President Obama Apologizes

there's only one problem with your theory about low paid doctors and true national healthcare being "expensive as fuck".

it's called the rest of the world.

england, france, and scandinavia all pay less than we do and cover all of their citizens. we pay more, and yet you would be bankrupt if your appendix bursts. you would lose your home, if you had one. this happens to many more millions than will ever get a cancellation notice.

heck, you might even die unceremoniously in our healthcare system. kent snyder did. he didn't need to die, rawn pawl just made it tougher to see a doctor than all of the others did.

the poor in our nation are about on par with the poor in cuba. even wealthy cubans get better healthcare than our poor receive.

the problem is not with england (basically our medicare) or cuba (better than our system for the poor) or france or scandinavia (they both pay less than we do), the problem is with our system.

there are lots of great examples out there that could teach us how to do health care or education better, but you miserable fucks would never acknowledge them. but you miserable fucks have no problem bragging about austerity based on estonia and latvia.

just disgraceful.

In bankruptcy ( what would happen if you couldn't pay your $3 million dollar hospital bill) You keep your home, your car, your clothes, all your possessions, retirement ETC ETC ETC.

there's only one problem with your theory about low paid doctors and true national healthcare being "expensive as fuck".

it's called the rest of the world.
england, france, and scandinavia all pay less than we do and cover all of their citizens.

no, the citizen pays next to nothing for the medical care, when services are delivered, yet they pay exorbitant tax rates to fund the system, even if they do not use it.
seriously, only a moron would believe this line of crap.

england's NHS is tottering on the edge of insolvency, and they raise the tax to fund the system constabntly.

france's system is solvent but the taxes are much higher than even england's

scandinavia's systems run like a swiss watch, but their tax rates are criminally high.

we pay more, and yet you would be bankrupt if your appendix bursts. you would lose your home, if you had one. this happens to many more millions than will ever get a cancellation notice.

who is this WE you speak of? you dont pay taxes, so you are of course quite happy to raise the taxes of others for new benefits for yourself.

heck, you might even die unceremoniously in our healthcare system. kent snyder did. he didn't need to die, rawn pawl just made it tougher to see a doctor than all of the others did.
dont know or care who kent snyder is, you got names for all the people who HAVENT died or gone bankrupt under our current system?

the poor in our nation are about on par with the poor in cuba. even wealthy cubans get better healthcare than our poor receive.

cuba has a full nationalized system, the "poor", the "rich" and everybody else (except the apparatchiks) get exactly the same care you dolt. only the party leaders and fidel's family get good medical care, and they get it by going to france or canada, or england and paying with the people's money.

the problem is not with england (basically our medicare)
HA HA HA HA HA! youre so full of shit. medicare doesnt run hospitals, operate a "free at the point of service" healthcare program or any such bullshit.

or cuba (better than our system for the poor)
cant keep your cuba story straight?

or france or scandinavia (they both pay less than we do), the problem is with our system.

everybpdy pays more taxes than you. however it is easily ascertained by any idiot, that france and scandinavia have much higher national tax burdens which is needed to provide a huge array of social(ist) services, which they have decided they want. WE, the american tax payers have not approved such services, despite the repeated demands by lefties that we run down that rabbit hole.

the US's tax burden is STILL lower than france or scandinavia, despite spending more on military forces than most of the world put together.

there are lots of great examples out there that could teach us how to do health care or education better, but you miserable fucks would never acknowledge them. but you miserable fucks have no problem bragging about austerity based on estonia and latvia.

not even sure what you are squawking here. "we" dont need lessons on tax and spend leftism, we have you for that, just because we havent adopted the "reforms" you insist are needed, and embraced the glorious revolution doesnt mean we are failing, it means YOU are failing to properly radicalize the proletariat. work harder comrade.

just disgraceful.
dont be so hard on yourself comrade, someday the usa will embrace the revolution, then we will all goin together and celebrate the victory of hard working agitprop creaters like yourself, shortly before you are airbrushed out of history and die of "natural causes" with an icepick through your ear in mexico city.
dont be so hard on yourself comrade, someday the usa will embrace the revolution, then we will all goin together and celebrate the victory of hard working agitprop creaters like yourself, shortly before you are airbrushed out of history and die of "natural causes" with an icepick through your ear in mexico city.

you are a bitter angry person. you need to get laid bro. bad.

sometimes you come across very intelligent, your arguments well thought out, other times you really show your stupid off. and your bitter rage is quite apparent.
you are a bitter angry person. you need to get laid bro. bad.

sometimes you come across very intelligent, your arguments well thought out, other times you really show your stupid off. and your bitter rage is quite apparent.

if my assertions are incorrect, dispute them.

i know bucky will not, as he doesnt debate or even argue, he simply lays his agit-prop down and starts calling names or posting spam.

can you do better?
if my assertions are incorrect, dispute them.

i know bucky will not, as he doesnt debate or even argue, he simply lays his agit-prop down and starts calling names or posting spam.

can you do better?

if you notice I responded your comment in part. the part, in particular, was my basis for assumption. do you dispute that?
Cmon canndo, I know you are smarter than that.

Put on your political blinders and do some research and do some simple math.

How in the hell are we going to insure millions of more people and have it cost less?

As much as you don't want to admit it, Obamacare cannot work unless the private insurance industry makes up the majority of the government exchange.

That is progressive arithmetic: twenty million people who had no insurance, who will now get insurance paid for by the taxpayer, and the "average family's health insurance cost will decrease by $2,500 annually". Somehow, that makes sense to Democrats and is not an obvious lie.
The other alternative is to not buy any insurance, pay the fine, then when you get sick get the insurance. No pre-existing conditions anymore.

A sound strategy. Even better, figure your tax burden so that at the end of the tax year you owe the feds a few dollars, then pay the tax you owe and don't pay the fine.
if you notice I responded your comment in part. the part, in particular, was my basis for assumption. do you dispute that?

yes, you responded "in part" which implies that the statement from which you culled youre snippet was the "Stupid Bitter Rage" to which you refer.

this is an ancient and deplorable rhetorical technique, which is used by bucky cheezedick and AC in their endless quips and one-liners railing against all who dare reject the leftist doctrines which they hold so dear.

if you wish to dispute an assertion, select that assertion and refute it, cutting out the closing stanza of any post and declaring it to be "Stupid Bitter Rage" doesnt bolster your position.
A sound strategy. Even better, figure your tax burden so that at the end of the tax year you owe the feds a few dollars, then pay the tax you owe and don't pay the fine.

Lets not forget about if you claim you are the "daddy or you get married " you can sign up when ever you want..So if you get sick just man up and admit you are the daddy or just marry some one ....BAMM health care...only a Dem could make up that shit..
Lets not forget about if you claim you are the "daddy or you get married " you can sign up when ever you want..So if you get sick just man up and admit you are the daddy or just marry some one ....BAMM health care...only a Dem could make up that shit..

I guess the progs are counting on poor people being too stupid to figure how to game the system to their own advantage.
A sound strategy. Even better, figure your tax burden so that at the end of the tax year you owe the feds a few dollars, then pay the tax you owe and don't pay the fine.

That is EXACTLY what I did when I was working for someone else. I haven't seen a tax return since I was in the military long ago. Why give the government a interest free loan all year? Makes no sense when you can claim 8 on your W2 and take a interest free loan from the gubbermint. Childs play to figure out what you WOULD have deducted from your pay and then just purchase US Treasuries. The result is you getting a percentage return on money you borrowed from all the other taxpayers for nothing. Its FREE money, yet the proles all count on a tax return every year to go buy themselves some kind of new item in the race to keep up with the Jones's. Instead of a $6000 tax return wouldn't you rather get a $12,000 0% loan for a year in which you could make perhaps an additional $1,000 in a near risk free investment vehicle (Not so risk free anymore)? In the end its like getting a $7,000 tax return instead of 6.

So MANY people count on that tax return to save the money for them, when you could be putting it to good use for a year. This is WHY government can get what it wants, people are easily misled.

Now don't tell this secret to everyone, if everyone knew about it , government would collapse and we just CAN'T have that.

Reminds me of the old saying about squeezing blood from a stone since they can't fine you since you have no tax return coming.
yes, you responded "in part" which implies that the statement from which you culled youre snippet was the "Stupid Bitter Rage" to which you refer.

this is an ancient and deplorable rhetorical technique, which is used by bucky cheezedick and AC in their endless quips and one-liners railing against all who dare reject the leftist doctrines which they hold so dear.

if you wish to dispute an assertion, select that assertion and refute it, cutting out the closing stanza of any post and declaring it to be "Stupid Bitter Rage" doesnt bolster your position.

Stanza, c'mon doc. I have only been a member a few months, but I have yet to encounter anything in politics that resembles poetry.
Stanza, c'mon doc. I have only been a member a few months, but I have yet to encounter anything in politics that resembles poetry.


youre precious.

i guess you missed the Haiku Hour, Poetry Corner, and The Beat Room.

nobody tell him where it goes down, we dont want to hear any more emo verses about cutting yourself to feel alive.
no, the citizen pays next to nothing for the medical care, when services are delivered, yet they pay exorbitant tax rates to fund the system, even if they do not use it.
seriously, only a moron would believe this line of crap.

england's NHS is tottering on the edge of insolvency, and they raise the tax to fund the system constabntly.

france's system is solvent but the taxes are much higher than even england's

scandinavia's systems run like a swiss watch, but their tax rates are criminally high.

and yet when you add it all up, they still pay less than we do and all their citizens are covered.

it's that damn thing called reality.

not even gonna bother to address the rest of your ad hom, commie baiting nonsense from here on out, because you have NOTHING.
In bankruptcy ( what would happen if you couldn't pay your $3 million dollar hospital bill) You keep your home, your car, your clothes, all your possessions, retirement ETC ETC ETC.


yet for some reason, tens of thousands die or lose their homes due to health care bills in our nation every year.

that would be a scandal in a place like scandinavia, who still pay less than we do for healthcare despite their "criminally high" tax rates.
You're so fucking dumb, many of those companies are subsidiaries of the major parent companies.

And you are taking over you father in-laws multimillion dollar company? LMFAO
I don't know who's biggest dumb fuck, you or your father in-law.

His father in-law told Buck he would be CEO over his dead body...
CheezyO... I sent in my app..I almost sent it registered just to make sure they didn't lose my info...But I only filled out the first page with basic info and my phone number and signed it....I am waiting for them to call me hopefully the first of next week...