trayvan martin


Well-Known Member
Do you ever really listen to what you say Uncle Buck? He ran away, means right now, he's not here. I may say someone ran away only to discover that they've ambushed me later. When did it become Martin's right to sit on Zimmerman's chest and pound him? Anytime? When? When did Zimmerman justify such an assault? All else considered? When does a thug become a thug?


Well-Known Member
When did it become Martin's right to sit on Zimmerman's chest and pound him?
when a menacing, drug addled stranger followed him through his own neighborhood, first in car, then on foot, with a loaded gun, chasing after him as he ran away while never identifying himself.

at that point, anyone with self preservation instincts is gonna start to fear for their life and safety and is allowed to defend themselves.

i'm no "thug" (lol, nice attempt at coded language there :clap: ), but if some stranger followed me like that and chased after me if i ran, i would go into full self defense mode, maybe find the nearest blunt object to split open the skull of my pursuer.

but i'm sure you would just stand there and expect the pursuing stranger to bring you a bouquet of flowers, right?


after hanging up with dispatch, zimm told interrogators that "then i went towards him". another classic self defense move.


Well-Known Member
a court of law has rendered a verdict...
yes, they ruled that there was a very slight possibility that zimmerman might have actually acted in self defense, and it took 16 hours and no small amount of juror pressure to do so.

after 16 hours, i might even have to admit that there was a slight possibility, within some small, reasonable doubt, that he acted in self defense.

i mean, it was possible. just not very likely given everything we know.


bud bootlegger
yes, they ruled that there was a very slight possibility that zimmerman might have actually acted in self defense, and it took 16 hours and no small amount of juror pressure to do so.

after 16 hours, i might even have to admit that there was a slight possibility, within some small, reasonable doubt, that he acted in self defense.

i mean, it was possible. just not very likely given everything we know.
Damn buck... thought you'd go with oj.. he was also found not quilty and everyone knows oj never murdered two people...


Well-Known Member
Damn buck... thought you'd go with oj.. he was also found not quilty and everyone knows oj never murdered two people...
zimm zimm zala bimm is the new OJ.

with the pace he's setting, he'll be picked up for assaulting a prostitute or going apeshit with road rage before too long.


New Member
yes, they ruled that there was a very slight possibility that zimmerman might have actually acted in self defense, and it took 16 hours and no small amount of juror pressure to do so.

after 16 hours, i might even have to admit that there was a slight possibility, within some small, reasonable doubt, that he acted in self defense.

i mean, it was possible. just not very likely given everything we know.
No they ruled not guilty - Sounds like you would've like the jury to deliberate for 16 minutes - at least then you'd actually have something to bitch about... You make it sound like they were waterboarded like KFC* (not racist) and forced to render a verdict of not guilty...

Face it, you race baiting scumbags lost that one...


Well-Known Member
they ruled not guilty...
...on the charges of manslaughter or murder.

that means that there was a small possibility, a reasonable doubt, that zimmy did not murder or manslaughter martin.

if it took 16 minutes, then i'd say there was no real case.

but it took 16 hours instead.

and half the jury initially thought it was manslaughter or murder.

take the verdict for what it was.


Well-Known Member
the charges of manslaughter or murder.
Yeah, that's what he was on trial for, forgery wasn't on the table...sorry.

that means that there was a small possibility, a reasonable doubt, that zimmy did not murder or manslaughter martin.
Or for some on the jury a HUGE possibility, a reasonable doubt.

and half the jury initially thought it was manslaughter or murder.
Yup, they ALMOST bought into the bullshit. Right up until the more intelligent, level-headed jurors were able to convince them how fucking stupid their position was, based on the evidence. Once they realized how naive and ludicrous it would be to think GZ was guilty, they voted UNANIMOUSLY.

take the verdict for what it was.
Yup, not guilty. Walking the streets, doing the good lord's work.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
My memory isn't what it used to be but I think Z was acquitted by reason of self defense. That means Trayvon was assaulting Zimmerman, a crime by the way, and that Martin was justifiably slain hence no murder occurred.


Well-Known Member
My memory isn't what it used to be but I think Z was acquitted by reason of self defense. That means Trayvon was assaulting Zimmerman, a crime by the way, and that Martin was justifiably slain hence no murder occurred.
you're retarded.

why do you always misremember things in such a way that make black people seem more violent and racist, and never the other way around?

i mean, if this was just a simple case of your memory failing you, you'd think it would go the other way about half the time.

but no, you always concoct these wildly absurd non-realities in that racist old noggin of yours.

zimmerman was never acquitted "on self defense", you dumb shit.

martin was never found guilty of assault, you racist asshat.

zimmerman was barely not convicted of murder or manslaughter, and that is all.

keep pushing these false narratives, then scratch your dumb head and keep wondering why people know you for the racist you are.


Well-Known Member
Yup, they ALMOST bought into the bullshit. Right up until the more intelligent, level-headed jurors were able to convince them how fucking stupid their position was, based on the evidence.
no, that's actually not what happened if you listen to what the jurors said.

if you recall, this went down a lot like the OJ case, where the jurors remained convinced of zimmerman being a complete douche, but the prosecution simply didn't have the complete slam dunk needed.

of course, reality is not your favorite thing in the world, as evidenced by imagined 10 point romney leads and your notion that getting rid of SS is somehow a popular notion.


New Member
you're retarded.

why do you always misremember things in such a way that make black people seem more violent and racist, and never the other way around?

i mean, if this was just a simple case of your memory failing you, you'd think it would go the other way about half the time.

but no, you always concoct these wildly absurd non-realities in that racist old noggin of yours.

zimmerman was never acquitted "on self defense", you dumb shit.

martin was never found guilty of assault, you racist asshat.

zimmerman was barely not convicted of murder or manslaughter, and that is all.

keep pushing these false narratives, then scratch your dumb head and keep wondering why people know you for the racist you are.
Nothing you, Obama and his band of race hustlin' pimps can do or say to change the fact zimm was defending himself and the jury of his peers thought so...

You just keep queefing yourself over the thought "trayvon could've been me 20 years ago" in reference to the One's posse of black friends growing up...

desert dude

Well-Known Member
you're retarded.

why do you always misremember things in such a way that make black people seem more violent and racist, and never the other way around?

i mean, if this was just a simple case of your memory failing you, you'd think it would go the other way about half the time.

but no, you always concoct these wildly absurd non-realities in that racist old noggin of yours.

zimmerman was never acquitted "on self defense", you dumb shit.

martin was never found guilty of assault, you racist asshat.

zimmerman was barely not convicted of murder or manslaughter, and that is all.

keep pushing these false narratives, then scratch your dumb head and keep wondering why people know you for the racist you are.
Poor Buck, the world just refuses to conform to your mudscuttling. Zimmerman never denied that he shot and killed Trayvon. The jury acquitted him because the shooting was justified. He was acquitted because he shot and killed Martin in self defense: that was the entire case as presented by the defense. Two conclusion can be drawn from this:

1. Trayvon Martin was not murdered, he died because of his own bad actions.
2. Trayvon Martin assaulted Zimmerman so viciously that Zimmerman feared for his life. If this point is not established, then the jury would have convicted Zimmerman of at least manslaughter; they would have had no choice but to convict Zimmerman if they decided Martin acted legally.

There is no doubt whatever that Martin committed a crime. I know this does not comport with "the world according to Marie of Romania". All I can suggest is suck it up and move on to the next progressive lost cause.


Well-Known Member
I can say with 100% certainty that I believe echelon1k and desert dude are without a shadow of a doubt, certifiably racist.


Well-Known Member
I can say with 100% certainty that I believe echelon1k and desert dude are without a shadow of a doubt, certifiably racist.
they did both join a group of "like minded" white supremacists and holocaust deniers several times.

not even kidding about that, you can ask them.

they both joined a group of "like minded" white supremacists, but of course that does not make them racist.