trayvan martin

Sorry, Buck, but reality is not racist.

if you had a copy of his records rather than solely your own personal feelings of racial resentment, it wouldn't be racist.

but those records are still sealed.

thus the only basis for that statement are your own feelings of racial resentment.

and that's a sad reality for you.

if you had a copy of his records rather than solely your own personal feelings of racial resentment, it wouldn't be racist.

but those records are still sealed.

thus the only basis for that statement are your own feelings of racial resentment.

and that's a sad reality for you.

Even if what you say is true, it does not matter, Buck. I have a FULL PARDON. I am absolved. I am born again. Can I get an AMEN?
I keep seeing converse assertions. On one hand liberals are elitists who, according to Republicans, are book worms and college professors. But in the same fucking argument they are brain-dead.

I keep seeing converse assertions. On one hand liberals are elitists who, according to Republicans, are book worms and college professors. But in the same fucking argument they are brain-dead.


Good one bud you learned how to edit a sig, wouldn't want you chasing your tail all day...
On one hand liberals are elitists who, according to Republicans, are book worms and college professors.

Any republican who said that is as retarded as the libturds they said that about.

Perfect example pertaining to this thread, the fat chick who was on the phone with thugvon when it all went down....a libturd who is definitely NOT a book worm or college professor.

Any republican who said that is as retarded as the libturds they said that about.

Perfect example pertaining to this thread, the fat chick who was on the phone with thugvon when it all went down....a libturd who is definitely NOT a book worm or college professor.


Interesting notion. Can you please cite said fat chick's political affiliation?
Interesting notion. Can you please cite said fat chick's political affiliation?

that's not important, what is important is that it fits his preconceived narrative that blacks are stupid, even though that chick can speak two more languages than blacksun can.
that's not important, what is important is that it fits his preconceived narrative that blacks are stupid, even though that chick can speak two more languages than blacksun can.

All that you've established is the fat chick in question can lie in two different languages... :dunce:
funny, no stroke-inducing rage from you about zimmerman's FOURTEEN demonstrable lies, which only come in one language.


Yep she's so smart she thought telling porky pies to the pigs was a good idea and would ultimately serve her dead friend well when she took the stand... As with you she hasn't the slightest idea something called "credibility" could be called into question if she shovelled enough b/s... You're just angry he didn't use the SYG defence and was still found not guilty by a jury of his peers... But look on the bright side, the martins are no longer a victim of the trappings of SES - who knew shitty parenting would be rewarded with a million dollar plus payout?
i fail to see how getting chased by a drug-addled, gun wielding moron is an act of bad parenting.

i've walked home from the store many times as a kid, i'm lucky that no drug addled gun wielding morons chased me around, otherwise that independent action from a complete stranger might have changed my parents' parenting style.

seems legit?

no, it does not seem legit.

A) Drug addled - we are on a pot site bro

B) Gun Wielding - Nope, apart from chambering a round, his pistol was in his holster until he dispatched his attacker. Carrying a weapon is not illegal in Florida but open carry is... If duty to inform in florida applies to contact with LEOs then it applies to contact with members of the public, but it doesn't... wooops...


he was on amphetamines.

martin was the one on pot.

i'm not your bro, sistah.

ld)tr.v.*wield·ed,*wield·ing,*wields1.*To handle (a weapon or tool, for example) with skill and ease.
2.*To exercise (authority or influence, for example) effectively.*

So open carry is now allowed in Florida? Cool story brosef...
he was on amphetamines.

martin was the one on pot.

i'm not your bro, sistah.

ld)tr.v.*wield·ed,*wield·ing,*wields1.*To handle (a weapon or tool, for example) with skill and ease.
2.*To exercise (authority or influence, for example) effectively.*

yep, zimmie failed to handle his gun with expertise. if he had been more skilled he would have dropped his attacker before being knocked down.

Example of "Skill and Ease":
