew what that actually is). That's why I say I've yet to see shit working, cause if it ain't working over there, it sure won't do it here. Hell, I live in a colony that tried to take a step from feudalism to pseudocapitalism, and failed horrendously. We became a huge coffee and banana republic.
I was merely expressing my opinion, man. Don't know why you had to get all butthurt. I am growing weed and selling it. Not killing anyone. Not imprisoning anyone. Not robbing anyone. And I'm also not responsible for the time your uncle touched you. You really have NO idea what you're talking about.

Not to mention, you're kind of a whiny little bitch. ;)

Down here, Mexican cartel's would chop your head off and mail it to your family just for getting on their turf. Sure, you can look the other way, but the problem stems far larger than you can make off.
lol. Good one. I like the term butthurt.

You said you wanted to see weed remain illegal, and all that comes with it. Think about that a little further than yourself. You definitely do want to perpetuate a system that is imprisoning and killing people, but hey, whatever helps you sleep at night man. Good luck with that, because public opinion is railroading towards total legalization nationwide within 4-8 years.

I guess I do sound like a whiny bitch, because I use big words and concepts, oh man. Now I'm sad.
You are putting food on your table at the expense of other people risking being imprisoned, or much worse when people rob or kill during illegal drug deals. I hope your family chokes on that food. It comes from blood money. You want to perpetuate a system that harms others, while enriching yourself. Yeah, I don't call that greed, I would call it plain evil.

I've been laid off from a job. I got a new job.
you're kind of going off the deep end here from selling weed is not 'blood money'..if anything it is the most respectable form of drug dealing there is. with the laws the way they are right now, there has to be weed dealers otherwise many people would be forced to go without cannabis. some of those people may even need you think everyone who doesn't have the opportunity to grow deserves to be without tree?

i don't.
Not to mention, you're kind of a whiny little bitch. ;)

Point of fact: A whiny bitch is someone complaining about losing their lunch money because they can't find another job. Even though the writing is on the wall.

You have yourself a great day.

you're kind of going off the deep end here from selling weed is not 'blood money'..if anything it is the most respectable form of drug dealing there is. with the laws the way they are right now, there has to be weed dealers otherwise many people would be forced to go without cannabis. some of those people may even need you think everyone who doesn't have the opportunity to grow deserves to be without tree?

i don't.

No man. He want's it to remain illegal, so those people will definitely be without weed, and need to find it on the black market, from him. As opposed to being for legalizing it, so they can get it legally. See the distinction?
No man. He want's it to remain illegal, so those people will definitely be without weed, and need to find it on the black market, from him. As opposed to being for legalizing it, so they can get it legally. See the distinction?
don't get me wrong i see what you're saying and agree with you. however, his family is not thriving from blood money like you say. they are thriving from money directly obtained by someone who is probably a very small-time dealer. therefore his cannabis selling does not involve any murders, robberies, etc. it simply involves the distribution of cannabis to people who would otherwise have to obtain their tree from a worse source.

i don't think he should feel bad about selling weed. however, he should feel bad about wanting it to remain illegal out of personal greed. he also should get a damn job lOl
Police officer????

Would have been funnier if you asked if I was from the IRS. He was talking about things being legal I was wondering what his thoughts about were concerning paying taxes. Taxation has a lot to do with the legalization of cannabis. I thought it was appropriate.
don't get me wrong i see what you're saying and agree with you. however, his family is not thriving from blood money like you say. they are thriving from money directly obtained by someone who is probably a very small-time dealer. therefore his cannabis selling does not involve any murders, robberies, etc. it simply involves the distribution of cannabis to people who would otherwise have to obtain their tree from a worse source.

i don't think he should feel bad about selling weed. however, he should feel bad about wanting it to remain illegal out of personal greed. he also should get a damn job lOl

You know, you are fucking right.

Pacificarage, it's not blood money, sorry I whiny bitched out on that. But I think you're coming from a wrong place wanting it to remain illegal. That got my Irish up.

Sell your weed to people that want it or need it, I agree, that is probably doing more good than bad because you're putting the cartels out of business a little bit. But if you want it to stay illegal, either locally or nationally, then that is fucking over a lot of people plain and simple.
The influence of modern day USA in Latin American states is profound, to the point of people celebrating thanksgiving, or some crazy fucks making a statue of Ayn Rand at a private "libertarian" college (as if they knew what that actually is). That's why I say I've yet to see shit working, cause if it ain't working over there, it sure won't do it here. Hell, I live in a colony that tried to take a step from feudalism to pseudocapitalism, and failed horrendously. We became a huge coffee and banana republic.

the short end of the mercantilist stick?
My politics are not well determined. i think of myself as a centrist, and the complaint that I am really just an apathist has traction. Apathism has an answer to that as well ;)
You know, you are fucking right.

Pacificarage, it's not blood money, sorry I whiny bitched out on that. But I think you're coming from a wrong place wanting it to remain illegal. That got my Irish up.

Sell your weed to people that want it or need it, I agree, that is probably doing more good than bad because you're putting the cartels out of business a little bit. But if you want it to stay illegal, either locally or nationally, then that is fucking over a lot of people plain and simple.

Well, sadly you are right. I just don't want big corporations destroying the market of cannabis. I have nothing against those who want to smoke legally.
Well guess what? If corporations destroy the market, guess who people will want to come back to for decent smoke? You. If that happens, then you're back in business.
i think there will always be a market for high quality cannabis. i don't think the government is going to produce quality that cannot be matched..they will be running very large scale ops. larger the op = lower the chance of quality. i also doubt they will be putting as much love into the grow as people with a smaller op would, which is another determining factor in quality.

this is what differs the marijuana industry from the tobacco industry. tobacco quality is not as important as cannabis quality. i.e. "a cigarette is a cigarette". you don't here people going around saying "a joint is a joint".

edit: 500th post:leaf:
Fuck, all I want to do is have my hobby and take care of my head at the end of the day without having to worry about losing my freedom, job and reputation for growing a plant in the privacy of my own home. If legalized and socially moralized then I would want to dress up as Ganja Claus and distribute freely from my fat sack of nuggetry anyone I deemed fit. Which would be any one I ran into.
The Republicans in my state are passing 'just in case' laws now, so that if (when) Congress lowers it to a schedule 2 substance they can dip their paws into the money stream by controlling how and from who it is obtained. I assure you, they do this with a business model written in today's prices. There is no way they're going to let the prices drop once they are owed a piece of the action.
What was a somewhat utopian thought by logical people (grow your own in the back yard, spend your money on real shit) is now just a pipe dream and you'll be labeled tree huggers or dirty hippies when you question it.
Because for now they had to, they include a grandfather clause situation for current legal caregivers and patients, but as sure as the sun rises they will need to eliminate that competition when shit gets real later, on after the change in scheduling.

This ^^^

Legalization isn't gonna be the great smokefest we all dream it to be. There's big money in weed. If legalization does happen it's gonna be the American (fuck you, pay me) way.
Most stoners I know would prefer to get weed from a home grown source. Not big corpo. I would rather wait a few hours to have someone I know deliver non-poisoned weed or drive some miles to get good shit then walk a block and buy weed from the store. Fuck. That. Shit.

I do agree, however, that your want for it to remain illegal is some what selfish...BUT in this economy I could see you not wanting part of your income to pay bills and live a decent life to vanish over night. I see it as a thought of survival not really selfishness.
not a fan.Neither is anybody I know.We all have our little cards and we like it the way it is.A little risk and lots of privacy.Legalization has been voted on many times in my state.It gets shot down for one reason.That is we want the gov't to stay outta our houses.
Everybody should see the writing on the wall.Bans on growing,taxes,etc... have fun with your $900 legal ounces.... Hey I want to be legal,just tax the shit outta me.LOL Pretty soon it be just packs of cigerettes . And they better have the tax stamp !!!!!