I was an athiest.
Until I realised athiests and theists are one in the same: one is certain that god (or gods) exist; the other is certain they do not.
I simply accept that human beings are fallible. We do not - and never will - have the capacity to understand that which is beyond our grasp.
Anyone who worships a god would not recognise it if they saw it.
Anyone who does not worship a god would not recognise it if they saw it.
But there is one idea with which I am fairly comfortable: if there is a creator - or creators - they would be nothing like anything any religion has ever devised nor ever will.
Gods are created in the minds of men. If it were the other way around, we wouldn't be so fucking naive . . .
Hey man, haven't seen you post here before so, welcome!
Now into the 'meat and taters'....
You're incorrect about atheism, maybe I can help clear things up.
Atheism isn't a belief, it's a lack of belief. If someone wants to go a step further and say 'I believe god doesn't exist', that is not the position of atheism, it's a separate claim - one of knowledge, not belief.
People often confuse 'a lack of belief', and 'a belief that something doesn't exist'. They are very distinct, and shouldn't be confused. A belief that 'something doesn't exist' is a positive claim, and should be justified. An example of how
lack of a belief differs from
the belief that something does not exist, is a baby; they are atheists because they don't know about the existence of god, therefore; t
hey have no belief in god. They are a - (without) theist - (theism), or
without theism (atheist).
Anyone who states 'god does not exist' or 'I believe god doesn't exist', is making a positive claim, and in a public forum people are going to expect evidence or reasoning as to why you hold that belief. When you make a claim,
the burden of proof lies on the person making the claim, not on the person rejecting the claim.
not having a belief is different, because you're responding to the positive claim that theists are making, that
'god exists'. Therefore, atheism isn't a claim in and of itself only a response to a claim.