My hash press!
$1.54 at Home Depot.
1 - hammer, I use a 1lb dead blow hammer, but any hammer will do.
1 - pvc fitting is 1/2" slip x 3/4" thread as a body to press kief in.
1 - dowel 1/2" x 6" or substitute a tool.
6- Nickels fit nice and tight, I stack 3 then fill with up to 4 grams of kief, cover with another Nickel and place on hard surface.
I use a 3/8" nut driver as my dowel, just place over nickel hit start hitting with hammer stack another nickel when it goes down.
You will warp the nickels if you only use 1 or 2, use 3 min on the bottom and 2-3 on top then Pound.
After you crush it flip it over and use your tool or dowel and hammer and tap out the nickels and pressed kief.
I set my oven to 220 (I use a heat gun to keep accurate) place pressed kief on foil heat for 10 minutes.
Remove and wrap in Saran Wrap and roll with anything round.
throw it in the freezer and wait an hour.
Throw back in press then freeze press so cookie will separate from nickel. The Nickels will get some build up, mine have!
You will have a nice chunk, it's a two gram minimum to get a good cookie, I have wedged 5 grams into the tube.
Just pound some make space then add some more then pound some more.
then bake!