So you're saying Marx was pro-privatization now too?
No. Marx would have shit his knickers over Fascism, but only because it was Non-Revolutionary, and thus Counter Revolutionary.
Trotsky, a True Believer, opposed Fascism as a betrayal of Marxist principles, and the proletarian revolution. He was certain that Fascism would never advance to proper Socialism, and thus would never achieve the evolution to Communism which was the basis for all Marxist thought.
Trotsky similarly opposed Bolshevism, as a betrayal of the proletarian revolution, and institution of what amounted to a feudal, class based society which strip-mined Marxist rhetoric for the titles of the new nobility.
This is why Trotsky was airbrushed out of Bolshevik History, was exiled to Mexico, and died with an icepick in his ear courtesy of Stalin and the KGB.
Fascism (Third Way Socialism) remains the only viable means of expansion for Marxist thought in the west, as happy prosperous people have proved difficult to radicalize, and Marxism has been thoroughly discredited by history.
True Marxists and Trotskyites may not like it, but it's all the "Progressives" have left in their playbook.
You think Mussolini would have developed his brand of slow creeping Marxism if he could have simply overthrown the Capitalist regime by hurling bodies at the barricades?
The Italian Proles weren't buying what the Communists and Socialists were selling, so Mussolini decided to take the long way round. That's what Hitler, Franco and Peron did too. Otherwise they would have been hung as insurrectionists when their tiny cadre of loyal Marxists failed to overcome the Democratically elected governments of their nations.