desert dude
Well-Known Member
is that the best you have?
EDIT: who mentioned legs?![]()
The old school way of getting rid of that pesky stubble:

is that the best you have?
EDIT: who mentioned legs?![]()
I have never heard a righty suggest ignoring any part of the constitution.
I am really struggling with this "abortion is a constitutionally protected right" thing. Buck, you have obviously overlooked my repeated pleas for you to direct me to the part of the constitution that guarantees a right to perform an abortion?
that's because you are fucking retarded and dishonest above all else.
that is left as an exercise to the reader, in hopes that you may be able to un-retardify yourself, if only slightly.
i think it's pretty fucked that a women cannot make choices about her own body in Texas..the only ones who want it this way are the pubsters and their so-called "values" a women who has an abortion has no values..who are "they" to say..texas men yammering and yapping like the little dogs u are..i have a friend who's opening up a restaurant in Palo Alto..Mexican i think..he's an investor from Columbia and wants a staff of all white people..he says he has special treatment for you white boys..and yes the #5 does come with refried beans..
EDIT: did they proof the copy above?..sheeeeesh!
You go girl! Kill that POS parasite. Every time one of those vile demons is exorcised a woman finally gets their dignity. All sexual acts are man's domination. One day all men will get exterminated and the world shall have peace. Dworkin is great!
right and since the great state of texass now only has ONE abortion facility for the ENTIRE state thanks to the pubsters and rick the dick..the doctors then had to get admitting priviledges at a hospital which, is virtually impossible..i'd rather deal with voter suppression at least i'm in control and have the ability to can change it..
DD..i left the "d" in privileges for just for you![]()
So, it was Fox News that jettisoned the bill of rights after the Boston bombing? Funny, I thought it was the city leaders of Boston and Massachusetts who shut down the city and turned it into a gulag. I am not up on Boston politics but I am gonna guess it is run by a bunch of lefty Democrats.
Asking you to show me where in the US constitution exists a right to perform an abortion, or hire one done, was a rhetorical question whose only purpose was to make you squirm. Every school boy knows that "abortion" is not mentioned in the constitution. Hearing the word "penumbra" and being forced to figure out "what the fuck that means" might be the only good thing that came out of Roe V Wade.
It is heartening to hear you pretend to be a defender of the constitution, Buck. Your two-faced verbal gymnastics have been amusing to read.
Let me save you some typing:
I have a can opener around here somewhere... Next time you need one just hop up on the table and we can take care of that for ya.... Oh, I hope you have admitting priviledges at a hospital because I sure as shit dont...
Left the D in because I dont give a fuck...
that's because you are fucking retarded and dishonest above all else.
that is left as an exercise to the reader, in hopes that you may be able to un-retardify yourself, if only slightly.
like Han Solo dumping his cargo at the first sign of an Imperial cruiser
Most relevant since I recently purchased the whole Star Wars saga on bluray and Jabba the Hutt says this same line 3 times.
NoDrama, I'm waiting until Disney releases the Star Wars theatrical editions.
If access to heathcare is a Right to Life. Certainly, an unborn baby should have more Rights than, say, a Puppy, I think.
Why are the unborn not entitled to this Constitutional Right? Where is PETA when we really need them?
- I know. A woman's right to choose. Yes?
But, I must say, in history and in much of the world, women don't get to choose......this (whatever you want to call it)
I'm not taking sides and I have taken part in it, but it is one of the very fine lines. And surely this Judge just sees Right to Life as an issue. But, haven't read the opinion.
I don't think any State can outlaw abortion, at this point, can they?
for the same reason an unborn fetus and puppies cannot marry, vote or own property..your argument is ridiculous..Right to Life is an activism group last i looked.
Can an unborn fetus or a puppy feel pain? Children can't vote either....abort them?
Maybe they shouldnt require people to get PHD's before doing abortions too eh? Maybe we can somehow figure out how to do them in a drive through... Do you want fries with that Ma'am?
for the same reason an unborn fetus and puppies cannot marry, vote or own property..your argument is ridiculous..Right to Life is an activism group last i looked.
Oh Please, kill me now!
We are talking about this, not your monsters under the bed. Activists! You are an activist to want abortions. That is the other way to look at it.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
Natural Rights:
The classic definition of "natural rights" are "life, liberty, and property", but these need to be expanded somewhat. They are rights of "personhood", not "citizenship". These rights are not all equally basic, but form a hierarchy of derivation, with those listed later being generally derived from those listed earlier.
Personal Security (Life):
(1) Not to be killed.
(2) Not to be injured or abused.
good luck getting your fetus qualified for those UNREGULATED non-stated subprime loans you hold so near and dear..oh! but wait! we ARE talking subprime loans..QUALIFIED!