Club 600


Well-Known Member
3 dogs, 5 blue pit and all 6 deep blue x engineers dream have popped the soil, hoping for 1 more dog then theres my 4 fems to veg up for mainlining... i will be very happy with 1 fem out the blue pits for a mother....... i am gutted going back to finding crap street weed again


Well-Known Member
My first was a Commodore vic 20, 2.5k with a 16k ram pack to boost it's power, lol. (the vic 20 was the poor mans 64 really). But you made the most of what you had in those days (unlike a lot of spoilt brats these days). I played ZX 81 (1k I think), ZX spectrum at my friends as well. And had a games console by Phillips (the games were as pricey as the console!) I was always more interested in running about outside and playing football though.

Commodore 64 and Atari pong all day.
Talk about some OSGs...(OLD SCHOOL GAMERS)


Well-Known Member
that cherry pie looks awsome..some vanilla ice cream on the side would be perfect with some hot cherry pie.
Yea we could only play pong for so long.
The good old days..swimming at the swimmin hole.Riding motor cycles smoking dope,chasing pussy,

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Just caught up on all the gab in here. Big congrats to D! GH buds are all curing in jars, and I pulled an elbow or 2 more than I expected out of the miracle grow plants. Spent most of the time flushing those, so didnt add much of my nutes to them. Decided to heat the GH with a 220v heater this winter. Wife should love the electric bill. Was going to use a kerosene burner, but dont want fumes/soot. Back to the grind. Forgot my vape pen at home, so its going to be a long day.

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Just caught up on all the gab in here. Big congrats to D! GH buds are all curing in jars, and I pulled an elbow or 2 more than I expected out of the miracle grow plants. Spent most of the time flushing those, so didnt add much of my nutes to them. Decided to heat the GH with a 220v heater this winter. Wife should love the electric bill. Was going to use a kerosene burner, but dont want fumes/soot. Back to the grind. Forgot my vape pen at home, so its going to be a long day.
Have you considered a small propane heater?...might as well add co2 while you're heating.



Well-Known Member
Well I just deleted a post. Mentioned how im trying to finish a fat bifter of dog/SB/PBxGS... Im sure yall can guess what the side effects of this are, mighty stizzled :eyesmoke:

Also talked the first comp I remember having in house, and the original nintendo...

What else.... Oh anyone seen this? Comet ISON!

We should get a good show :-) Get ya bongs ready! There are tons of loopy vids connected to this of course, this is the realest one I came across.

Here's that electric block I was telling you about, no I dont still use it./



Well-Known Member
I tell you guys, that FMILY is a real piece of work! He grows that monster outdoor plant and just harvested it. I asked for ONE measly fuckin bud off it and a smoke report on the other clones he was growing. I don't really think it was too much to ask? I mean seriously?! Do I get a smoke report? No. Did I get a single bud? No...

Then he just shows up at my house today with this HORSE SHIT in a bag! Stay clear of this guy!










