Obama's Fake Lead in the Polls, Exposed!

Just my $0.02:
Congressional Republicans: 20% approval
Congressional Democrats: 33% approval
Obama: 44% approval

DAMN!!! Teapublicans are in BAD SHAPE.
I think the long and short of it is the American public thinks the shit that is going on in DC is just that.

And I agree wholeheartedly.
And this is what Republicans wanted to have happen all along. They make enough noise in the hopes that people will listen and vote Republican, or they cause such a mess on capital hill that voters are disgusted by both parties. Job well done Republicans. Way to ruin a country.
And this is what Republicans wanted to have happen all along. They make enough noise in the hopes that people will listen and vote Republican, or they cause such a mess on capital hill that voters are disgusted by both parties. Job well done Republicans. Way to ruin a country.
"this is what Republicans wanted to have happen all along." We would have stronger faith in your powers to read the minds of Republicans if you had said this a month ago. Now it just looks like you're a sore loser.
Neither party can be absolved of blame.
They own that mess - every single one of them, but ownership is not a strong suit with their ilk.
Neither party can be absolved of blame.
They own that mess - every single one of them, but ownership is not a strong suit with their ilk.

I agree in part. But if you look to the evolution of where we are today, from say mid 2007, especially with the onset of rhetorical bullshit coming from Fox Noise, you will see that we would be in far less "turmoil" than we are.

Both sides are slimy. That's the nature of politics, something I have to live with I suppose. But clearly one side is much slimier than the other.
I agree in part. But if you look to the evolution of where we are today, from say mid 2007, especially with the onset of rhetorical bullshit coming from Fox Noise, you will see that we would be in far less "turmoil" than we are.

Both sides are slimy. That's the nature of politics, something I have to live with I suppose. But clearly one side is much slimier than the other.

Were I connected with one party or the other I might agree/disagree depending on fence placement.
I opine that they all have an equally slimy finger in this shit pie.
"this is what Republicans wanted to have happen all along." We would have stronger faith in your powers to read the minds of Republicans if you had said this a month ago. Now it just looks like you're a sore loser.

I didn't lose anything bro. I make good money, I live where I want to live, I fuck who I want to fuck, and I blow shit up with my assault rifles because I can. We have a black man as president, and I am proud of that fact. I am also very happy that Republicans are imploding all on their own with little help from me.

re: We would have stronger faith in your powers -- Yep, it always boils down to faith with you people. Leave faith out of intelligent conversations please.
Were I connected with one party or the other I might agree/disagree depending on fence placement.
I opine that they all have an equally slimy finger in this shit pie.

Yea, I disagree to the point that it is equal share. It is not. The general public recognizes this. We see it the latest polls.

Like yourself I actually toe the fence line a little. I am definitely more liberal leaning that you, but I do hold conservative views. Conservative in that I am fiscally conservative. I want oversight, which used to be a conservative thing, and now Republicans are demanding less oversight.
I agree in part. But if you look to the evolution of where we are today, from say mid 2007, especially with the onset of rhetorical bullshit coming from Fox Noise, you will see that we would be in far less "turmoil" than we are. Both sides are slimy. That's the nature of politics, something I have to live with I suppose. But clearly one side is much slimier than the other.
I find your confession quit refreshing.
"this is what Republicans wanted to have happen all along." We would have stronger faith in your powers to read the minds of Republicans if you had said this a month ago. Now it just looks like you're a sore loser.

i can post videos of the republicans rooting for a shutdown since before the 2010 elections.

but you don't care about evidence, so why bother?
"this is what Republicans wanted to have happen all along." We would have stronger faith in your powers to read the minds of Republicans if you had said this a month ago. Now it just looks like you're a sore loser.

Actions speak MUCH LOUDER than YOUR words.
I seem to reduced you to irrelevant cliches.

that was almost a sentence in english.

that lynn westmoreland (R-GA) told people that he would need their support when they ended up shutting down the government before the 2010 elections is not a cliche, it is a historically documented event that proves you are so full of shit that it is coming out of your ears.
Damn Buckie,

You went through all this trouble and time, I must have hit a sensitive nerve with you by posting those pics of your gear hanging over a box of cat shit!
This all could have been avoided if you would have just admitted you only had 9 plants last year and not challenged me to prove it.

Sorry I humiliated you, I had no idea you'd be this embarrassed.

My apologies.

BTW, my quote you have as your signature, well, that too was a cut on how small the crop you were bragging on.