Well-Known Member
so you moved to africa since day before yesterday.
Delightful Folktale Bwana
Umm. Yes. I live in Southern Madagascar, I paid 46980 Malagasy ariary for an ounce of weed. Don't your read my other posts?
so you moved to africa since day before yesterday.
Delightful Folktale Bwana
Umm. Yes. I live in Southern Madagascar, I paid 46980 Malagasy ariary for an ounce of weed. Don't your read my other posts?
what part of Arizona is "Madagascar" exactly?
what part of Arizona is "Madagascar" exactly?
the part with a sense of humor.
you've probably never heard of it.
He doesn't realize. His back is so jacked up against a wall, he thinks that everything I say is serious. Total fucking dipshit.
He doesn't realize. His back is so jacked up against a wall, he thinks that everything I say is serious. Total fucking dipshit.
beware that he is currently very likely composing a TL;DR manifesto as to why you are stupid, a leftist, a bolshevik, a commie, a marxist, a 7nth night socialist, a mudscuttle, and not worthy of his Well Refined Intellect (random capitalization for effect).
if you're lucky, there may even be pictures involved to illustrate his e-rage.
so bucky, is this your new Gimp? cheezie get a little too slack in the caboose for your delectation?
shit theres the problem, i turned off my ignore list. lemme fix that shit.
so bucky, is this your new Gimp? cheezie get a little too slack in the caboose for your delectation?
shit theres the problem, i turned off my ignore list. lemme fix that shit.
i just have very little truck with LIARS,
pipe down, you parasitic southerner.
NOBODY has been able to domesticate any african animal,
So, zulu cattle is about as African as you get.
It is often stated that the Nguni cattle arrived in southern Africa with the Nguni-speaking people, ancestors of today's Zulu, Xhosa and Swazi people. However, recent research has revealed that the cattle were probably introduced into southern Africa much earlier than originally thought by the Khoisan-speaking people that were insultingly called Hottentots by the European settlers to arrive in the Cape. In fact there are entries in the early Portuguese explorers' journals detailing how the Khoikhoi rode their cattle into battle like war-horses!
Numida meleagris
Helmeted guinea fowl
Felis silvestris libyca
Feilx the Cat
Cricetomys gambianus
African Giant rat (recent)
Camelus dromedarius
beware that he is currently very likely composing a TL;DR manifesto as to why you are stupid, a leftist, a bolshevik, a commie, a marxist, a 7nth night socialist, a mudscuttle, and not worthy of his Well Refined Intellect (random capitalization for effect).
if you're lucky, there may even be pictures involved to illustrate his e-rage.
So, zulu cattle is about as African as you get.
It is often stated that the Nguni cattle arrived in southern Africa with the Nguni-speaking people, ancestors of today's Zulu, Xhosa and Swazi people. However, recent research has revealed that the cattle were probably introduced into southern Africa much earlier than originally thought by the Khoisan-speaking people that were insultingly called Hottentots by the European settlers to arrive in the Cape. In fact there are entries in the early Portuguese explorers' journals detailing how the Khoikhoi rode their cattle into battle like war-horses!
Numida meleagris
Helmeted guinea fowl
Felis silvestris libyca
Feilx the Cat
Cricetomys gambianus
African Giant rat (recent)
Camelus dromedarius
Do you hate all southerners who aren't black? Or just the ones aligned with the tea party?