hey im a dope head , well a ex dope head atleast and I know what CCW is

In NYC only the criminals have guns the law abideing citizens have ben disarmed for their protection ......
Mushys in vagas was epic when i did it. Casinos and good parts of a nice parts of the city away from scary people was so fun. Litteraly spend like 8 hrs exploring the depths of the casino. Ate an 1/8 and then another 1/8 3 or 4 hrs later. tripped for 12 hrs. Plan your trip in NYC so you stay far away from the ghetto and scary crack heads and have money to spend on taxis, cigs (money to avoid unwanted interactions with weirdoes in subways and walking down the street) and whatever else you fancy while tripping. I know a lot of people that don't trip without zanies valium or kpin something like that to knock them selves out incase they get overwhelmed(usually don't have to take them). Make hotel reservations b4 you start tripping that came be difficult while trippin! happy trails
Don't go trying to make mounted cops' horses bolt. They're only deployed in areas with a lot of people because being mounted on a big horse is wonderful for crowd control and that's a good way to get a bystander hurt. Also it's not their fault that they're being ridden by pigs.

The only way to legally carry in NYC is to make a large donation to an activist sheriff and get yourself deputized. Personally I feel that self defense is a right and that everyone who chooses to should be able to carry a gun for that purpose, but if you commit a violent crime (for these purposes the threat of violence is enough to be considered a violent crime) while carrying it you should be subjected to severe additional penalties. your smokes outta state!! In va they are 3-4$ a pack...ny,9$!!..I'm not a smoker but I know this..I used to sell smokes on tour at shows..when you got 5$ packs,people will buy a whole carton at that price!..
It's estimated that the mob now makes more money from bootleg cigarettes than illegal drugs in NYC. If only they were only $9/pack there. your smokes outta state!! In va they are 3-4$ a pack...ny,9$!!..I'm not a smoker but I know this..I used to sell smokes on tour at shows..when you got 5$ packs,people will buy a whole carton at that price!..

Try more like 12 in Manhattan when I was just there a week ago. I was pretty drunk at the time and ended up yelling at the clerk.
$12 is good, that's like an outer borough price. Manhattan is usually 13-14, especially at the hours when people are likely to be pretty drunk. It feels like you got mugged. I'm waiting for them to ask for your id and just take your wallet and hand you back your id and a pack of cigarettes.
$12 is good, that's like an outer borough price. Manhattan is usually 13-14, especially at the hours when people are likely to be pretty drunk. It feels like you got mugged. I'm waiting for them to ask for your id and just take your wallet and hand you back your id and a pack of cigarettes.

Well I was with a friend and she's from the area so usually knows where to go and what to avoid. Later she took me for a sexual romp in the middle of Central Park like a common hobo but it was fun.

OP if you want to taste the best fucking cookie in the world go to Levain Bakery. Its this little corner basement bakery on 74th and Colombus Parkway and the cookies are 4 bucks but they are seriously the best fucking cookies ever. I get one everytime Im in the city.
"Later she took me for a sexual romp in the middle of Central Park like a common hobo but it was fun."
So either you raped her or she's a very ugly prositute you shared some hard drugs with? Because I'm pretty sure those are the only ways that common hobos get laid. That was just being a common exhibitionist!
It's estimated that the mob now makes more money from bootleg cigarettes than illegal drugs in NYC. If only they were only $9/pack there.

i live close to a 'indian reservation' about 50 miles from the city - You would not believe the volume of untaxed cigerates that moves thru their , You cant go their without seeing at least 1 person loading a up a van to the roof with smokes
Want a great place to trip their is a abondanded subway tunnel in brooklyn

Just North of the city up the hudson their is a LARGE abondonded psych. center - forbeing so close to the city it's in great shape all kinds of errie stuff left behind

For the adventerous their is North brother island another abondonded hosipital complex - just a short swim across the east river (mind the tide)
"Later she took me for a sexual romp in the middle of Central Park like a common hobo but it was fun."
So either you raped her or she's a very ugly prositute you shared some hard drugs with? Because I'm pretty sure those are the only ways that common hobos get laid. That was just being a common exhibitionist!

LOL I just meant it was outside. I dunno I just always figured hobos bang in parks and alleyways and whatnot, being homeless and all.
i live close to a 'indian reservation' about 50 miles from the city - You would not believe the volume of untaxed cigerates that moves thru their , You cant go their without seeing at least 1 person loading a up a van to the roof with smokes
I've bought cigarettes on the reservation and seen it with my own eyes. Lots of people smoke and we're all pissed at the government for unfairly taxing us (more than 75% of the total cost of a pack of cigarettes is in taxes even in the cheapest states like VA and KY) so there's a big market. If 10% of NYC smokes and averages a pack a day that's still a million packs of cigarettes a day.

I believe I know the place you're talking about.
LOL I just meant it was outside. I dunno I just always figured hobos bang in parks and alleyways and whatnot, being homeless and all.
Hard to get a girl to go home with you when you don't have a home.
Now I really hope I forget about this by next spring. If it pops into my head the next time I'm having sex in a park I'm going to be pissed!
Dude, I used to live in manhattan, east coast ex-pat, now on the blessed sucks, if you are on this forum you likely will never have enough money to afford enjoying nyc, at least I couldn't. I lived on 119th and Lex, a pretty hood part, but still subjected to gentrification as on 2004, it prob has 9 starbucks in 1 mile radius by now. Anyhoo, tripping in Prospect Park in brooklyn is a real nice treat. I remember going there at 4 am after a looooooong night tripping in my friends apt and watching her cat feed off our energy, we walked to the park and caught the sunrise. It is a real nice treat when you see the flock of wild parakeets that roam around there (look for the big tree). Funny story, the birds started out as am escaped MF pair and kept breeding, now there are 30+ and they run the park ha, it is always nice to see something that doesn't belong there, it made me feel a little more welcome.

So NYC can be a very fun place to trip, but there is so much ugliness that at this point, unless I was doing energy work with clear intentions, I wouldn't recommend it.
that's some serious foreplay!!
If you're looking for food in ny..there's lots..stay away from the tourist shit you see on t.v..and do not eat the hotdogs..stay the fuck away from the hotdogs and falafel...bad times,especially when your 3 blocks from the pay toilet.and spent your last coins on the hotdog..and get into the toilet and it has no paper..see why ny smells like piss and hotdog farts now?
Usually by the time I'm eating street meat I'm too fucked up to care its going to make my bowels look like that scene from Volcano where Tommy Lee Jones funnels the lava through the LA River.