Total Noob using teas and I am a believer


Well-Known Member
While we're waiting on May...I have a potential issue in my Secret Jardin. Ten'ts 5 x 5 in the cold basement with LEDs. I added a heater that keeps it between 72-80* . RH is hard too keep up tho. I have a Vicks small room humidifier blasting continuously, and can only get up to 40%. It's usually around 30-35%. I've tried to re-position humidifier and fans several ways with no improvement. Am I just being too OCD, or is there a better way?
It's tough this time of year. If you can leave your tent sealed up that would help some. Also if you have the room you could leave a couple buckets of water in there. When I was growing ebb and flow that was one nice thing with all of the standing water in the reservoirs. You might want to consider brewing your teas in there too if you have the space to do it.


Well-Known Member
Per 8 gallons (1cft) he calls for:

3/4 cup of ground oyster shells
1/2 cup od dolomite lime powder
1 3/4 cup prilled dolomite lime
Holy shit! I'm nowhere near that much. Have to assume that my ewc are making up the difference. I really need to get some coco coir in the mix. You're using some, right?


Well-Known Member
While we're waiting on May...I have a potential issue in my Secret Jardin. Ten'ts 5 x 5 in the cold basement with LEDs. I added a heater that keeps it between 72-80* . RH is hard too keep up tho. I have a Vicks small room humidifier blasting continuously, and can only get up to 40%. It's usually around 30-35%. I've tried to re-position humidifier and fans several ways with no improvement. Am I just being too OCD, or is there a better way?
The winter can be a pain in the ass in basements. The low RH is a thing of beauty to pests. Can you get another Vicks or two or a larger humdifier?


Well-Known Member
Holy shit! I'm nowhere near that much. Have to assume that my ewc are making up the difference. I really need to get some coco coir in the mix. You're using some, right?
Base mix:

1 part high quality mix like Coast of Maine Bar Harbor blend (Root's Organic like)
1 part coco
1 part perlite or the like
1 part ewc

Rrog just about shit himself when he saw it. I am skeptical too even now. :dunce:


Well-Known Member
Holy shit! I'm nowhere near that much. Have to assume that my ewc are making up the difference. I really need to get some coco coir in the mix. You're using some, right?
I'm cooking some soil up right now with coco to make up for less drainage material! Getting my hopes up just thinking about it.

My mix is (mind you my VC isn't done)
2 parts bagged EWC
1 part Black Gold Garden Compost
2 parts coco
1 part crushed lava rock (1/4'-1/2" in size) only 15% of mix

Kept amendments on the light side due to less cooking time. List includes...seabird guano, high N guano, neem meal, kelp, a little alfalfa, dolo lime 1/2 cup per cft, crab shell meal, fish bone meal, and I'm going to just rely on kelp for rock dust.

Any suggestions would be great.


Well-Known Member
I'm cooking some soil up right now with coco to make up for less drainage material! Getting my hopes up just thinking about it.

My mix is (mind you my VC isn't done)
2 parts bagged EWC
1 part Black Gold Garden Compost
2 parts coco
1 part crushed lava rock (1/4'-1/2" in size) only 15% of mix

Kept amendments on the light side due to less cooking time. List includes...seabird guano, high N guano, neem meal, kelp, a little alfalfa, dolo lime 1/2 cup per cft, crab shell meal, fish bone meal, and I'm going to just rely on kelp for rock dust.

Any suggestions would be great.
Rrog, CC, MM usually recommend 1/3 peat (or coco in your case), 1/3 compost, 1/3 aeration. You seem heavy on the compost/vermicompost, and light on aeration. Could be an all together different deal using coco though, so you might not need as much aeration. A good idea for that might be to add some bio-char. Go to a grocery store an buy a bag of Cowboy brand charcoal. Break it up in to 1/4"-1/2" pieces, and charge it in an alfalfa tea for 48 hours. This will provide aeration, and will also supply bio-available N to your girls throughout the grow.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
While we're waiting on May...I have a potential issue in my Secret Jardin. Ten'ts 5 x 5 in the cold basement with LEDs. I added a heater that keeps it between 72-80* . RH is hard too keep up tho. I have a Vicks small room humidifier blasting continuously, and can only get up to 40%. It's usually around 30-35%. I've tried to re-position humidifier and fans several ways with no improvement. Am I just being too OCD, or is there a better way?
Right now, I will gladly trade your position for mine wowa... Flower room RH at 77. This is during lights off. I took my little dim green torch in there to check up on it. Got the A/C KICKING to dry things out a bit, soon as lights come on the combo of A/C and dry heat will bring it down to 60 I hope. If not, helllooooo power bill, I will pump the A/C even more and add a space heater.

It is supposed to be summer. EEEK.


Well-Known Member
How are the Grape Puff doing st0w?
Doing well. They get the flip to 12/12 in about a week. They're pretty thirsty plants. Definitely sucking up more H2O than anything else I've got going. Figure I'll post up some pics when bud sites start forming. Veg pics are kinda boring


Well-Known Member
Right now, I will gladly trade your position for mine wowa... Flower room RH at 77. This is during lights off. I took my little dim green torch in there to check up on it. Got the A/C KICKING to dry things out a bit, soon as lights come on the combo of A/C and dry heat will bring it down to 60 I hope. If not, helllooooo power bill, I will pump the A/C even more and add a space heater.

It is supposed to be summer. EEEK.
I would buy a dehumidifier in case this ever happens again...or throw rice all over lol.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I'll light it as you do so :P Won't have to worry about trimming again lol.
Yeah but you will have to live with that smell... Back in my really young days I put out a camp fire like that. DAMN. Never again. It is just well... DAMN. It honed like nothing on this planet before or since.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I would buy a dehumidifier in case this ever happens again...or throw rice all over lol.
Rice can be bit of a double-edged sword. It can host pretty much any fungus. PM loves it. The first time I had the White Death it grew on rice I tried to use to dry out some soil. It also easily grows that weird green stuff that attacks mushrooms. I forget the name for it. I be Java or Myco know the name for that stuff. It is pretty nasty.