I don't think I've ever had a bad slice in the city honestly.

My best NYC moment of my life was a few years ago. Me and my GF at the time were in the midst of a slow break-up and long story short we ended up with a half g of molly, split it, sat on these cozy rocks near the great lawn and just stared and the city lights and talked. About everything. I think I need not elaborate to my fellow psychonauts but it was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. We never ended up getting back together but that particular night we still talk about and I think played a part in us remaining great friends. God I miss NYC and I was just there 2 weekends ago lol. york I can take or leave that I live in the 'country',I can still have fun,and a nice growroom.:-D
Agreed. I have a job offer right now in Queens making commensurate money as I am now but I don't think I'm gonna take it. I want 2 Australian Shepherds and I can't have that in the city. But fuck do I love that city.
Ehh I gotta give the food aspect to NYC. Only passed through Chicago once so I really can't speak for that city besides how beautiful the architecture was.
your gonna get this thread moved to the food section or something...just add... on drugs at the end of everything you say so we don't lose another one
I don't think I've ever had a bad slice in the city honestly.

My best NYC moment of my life was a few years ago. Me and my GF at the time were in the midst of a slow break-up and long story short we ended up with a half g of molly, split it, sat on these cozy rocks near the great lawn and just stared and the city lights and talked. About everything. I think I need not elaborate to my fellow psychonauts but it was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. We never ended up getting back together but that particular night we still talk about and I think played a part in us remaining great friends. God I miss NYC and I was just there 2 weekends ago lol.

I have mediocre slices in the city. I'm sure some of those places that advertise $1 slices with lunch time deals have some low quality pizza as well.
I've also had the experience of rolling and realizing we made better friends. Definitely beats the hell out of a nasty breakup.

Agreed. I have a job offer right now in Queens making commensurate money as I am now but I don't think I'm gonna take it. I want 2 Australian Shepherds and I can't have that in the city. But fuck do I love that city.

Do what we do and live just outside the city. There's lots of places where you can be into the city in 45 minutes and have two large dogs. I couldn't live in the city itself but I would hate to be far from it more I think.

Best city in the world,charlottesville va..just an opinion..maybe second to chicago as far as food.

Ehh I gotta give the food aspect to NYC. Only passed through Chicago once so I really can't speak for that city besides how beautiful the architecture was.

I've gotta go with NYC on this one. There's some excellent food available in Chicago but I love pizza and what they call pizza in Chicago is fucking blasphemy!
bro im hoping for an experience like this.... but it seems like coming across some good weed and molly might be kind of hard...
You can bring good drugs with you to the city. Get a test kit and learn to hate the color yellow if you're looking for MDMA...
I live in texas I will only be visiting so I wont be able to which sucks but it should still be a cool trip I suppose

impman in NYC minus the accent and high on mescaline
duck I agree with the pizza..'ll find molly,just find a rave..but bring a testkit..a rave and a loved up hippy are just one step away from finding dank..
By far the easyest way to 'cold cop' in the city is thru a prostitute

I have ben told gay bars are good places to ,but im not that adventours
yea bro im not that much of a rebel to go through all that... Don't wanna have a Stifler moment haha but dude had some dance moves tho...