Club 600

MuMoBG is a cross I made last year between a Holy Smoke Mulanje Bubblegum pheno and a Mozambique Poison male. Only found two seeds (picture in my sig).

Grew it out this year as a mainlining and light deprivation experiment.

I like the results :)
Welcome JeffGB :eyesmoke: With the pr0n and 600 you are surly a shoe-in!

-whodat, present.


Thanks doobie :lol:

I finally ordered a lil washer and some bags :-) gonna have bubble pr0n soon!
I need a BB sticker for it,,,,,,,, wink wink.
Welcome JeffGB :eyesmoke: With the pr0n and 600 you are surly a shoe-in!

-whodat, present.


Thanks doobie :lol:

I finally ordered a lil washer and some bags :-) gonna have bubble pr0n soon!
I need a BB sticker for it,,,,,,,, wink wink.


"Um, you mean "whodat"?

What kind of a got-damned name is that!?!? Testing my patience is the LAST thing you will ever do in your short, miserable life, so I invite you to test me so we can get it over with!
Now: "whodaytee"?

*raises hand*
I couldn't wait till tomorrow to harvest my dog after smoking the black ss all day. Life is gooooooddddd. I know it's like posting a print of an artist master peace but I man this looks good and this is the baby.004.jpg005.jpg008.jpg

I can't wait to see the smelly cherry in 2 months. After 10 months of seeing bb gear on the screen the real deal is still fricking amazing. I've been having a serious debate on cloning off what I have or something new and if 3 out of 3 are this good I have to try the others. Props.
ROLL CALL club six: dababydroman? dababydroman: PRESENT!

I'm always here. Present and stones.

And ghb, yeah, I been getting a chance here and there to take a toke. Not as much as used to be though. Sucks being on a trip too... can't find many good smoke spots. Feel like a criminal hiding out and shit. Going to the smoke shop now to buy a little vape, handheld portable thingy. :)
I couldn't wait till tomorrow to harvest my dog after smoking the black ss all day. Life is gooooooddddd. I know it's like posting a print of an artist master peace but I man this looks good and this is the baby.View attachment 2878031View attachment 2878032View attachment 2878033

I can't wait to see the smelly cherry in 2 months. After 10 months of seeing bb gear on the screen the real deal is still fricking amazing. I've been having a serious debate on cloning off what I have or something new and if 3 out of 3 are this good I have to try the others. Props.

I bet a lot of people thing the talk on BB is just talk. Stoked to see you had the same success I had. Those buds look lovely. And I'm sure you'll find the cured product to be more than satisfactory. Nice work.
My 2nd pheno of the Dog smelled very similar to the lankier taller one, but was a delight to smoke.
The 1st pheno is not my thing with all the paranoia, but the 2nd one is crazy happy goofy, and then focused and motivating.
Never had this combination b4, but I love it!!!
Too bad I lost that pheno... :(
Hey all

I been lurking the club 600 thread for a while, spend a lot of my time over at the main lining thread and the world of hempy, so some of you guys know me from there.

Just like to introduce myself and say hello....Hello.

Hey Fuck! You made it here. Cool.

You have been good to all the other threads you are in. :0)

my new glass, just tested it and what a great buy.

perfect for holding on to once the weed gets going, i got a great steady draw too.


i'm sure i have seen a similar one on cof's avatars before, does anybody else have similar? if not i would recommend it, i prefer it to a full size bong.

I had one like this. I stashed it outside and it got stolen or trashed. I miss that piece.
Chillaxin' by the fireplace, macking on Hostess cupcakes, sipping on an ice cold soda pop, and blazing rips on the bong...

(first fire in the fireplace)


New cold-weather & waterproof motorcycle gloves:
(returned the ones I ordered and just went down to the Honda shop so I could try on gloves before buying)





I want your gloves:shock:
I thought about propane, but there are other gasses released too. Some of which can harm plants. My GH is dug about 12" below grade, so those gases could stick around. If I knew that my GH would exhaust them all I would be down for a gas heater (propane or kerosene). Since this is my first run in the winter, I will stick with safe/costly electricity.

Hey SS, I plan on getting a propane burner from DH in the future,,, but would like to know more info on these extra gasses. Could you enlighten me? From what I read a complete burn with propane produces nothing but co2 and h2o... How perfect/complete of a burn these burners get is the question but I would think they have engineered them properly considering they are used for co2 production exclusively in indoor grow rooms and green houses, but Im not sure about most other peoples business practices these days especially in the grow industry.

I dont think they would be ideal for heating a room because thats not what they are designed for, and maybe a propane heater would either have the ppm too high trying to maintain temps in a cold GH, or the propane heaters dont have as complete burns as the co2 generators.
Either way it would be burning mostly at night anyways and you dont even need the co2 then.
(*says in his best Capt. Kirk voice):

I've... got... some... thing... in the oven.
What... it... is... noonecansay... but... in... the oven...
... it is.
Mr. Spock... sensors to... maximum sweep.
Mr. Chekov: all stop.
Sound Yellow Alert, all personnel to their Ready Stations until further notice.
Mr. Sulu: charge all phaser banks and load photon torpedo bays 3 and 4.
I... smell something... and we're not leaving until it's ready to pop out.
Hi club 600, I would be interested to hear anyone with a 600 hps kooltube or straight 600 hps opinion on this comment. and I quote"I've seen that thread. who cares how close a light is. Its about how much par is hitting the leaves. 155 w led's put out more par than 600 hps. 330 w CMH put out even more par. 860w CMH is the highest par rated bulb of all lighting. Hps is dead tech."? I have heard about what this person is referring to, however I HAVE NEVER condidered taking my hps away, I added supplemental lighting of uv light (reptile bulb) and 100 watts of 6000k t-5 during weeks 6-7-8-9 of flowering. Never had any issue's, in fact ever since I used whodats suggestion of dual cabs I have been taking my level of horticulture to a whole new level. Just thought id ask because I know you folks will discern the bullshit from the facts.