Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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Actually, fascism is a form of capitalism, as has been repeatedly demonstrated to you today, including educational and wikipedia links describing the methodical privatization which is characteristic of fascism. Capitalism and socialism are mutually exclusive terms.

Therefore fascism can not be a form of socialism as you suggest. Neither can any form of socialism be correctly described as fascist. Fascism is authoritarian capitalism.

In the same manner by which you assert that Serfs were Volunteers, you use Reverse-Correct Info-Speak to try and turn the tables.

Too bad this table is nailed to the ground by the writings of Marx, Engles, Mussolini, Trotsky, Lenin, Mao and even Hitler.

Fascism is a form of Socialism, but one which True Believers oppose based on their assumption that it will fail, while violent proletarian revolution is always Huge Success. (Lol, Zapatistas)
you are too much of a pussy to stand up to actual racism like that.

That's why you have lived in so many areas where white people make up the largest % of local populaces... Way to put your money where your mouth is... Anonymity doesn't work so well face to face...
That's why you have lived in so many areas where white people make up the largest % of local populaces... Way to put your money where your mouth is... Anonymity doesn't work so well face to face...

actually, white people here are far outnumbered.

but don't let that get in the way of you being constantly angry, dumb, and misinformed.
That's the only true statement you made today. But what you fail to comrehend is the authoritarian component is achieved through socialism.

No, but there is such a thing as authoritarian socialism. However, authoritarian socialism is still not fascism. It's bad and dystopian and sucks, probably worse than fascism actually (definitely worse than fascism for some people) but it is not called fascism.
You're the only one allowed to use that playbook? How unfair! We need a revolution.

I'm not the one calling anyone who does not agree with me a commy, socialist, fascist, marxist, third way socialist, mussolini, hitler, mao, stalin, lenin, democrat, sorry if I missed any of the arbitrary labels.
Is that where you learned about Marxism?

no, i learned about Marxism in a library where his book can be found as well as many others.

i disagree with many people, but only Marxists get called marxists, and only Crypto-Marxists (like you) shit their huggies over it.

all around the world you can find people who are marxists socialists and communists who are proud of their beliefs and dont hide it behind Anarcho-Nebulism or Neo-Socialist Vagueism

why so ashamed?

why not fly your freak flag proudly?

ohh yeah, i almost forgot youre a chompskyite, and thus you cannot EVER say what you mean, instead you regurgitate Chomp Chomp's talking points and pretend youre too clever for anyone to figure it out.

Protip: chomp chomp is a professor of Linguistics (that means he is all about word games, and fake languages) not political science (which is actually political theory) or history. his opinion is useless since he never actually says anything, despite the massive numbers of words he pukes up.
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